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Top 50 Dr. Angela Lee Duckworth Quotes (GRIT)

Top 5 Most Famous Angela Duckworth Quotes (INSPIRATIONAL)

Our potential is one thing. What we do with it is quite another.Pin
Our potential is one thing. What we do with it is quite another.
It soon became clear that doing one thing better and better might be more satisfying than staying an amateur at many different things.Pin
It soon became clear that doing one thing better and better might be more satisfying than staying an amateur at many different things.
People with grit don’t believe that failure is a permanent condition.Pin
People with grit don’t believe that failure is a permanent condition.
When it comes to how we fare in the marathon of life, effort counts tremendously.Pin
When it comes to how we fare in the marathon of life, effort counts tremendously.
Optimistic young adults stay healthier throughout middle age and, ultimately, live longer than pessimists.Pin
Optimistic young adults stay healthier throughout middle age and, ultimately, live longer than pessimists.

31 Best Grit Quotes by Dr. Angela Lee Duckworth (EFFORT)

“Staying on the treadmill is one thing, and I do think it’s related to staying true to our commitments even when we’re not comfortable. But getting back on the treadmill the next day, eager to try again, is in my view even more reflective of grit. Because when you don’t come back the next day – when you permanently turn your back on a commitment – your effort plummets to zero. As a consequence, your skills stop improving, and at the same time, you stop producing anything with whatever skills you have.”

Angela Duckworth
Consistency of effort over the long run is everything. - Angela Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Consistency of effort over the long run is everything.
Someone twice as talented but half as hardworking as another person might reach the same level of skill but still produce dramatically less over time. - Angela Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Someone twice as talented but half as hardworking as another person might reach the same level of skill but still produce dramatically less over time.
With EFFORT, talent becomes skill and, at the same time, effort makes skill productive. - Angela Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
With EFFORT, talent becomes skill and, at the same time, effort makes skill productive.
Enthusiasm is common. Endurance is rare. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Enthusiasm is common. Endurance is rare.
Do things better than they have ever been done before. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Do things better than they have ever been done before.
What I mean is that you care about that same ultimate goal in an abiding, loyal, steady way. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
What I mean is that you care about that same ultimate goal in an abiding, loyal, steady way.
A lack of grit can come from having less coherent goal structures. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
A lack of grit can come from having less coherent goal structures.
Morally, there was no 'right decision,' only a decision that was right for me. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Morally, there was no ‘right decision,’ only a decision that was right for me.
Every successful person has to decide what to do in part by deciding what not to do. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Every successful person has to decide what to do in part by deciding what not to do.
You need ONE internal compass - not two, three, four, or five. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
You need ONE internal compass – not two, three, four, or five.
I learned that being a 'promising beginner' is fun, but being an actual expert is infinitely more gratifying. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
I learned that being a ‘promising beginner’ is fun, but being an actual expert is infinitely more gratifying.
Our early interests are fragile, vaguely defined, and in need of energetic, years-long cultivation and refinement. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Our early interests are fragile, vaguely defined, and in need of energetic, years-long cultivation and refinement.
Even the most accomplished of experts start out as unserious beginners. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Even the most accomplished of experts start out as unserious beginners.
Kids whose parents let them make their own choices about what they like are more likely to develop interests later identified as passion. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Kids whose parents let them make their own choices about what they like are more likely to develop interests later identified as passion.
At the start of an endeavor, we need encouragement and freedom to figure out what we enjoy. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
At the start of an endeavor, we need encouragement and freedom to figure out what we enjoy.
You may choose to write.  your top-level goal in indelible ink, but until you know for sure, work in pencil. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
You may choose to write.  your top-level goal in indelible ink, but until you know for sure, work in pencil.
Not just more time on task, but also better time on task. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Not just more time on task, but also better time on task.
Experts are more interested in what they did wrong - so they can fix it - then what they did right. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Experts are more interested in what they did wrong – so they can fix it – then what they did right.
Gritty people do more deliberate practice and experience more flow. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Gritty people do more deliberate practice and experience more flow.
Deliberate practice is for preparation, and flow is for performance. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Deliberate practice is for preparation, and flow is for performance.
Nobody wants to show you the hours and hours of becoming. They'd rather show the highlight of what they've become. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Nobody wants to show you the hours and hours of becoming. They’d rather show the highlight of what they’ve become.
Mindlessly 'going through the motions' without improvement - can be its own form of suffering. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Mindlessly ‘going through the motions’ without improvement – can be its own form of suffering.
Many people are cruising through life doing precisely zero hours of deliberate practice. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Many people are cruising through life doing precisely zero hours of deliberate practice.
Great performers in every domain improve through deliberate practice. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Great performers in every domain improve through deliberate practice.
Every effortless performance on YouTube are hours and hours of unrecorded, invisible-to-outsiders, mistaken-ridden practice. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Every effortless performance on YouTube are hours and hours of unrecorded, invisible-to-outsiders, mistaken-ridden practice.
Wishing you did things better is extremely common during learning. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Wishing you did things better is extremely common during learning.
HABITS: Routines are a godsend when it comes to doing something hard. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
HABITS: Routines are a godsend when it comes to doing something hard.
If you keep practicing in the same time and place, what once took conscious thought to initiate becomes automatic. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
If you keep practicing in the same time and place, what once took conscious thought to initiate becomes automatic.
Most gritty people see their world ultimate aims as deeply connected to the world beyond themselves. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Most gritty people see their world ultimate aims as deeply connected to the world beyond themselves.
I have to admit that, yes, it is possible to be a gritty villain... but my research suggests that there are many more gritty heroes. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
I have to admit that, yes, it is possible to be a gritty villain… but my research suggests that there are many more gritty heroes.

5 Angela Lee Duckworth Quotes on Work & Calling (CAREER)

I have found that only a minority of workers consider their occupations a calling. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
I have found that only a minority of workers consider their occupations a calling.
Just about any occupation can be a job, career, or calling. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Just about any occupation can be a job, career, or calling.
How you see your work is more important than your job title. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
How you see your work is more important than your job title.
You can go from job to career to calling - all without changing your occupation. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
You can go from job to career to calling – all without changing your occupation.
You can want to be a top dog and, at the same time, be driven to help others. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
You can want to be a top dog and, at the same time, be driven to help others.

6 Motivational Dr. Angela Lee Duckworth Quotes (PASSION & PERSEVERANCE)

'I have a feeling tomorrow will be better' is different from 'I resolve to make tomorrow better.' - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
‘I have a feeling tomorrow will be better’ is different from ‘I resolve to make tomorrow better.’
The hope that gritty people have has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with getting up again. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
The hope that gritty people have has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with getting up again.
It isn't suffering that leads to hopelessness. It's suffering you think you can't control. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
It isn’t suffering that leads to hopelessness. It’s suffering you think you can’t control.
Developing passion and perseverance is possible for anyone and everyone.Pin
Developing passion and perseverance is possible for anyone and everyone.
We all recognize effortless entertainment is the enemy of long-term passion and perseverance. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
We all recognize effortless entertainment is the enemy of long-term passion and perseverance.
Grit holds special significance for the achievement of excellence. - Angela Lee Duckworth #angeladuckworth #grit #passion #perseverance #quotesPin
Grit holds special significance for the achievement of excellence.
YouTube video

Conclusion: The Importance of Grit

These are 2 simple questions that I have been wondering for years:

  • Why do certain people achieve success in everything they do, while others struggle to get by?
  • What separates those who get excited only for a year (or less) and those who are consistently on fire?

My unquenchable thirst to answer these questions led me to a personal quest for self-discovery and growth.

I read books on Success & Productivity to learn from the best.

Most talented people we know simply show up every day, putting consistent effort over the long haul.

They stick to one thing and choose not to abandon ship when the going gets tough.

In other words, talented and successful people have GRIT.

Once we are able to cultivate grit in our lives, we too would become unstoppable.

Here are some of the most inspiring Angela Duckworth quotes so you can become grittier in your pursuit of excellence.


Anyone can learn to develop a passion. You and I can be gritty if we want to.

If you can relate with Angela’s quotes, please consider sharing them with your loved ones or purchase her book on Amazon and learn to be gritty yourself.

More about Angela Duckworth

Thanks for reading.

Jeremiah Say

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Angela Duckworth Quotes on Grit, Passion & Perseverance - Gracious Quotes.jpgPin