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51 Most Memorable Quotes from ‘Band of Brothers’ (HBO)

Top 10 Most Famous ‘Band of Brothers’ (HBO Series) Quotes

“Men, it’s been a long war, it’s been a tough war. You’ve fought bravely, proudly for your country. You’re a special group. You’ve found in one another a bond, that exists only in combat, among brothers. You’ve shared foxholes, held each other in dire moments. You’ve seen death and suffered together. I’m proud to have served with each and every one of you. You all deserve long and happy lives in peace.”

German General
Captain Sobel, we salute the rank, not the man. - Richard D. WintersPin
Captain Sobel, we salute the rank, not the man. – Richard D. Winters
I wonder what will happen to us, to people like you and me, when there are no more wars to occupy us - German ColonelPin
I wonder what will happen to us, to people like you and me, when there are no more wars to occupy us? – German Colonel

“The only hope you have is to accept the fact that you’re already dead. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you’ll be able to function as a soldier is supposed to function: without mercy, without compassion, without remorse. All war depends upon it.”

Ronald Speirs
Never put yourself in a position where you can take form these men. - Richard D. WintersPin
Never put yourself in a position where you can take from these men. – Richard D. Winters
Jesus Christ, we gotta do all this with a C.O. who has his head so far up his fuckin' ass, that lump in his throat is his goddamn nose. - William 'Wild Bill' GuarnerePin
Jesus Christ, we gotta do all this with a C.O. who has his head so far up his fuckin’ ass, that lump in his throat is his goddamn nose. – William ‘Wild Bill’ Guarnere

“That night, I took time to thank God for seeing me through that day of days and prayed I would make it through D plus 1. And if, somehow, I managed to get home again, I promised God and myself that I would find a quiet piece of land someplace and spend the rest of my life in peace.”

Richard D. Winters
Hey, Sarge, ya think I overdid it on the cover for my foxhole - Pvt. Edward 'Babe' HeffronPin
Hey, Sarge, ya think I overdid it on the cover for my foxhole? – Pvt. Edward ‘Babe’ Heffron
Listen up. You ready for it German army surrendered. - Richard D. WintersPin
Listen up. You ready for it? German army surrendered. – Richard D. Winters

“Henry the Fifth was talking to his men and he said from this day to the ending of the world we and it shall be remembered. We lucky few, we band of brothers, for he who sheds his blood with me today shall be my brother.”

C. Carwood Lipton

3 ‘Band of Brothers’ (HBO Series) Quotes About Leadership

“On the report it said Compton was being taken off the line because of a bad case of trench foot. It didn’t say anything about him losing his friends. Buck was a great combat leader. He was wounded in Normandy and again in Holland. He received the Silver Star for his part in taking out those German guns on D-Day. He took everything the Krauts could throw at him, time and again. I guess he just couldn’t take seeking his friends Toye and Guarnere torn up like that. No one ever thought less of him for it.”

Carwood Lipton
If you're a leader, you lead the way. Not just on the easy ones. You take the tough ones too. - Richard D. WintersPin
If you’re a leader, you lead the way. Not just on the easy ones. You take the tough ones too. – Richard D. Winters
Dike wasn't a bad leader because he made bad decisions. He was a bad leader because he made no decisions. - C. Carwood LiptonPin
Dike wasn’t a bad leader because he made bad decisions. He was a bad leader because he made no decisions. – C. Carwood Lipton

12 Memorable ‘Band of Brothers’ (HBO Series) Quotes

“I cherish the memories of a question my grandson asked me the other day, when he said, “Grandpa, were you a hero in the war?”. Grandpa said, “No. But I served in a company of heroes.”.”

Richard D. Winters
How could anyone ever know of the price paid by soldiers in terror, agony and bloodshed if they'd never been to places like Normandy, Bastogne or Haguenau - David Kenyon WebsterPin
How could anyone ever know of the price paid by soldiers in terror, agony and bloodshed if they’d never been to places like Normandy, Bastogne or Haguenau? – David Kenyon Webster
Crazy Joe McKlosky was fucking nuts, Babe, that's why they called him Crazy Joe. - William 'Wild Bill' GuarnerePin
Crazy Joe McKlosky was fucking nuts, Babe, that’s why they called him Crazy Joe. – William ‘Wild Bill’ Guarnere

“At first the Germans didn’t shoot at him. I think they couldn’t quite believe what they were seeing. But that wasn’t the really astounding thing. The astounding thing was that, after he hooked up with I Company, he came back.”

Carwood Lipton
If there ain't no body, then there ain't nobody dead. - William 'Wild Bill' GuarnerePin
If there ain’t no body, then there ain’t nobody dead. – William ‘Wild Bill’ Guarnere
Now remember, boys Flies spread disease. So keep yours closed. - George LuzPin
Now remember, boys: Flies spread disease. So keep yours closed. – George Luz

“Where’s Dike? I probably heard that question a thousand times. I probably asked it a few times myself. There were long stretches where we didn’t know where Lieutenant Dike was. He’d disappear go off on his walks for hours at a time.”

Carwood Lipton
We're not lost, Private. We're in Normandy. - Richard D. WintersPin
We’re not lost, Private. We’re in Normandy. – Richard D. Winters
It don't matter where we go. Once we get into combat, the only person you can trust is yourself and the fella next to you. - William J. GuarnerePin
It don’t matter where we go. Once we get into combat, the only person you can trust is yourself and the fella next to you. – William J. Guarnere
I like Winters, he's a good man. But when the bullets start flying, I don't know if I want a Quaker doing my fighting for me. - William 'Wild Bill' GuarnerePin
I like Winters, he’s a good man. But when the bullets start flying, I don’t know if I want a Quaker doing my fighting for me. – William ‘Wild Bill’ Guarnere
I don't know whether to slap you, kiss you, or salute you. - William 'Wild Bill' GuarnerePin
I don’t know whether to slap you, kiss you, or salute you. – William ‘Wild Bill’ Guarnere

“Dike was a favorite of someone at Division. He’d been sent down to E-Company to get some combat experience. Sometimes we got the feeling E-Company was an annoyance to him. Something unpleasant he had to get through before he could continue his march up the ladder.”

Carwood Lipton

2 Frank Perconte Quotes in ‘Band of Brothers’ (HBO Series)

“Do you know why no one remembers your name? It’s because no one wants to remember your name. There’s too many Smiths, DiMattos and O’Keefes and O’Briens, who show up here, replacing Toccoa men that you dumb replacements got killed in the first place! And they’re all like you! They’re all piss and vinegar. “Where’re the Krauts at? Let me at ’em! When do I get to jump into Berlin?” Two days later, there they are with their blood and guts hanging out and they’re screaming for a medic, begging for their goddamn mother. Dumb fucks don’t even know they’re dead yet. Hey, you listening to me? Do you understand this is the best part of the fucking war I’ve seen? I’ve got hot chow, hot showers, warm bed. Germany is almost as good as being home. I even got to wipe my own a** with real toilet paper today. So, quit asking about when you’re gonna see real action, will you?! And stop with the f****** love songs!”

Frank Perconte
Hey this guy says he's not a Nazi. All of Germany and I haven't met one Nazi yet. - Frank PercontePin
Hey this guy says he’s not a Nazi. All of Germany and I haven’t met one Nazi yet. – Frank Perconte

4 Lewis Nixon Quotes in ‘Band of Brothers’ (HBO Series)

I've already seen the States, I grew up there. That's why I cam to Europe, just wish they told me there was a war on. - Lewis NixonPin
I’ve already seen the States, I grew up there. That’s why I cam to Europe, just wish they told me there was a war on. – Lewis Nixon
That's edelweiss. It grows in the mountains, above the treeline. Which means he climbed up there to get it. Supposed to be the mark of a true soldier. - Lewis NixonPin
That’s edelweiss. It grows in the mountains, above the treeline. Which means he climbed up there to get it. Supposed to be the mark of a true soldier. – Lewis Nixon
I heard reports about a redheaded eskimo. Thought I'd check it out. - Lewis NixonPin
I heard reports about a redheaded eskimo. Thought I’d check it out. – Lewis Nixon
Well hello second armored! - Lewis NixonPin
Well hello second armored! – Lewis Nixon

3 David Webster Quotes in ‘Band of Brothers’ (HBO Series)

“Hey, you! That’s right, you stupid Kraut bastards! That’s right! Say hello to Ford, and General f****** Motors! You stupid fascist pigs! Look at you! You have horses! What were you thinking? Dragging our a**** half way around the world, interrupting our lives… For what, you ignorant, servile scum! What the f*** are we doing here?”

David Webster
They got me. You believe that You believe I said that - David WebsterPin
“They got me”. You believe that? You believe I said that? – David Webster

“In war, soldiers sometimes die in the fever pitch of a fire fight, or by artillery when they’re huddled in a foxhole. Bill Kiehn, a Toccoa man, was killed because he was carrying a sack of potatoes from one building into another.”

David Webster

2 Ronald Speirs Quotes in ‘Band of Brothers’ (HBO Series)

When you talk to an officer, you say 'sir'. - Ronald SpeirsPin
When you talk to an officer, you say “sir”. – Ronald Speirs
Have the MPs take care of this piece of shit. - Ronald SpeirsPin
Have the MPs take care of this piece of shit. – Ronald Speirs

3 Harry Welsh Quotes in ‘Band of Brothers’ (HBO Series)

Kitty's gonna love this. How many brides get a wedding gift from Hitler - Harry WelshPin
Kitty’s gonna love this. How many brides get a wedding gift from Hitler? – Harry Welsh
I want light and noise discipline from now on. That means no talking, no smoking, and no playing grab-fanny with the man in front of you, Luz. - Harry WelshPin
I want light and noise discipline from now on. That means no talking, no smoking, and no playing grab-fanny with the man in front of you, Luz. – Harry Welsh
Oh, you beautiful babies, you! - Harry WelshPin
Oh, you beautiful babies, you! – Harry Welsh

2 Herbert M. Sobel Quotes in ‘Band of Brothers’ (HBO Series)

Lieutenant, deploy your troops. - Herbert M. SobelPin
Lieutenant, deploy your troops. – Herbert M. Sobel
Three miles up, three miles down! Currahee! - Herbert M. SobelPin
Three miles up, three miles down! Currahee! – Herbert M. Sobel

10 ‘Band of Brothers’ (HBO Series) Quotes That Will Make You Think

“Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die!
Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die!
Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die!
He ain’t gonna jump no more!”

Easy Company
Are those dusty jump wings How do you expect to slay the Huns with dust on your jump wings - George LuzPin
Are those dusty jump wings? How do you expect to slay the Huns with dust on your jump wings? – George Luz

“Kids, I just had a conversation with General LeClerc. He told me he was first into Paris, and by God, he wanted to be first into Berchtesgaden. I told him I understood his point. Now you fire up Second Battalion and outflank that French son of a b****!”

Col. Sink
Ahh… Thus ends the end of my second war. - German SoldierPin
Ahh… Thus ends the end of my second war. – German Soldier

“It’s gonna be good times, Web… When we get home I mean… First thing I’m gonna do is get my job back at the cab company in Frisco. Make a killing of all those f****** sailors coming home, you know? Then I’m gonna find me a nice Jewish girl, with great big soft t******* and a smile to die for. Marry her. Then I’m gonna buy a house… A big house, with lots of bedrooms for all the little Liebgotts we’re gonna be making.”

Joseph Liebgott
Hey, Joe, I told you I'd beat you back to the states. - William 'Wild Bill' GuarnerePin
Hey, Joe, I told you I’d beat you back to the states. – William ‘Wild Bill’ Guarnere

“Hey guys, I’m glad we’re going to Europe. Hitler gets one of these right across the windpipe. Roosevelt changes Thanksgiving to Joe Toye Day, pays me ten grand a year for the rest of my f****** life.”

Oh Lord, grant that I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, or to be loved as to love with all my heart. - Cpl. Eugene RoePin
Oh Lord, grant that I shall never seek so much to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, or to be loved as to love with all my heart. – Cpl. Eugene Roe
And here we all are. - British ParatrooperPin
And here we all are. – British Paratrooper
All right, Kraut boys! Handy-hock! - Sgt. Wayne 'Skinny' SiskPin
All right, Kraut boys! Handy-hock! – Sgt. Wayne ‘Skinny’ Sisk
YouTube video

(MUST READ) Band of Brothers: E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy to Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest

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Most Memorable Quotes from 'Band of Brothers' (HBO) - Gracious QuotesPin