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21 Antonio Vivaldi Quotes on Life & Music (COMPOSER)

Top 10 Most Famous Antonio Vivaldi Quotes (BEST)

“Springtime is upon us. The birds celebrate her return with festive song, and murmuring streams are softly caressed by the breezes. Thunderstorms, those heralds of Spring, roar, casting their dark mantle over heaven, Then they die away to silence, and the birds take up their charming songs once more.”

Antonio Vivaldi
Human feelings are difficult to predict.Pin
Human feelings are difficult to predict.
If you don’t like this, I’ll stop writing music.Pin
If you don’t like this, I’ll stop writing music.

“I suspected that Beretta was not capable of playing the first harpsichord; Signor Acciaioli assured me, however, that he was a capable artist and an honest man, while I have since discovered that he is a brazen fool.”

Antonio Vivaldi
I beseech you never to deprive me of your most noble patronage and to believe me when I say that I will never forget a prince so replete with goodness and great merits.Pin
I beseech you never to deprive me of your most noble patronage and to believe me when I say that I will never forget a prince so replete with goodness and great merits.
I stay in the house almost all the time and only go out by gondola or carriage, for the pain in my chest or the narrowness of the chest prevents me from walking.Pin
I stay in the house almost all the time and only go out by gondola or carriage, for the pain in my chest or the narrowness of the chest prevents me from walking.

“My reputation in Ferrara has been scourged to such a degree that they have already refused to perform the second opera, Farnace, which I had completely rewritten for the company as per the contract with Mauro.”

Antonio Vivaldi
I'm a coward. I succumbed to jealousy and now it eats my heart.Pin
I’m a coward. I succumbed to jealousy and now it eats my heart.
There are no words, it’s only music there.Pin
There are no words, it’s only music there.
It is impossible to perform the opera without La Girò because it is impossible to find another prima donna of her caliber.Pin
It is impossible to perform the opera without La Girò because it is impossible to find another prima donna of her caliber.

11 Thought-Provoking Antonio Vivaldi Quotes

“I regret that Your Excellency is perhaps already preparing for your trip to Bologna and will not be able to honor this opera of mine with your presence, I believe you would have found it magnificent.”

Antonio Vivaldi
He wished to keep Lanzetti, who only wants to please La Becchera, but he is wrong, because La Isola and associate are not worth the money.Pin
He wished to keep Lanzetti, who only wants to please La Becchera, but he is wrong, because La Isola and associate are not worth the money.
If the most select benefactors do not assist poor wretches the latter must fall into despair.Pin
If the most select benefactors do not assist poor wretches the latter must fall into despair.
I desire to trouble you as little as possible and because my poor pen would be insufficient to write adequate thanks.Pin
I desire to trouble you as little as possible and because my poor pen would be insufficient to write adequate thanks.
His Eminence Cardinal Ruffo is very badly informed if he believes that my opera endeavors are too lavish.Pin
His Eminence Cardinal Ruffo is very badly informed if he believes that my opera endeavors are too lavish.
I cannot allow such a fool to make his fortune by destroying my poor name.Pin
I cannot allow such a fool to make his fortune by destroying my poor name.
If God blesses us till the end, we will make a profit and perhaps a considerable one at that.Pin
If God blesses us till the end, we will make a profit and perhaps a considerable one at that.
After so many maneuvers and a great many toils the opera is now ruined.Pin
After so many maneuvers and a great many toils the opera is now ruined.
We feel the chill north winds coarse through the home despite the locked and bolted doors this is winter, which nonetheless brings its own delights.Pin
We feel the chill north winds coarse through the home despite the locked and bolted doors this is winter, which nonetheless brings its own delights.
The peasant celebrates with song and dance the harvest safely gathered in. The cup of Bacchus flows freely, and many find their relief in deep slumber.Pin
The peasant celebrates with song and dance the harvest safely gathered in. The cup of Bacchus flows freely, and many find their relief in deep slumber.
We hear the cuckoo's voice; Then sweet songs of the turtle dove and finch are heard. Soft breezes stir the air.Pin
We hear the cuckoo’s voice; Then sweet songs of the turtle dove and finch are heard. Soft breezes stir the air.
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(MUST READ) Antonio Vivaldi: The Red Priest of Venice (Amadeus)

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Antonio Vivaldi Quotes on Life & Music (COMPOSER) - Gracious QuotesPin