Authors / Writers

46 Bryant H. McGill Quotes (SIMPLE REMINDERS)

Top 10 Inspirational Bryant H. McGill Quotes

No one is more insufferable than he who lacks basic courtesy.Pin
No one is more insufferable than he who lacks basic courtesy.
A mistake made by many people with great convictions is that they will let nothing stand in the way of their views, not even kindness.Pin
A mistake made by many people with great convictions is that they will let nothing stand in the way of their views, not even kindness.
One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.Pin
One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.
Within the hearts of men, loyalty and consideration are esteemed greater than success.Pin
Within the hearts of men, loyalty and consideration are esteemed greater than success.
There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.Pin
There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.
A person who makes few mistakes makes little progress.Pin
A person who makes few mistakes makes little progress.
Ambition is not what a man would do, but what a man does, for ambition without action is fantasy.Pin
Ambition is not what a man would do, but what a man does, for ambition without action is fantasy.
American society will never completely understand the true meaning of equality.Pin
American society will never completely understand the true meaning of equality.
Do not make the mistake of thinking that you have to agree with people and their beliefs to defend them from injustice.Pin
Do not make the mistake of thinking that you have to agree with people and their beliefs to defend them from injustice.
You cannot save everyone. Some people are going to destroy themselves no matter how much you try to help them.Pin
You cannot save everyone. Some people are going to destroy themselves no matter how much you try to help them.

36 Motivational Bryant McGill Quotes to Empower and Inspire You (COURAGE, CHANGE & KINDNESS)

Change will never happen when people lack the ability and courage to see themselves for who they are.Pin
Change will never happen when people lack the ability and courage to see themselves for who they are.
An intelligent person is never afraid or ashamed to find errors in his understanding of things.Pin
An intelligent person is never afraid or ashamed to find errors in his understanding of things.
A polite enemy is just as difficult to discredit, as a rude friend is to protect.Pin
A polite enemy is just as difficult to discredit, as a rude friend is to protect.
Architects of grandeur are often the master builders of disillusionment.Pin
Architects of grandeur are often the master builders of disillusionment.
Birth and death; we all move between these two unknowns.Pin
Birth and death; we all move between these two unknowns.
Whatever makes you uncomfortable is your biggest opportunity for growth.Pin
Whatever makes you uncomfortable is your biggest opportunity for growth.
Suffering is one of life’s great teachers.Pin
Suffering is one of life’s great teachers.
You will not be the same after the storms of life; you will be stronger, wiser and more alive than ever before!Pin
You will not be the same after the storms of life; you will be stronger, wiser and more alive than ever before!

“Callousness and insolence bring to bare unanimous social condemnation, while the simple efforts of politeness are admired; even in those who are otherwise despised.”

Bryant H. McGill
The greatest joys in life are found not only in what we do and feel, but also in our quiet hopes and labors for others.Pin
The greatest joys in life are found not only in what we do and feel, but also in our quiet hopes and labors for others.
Your struggle is your strength. If you can resist becoming negative, bitter or hopeless, in time, your struggles will give you everything.Pin
Your struggle is your strength. If you can resist becoming negative, bitter or hopeless, in time, your struggles will give you everything.
The world is not fair, and often fools, cowards, liars and the selfish hide in high places.Pin
The world is not fair, and often fools, cowards, liars and the selfish hide in high places.
Stop holding on to the wrong people. Let them go on their own way; if not for you, then for them.Pin
Stop holding on to the wrong people. Let them go on their own way; if not for you, then for them.
Every positive thought is a silent prayer which will change your life.Pin
Every positive thought is a silent prayer which will change your life.
Quit saying you don’t have time. You have time for what you make time for in life.Pin
Quit saying you don’t have time. You have time for what you make time for in life.
The worst bullies you will ever encounter in your life are your own thoughts.Pin
The worst bullies you will ever encounter in your life are your own thoughts.
Take without forgetting, and give without remembering.Pin
Take without forgetting, and give without remembering.
If you do not like a certain behavior in others, look within yourself to find the roots of what discomforts you.Pin
If you do not like a certain behavior in others, look within yourself to find the roots of what discomforts you.

“Everything comes by being! Be the love you seek. Be the friend you seek. Be the lover you seek. Be the honesty you seek. Be the integrity you seek. Be the patience you seek. Be the tolerance you seek. Be the compassion you seek.”

Bryant H. McGill
There is no greater intelligence than kindness and empathy.Pin
There is no greater intelligence than kindness and empathy.
Good manners are appreciated as much as bad manners are abhorred.Pin
Good manners are appreciated as much as bad manners are abhorred.
Empowerment is never about blame; it is about taking personal responsibility.Pin
Empowerment is never about blame; it is about taking personal responsibility.
Don't hold together what must fall apart. The familiar life crumbles so the new life can begin.Pin
Don’t hold together what must fall apart. The familiar life crumbles so the new life can begin.
Within you, you will find everything you need to be complete.Pin
Within you, you will find everything you need to be complete.

“If you want good things to happen in your life you first have to believe good things are possible for yourself. Quit allowing negative and cynical thinking to get in the way of the good life you deserve.”

Bryant H. McGill
If you can sit with your pain, listen to your pain and respect your pain — in time you will move through your pain.Pin
If you can sit with your pain, listen to your pain and respect your pain — in time you will move through your pain.
Change can be beautiful when we are brave enough to evolve with it, and change can be brutal when we fearfully resist.Pin
Change can be beautiful when we are brave enough to evolve with it, and change can be brutal when we fearfully resist.
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.Pin
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
You will find what you are looking for, so look for something beautiful!Pin
You will find what you are looking for, so look for something beautiful!
Most people do not actually know how to think for themselves, and unfortunately, that prevents them from even knowing it.Pin
Most people do not actually know how to think for themselves, and unfortunately, that prevents them from even knowing it.
If you want your life to be different, you have to start reacting to life differently.Pin
If you want your life to be different, you have to start reacting to life differently.
Seek goodness and be goodness. Seek beauty and be beauty. Seek love and be love.Pin
Seek goodness and be goodness. Seek beauty and be beauty. Seek love and be love.
Love is not about finding the right person, but about being the right person.Pin
Love is not about finding the right person, but about being the right person.
We believe we are the consumers, but we are the consumed.Pin
We believe we are the consumers, but we are the consumed.
Practice being at peace with imperfection and even enjoying it.Pin
Practice being at peace with imperfection and even enjoying it.
Who were you before the world told you what you were not?Pin
Who were you before the world told you what you were not?
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Bryant Harrison McGill Short Biography

Born on 7 November 1969, in Mobile, Alabama, United States, Bryant Harrison McGill is a best-selling author, speaker, and activist.

McGill was adopted as a child and bullied when he was in high school and credits these and his dyslexia to cause him to drop out of high school. He later says his dyslexia was the key to his creativity.

He wrote Poet’s Muse in 2005 a book that helps poets who are struggling with their writer’s block or simply looking for inspiration.

In 2012 McGill published his best-selling book, Voice of Reason: Speaking to the Great and Good Spirits Revolution of Mind. McGill’s book was acclaimed by some of the top humanitarian icons for its inspirational and thought-provoking call to examine one’s self in a time of world crisis and self-involvement.

Several of his writings on self-development have been used in books, newspapers, political speeches, TV programs, academic papers, and many more.

In 2009 McGill was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, six years later he was chosen by the UN to become a Global Champion and became a proponent to the He/She Initiatives.

His writings are often used as a reference in many university-level classes.

Further Reading:

Here are the best Bryant H. McGill quotes so you can be inspired to strive for positivity every day and live life to the fullest.


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Bryant H. McGill Quotes (SIMPLE REMINDERS) - Gracious QuotesPin