Authors / Writers

56 Guy Kawasaki Quotes on Success (BUSINESS)

Top 10 Most Famous Guy Kawasaki Quotes (BEST)

“Do not write to impress others. Authors who write to impress people have difficulty remaining true to themselves. A better path is to write what pleases you and pray that there are others like you. Your first and most important reader is you. If you write a book that pleases you, at least you know one person will like it.”

Guy Kawasaki
Simple and to the point is always the best way to get your point across.Pin
Simple and to the point is always the best way to get your point across.
The best reason to start an organization is to make meaning; to create a product or service to make the world a better place.Pin
The best reason to start an organization is to make meaning; to create a product or service to make the world a better place.
What I lack in talent, I compensate with my willingness to grind it out. That's the secret of my life.Pin
What I lack in talent, I compensate with my willingness to grind it out. That’s the secret of my life.
If you can’t describe your business model in ten words or fewer, you don’t have a business model.Pin
If you can’t describe your business model in ten words or fewer, you don’t have a business model.

“Just be nice, take genuine interest in the people you meet, and keep in touch with people you like. This will create a group of people who are invested in helping you because they know you and appreciate you.”

Guy Kawasaki
Organisations are successful because of good implementation, not good business plans.Pin
Organisations are successful because of good implementation, not good business plans.
Entrepreneur is not a job title. It is a state of mind of people who want to alter the future.Pin
Entrepreneur is not a job title. It is a state of mind of people who want to alter the future.
Better to fail at doing the right thing than to succeed at doing the wrong thing.Pin
Better to fail at doing the right thing than to succeed at doing the wrong thing.
The next time you think that there's something that you 'can't live without,' wait for a week and then see if you're still alive or not.Pin
The next time you think that there’s something that you ‘can’t live without,’ wait for a week and then see if you’re still alive or not.

5 Guy Kawasaki Quotes to Inspire Success in Your Business

“If you want to make a good first impression, smile at people. What does it cost to smile? Nothing. What does it cost not to smile? Everything, if not smiling prevents you from enchanting people.”

Guy Kawasaki
Call me idealistic, but the genesis of great companies is answering simple questions that change the world, not the desire to become rich.Pin
Call me idealistic, but the genesis of great companies is answering simple questions that change the world, not the desire to become rich.
Provide good content and you’ll earn the right to promote your product... The key is to always provide value.Pin
Provide good content and you’ll earn the right to promote your product… The key is to always provide value.
The purpose of most keynotes is to entertain and inform the audience. It is seldom intended to provide an opportunity to pitch your product.Pin
The purpose of most keynotes is to entertain and inform the audience. It is seldom intended to provide an opportunity to pitch your product.

“Great companies start because the founders want to change the world… not make a fast buck. Call me a romantic, but I think entrepreneurs should try to change the world. This comes from working at Apple… old habits die hard.”

Guy Kawasaki

6 Guy Kawasaki Quotes on the Definition of Business

“Want to change the world? Upset the status quo? This takes more than run-of-the-mill relationships. You need to make people dream the same dream that you do.”

Guy Kawasaki
A real business is one with something to sell  — not one where people have business cards and letterhead.Pin
A real business is one with something to sell  — not one where people have business cards and letterhead.
Meaning is not creating a cool place to work with free food, Ping-Pong, volleyball, and dogs. Meaning is making the world a better place.Pin
Meaning is not creating a cool place to work with free food, Ping-Pong, volleyball, and dogs. Meaning is making the world a better place.
If you make meaning, you’ll probably also make money.Pin
If you make meaning, you’ll probably also make money.
How long should our business plan be Answer you’re looking for You shouldn’t write a business plan. You should get customers.Pin
How long should our business plan be? Answer you’re looking for: You shouldn’t write a business plan. You should get customers.
How about first ensuring that people within a twenty-mile radius like the food before worrying about scaling the restaurant?Pin
How about first ensuring that people within a twenty-mile radius like the food before worrying about scaling the restaurant?

6 Guy Kawasaki Quotes on Entrepreneurship

“Also, like the Holy Grail, the business plan remains largely unattainable and mythological. Most experts wouldn’t agree, but a business plan is of limited usefulness for a startup because entrepreneurs base so much of their plans on assumptions, ‘visions,’ and unknowns.”

Guy Kawasaki
Doing, not learning to do, is the essence of entrepreneurship.Pin
Doing, not learning to do, is the essence of entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship is at its best when it alters the future, and it alters the future when it jumps curves.Pin
Entrepreneurship is at its best when it alters the future, and it alters the future when it jumps curves.
My hypothesis is that the more an entrepreneur insists on a nondisclosure agreement, the less viable the idea.Pin
My hypothesis is that the more an entrepreneur insists on a nondisclosure agreement, the less viable the idea.
The good news about entrepreneurship is that your fate is in your hands. The bad news is that your fate is in your hands!Pin
The good news about entrepreneurship is that your fate is in your hands. The bad news is that your fate is in your hands!

“Everyone would love to have a large and growing market, perfected technology, and infinite capital. Under those conditions, anyone can be an entrepreneur. The question is what you are willing to do and can you do when the conditions are far from perfect.”

Guy Kawasaki

4 Guy Kawasaki Quotes on Pitching Your Ideas to Investors

The purpose of a pitch is to stimulate interest, not to close a deal.Pin
The purpose of a pitch is to stimulate interest, not to close a deal.
In giving presentations, use the 10/20/30 rule… use only 10 slides, take 20 minutes maximum, and use at least 30-point fonts.Pin
In giving presentations, use the 10/20/30 rule… use only 10 slides, take 20 minutes maximum, and use at least 30-point fonts.
Investors are looking for people who can implement ideas, not only come up with them.Pin
Investors are looking for people who can implement ideas, not only come up with them.
What’s more important than making a startup attractive to investors in a beauty-contest format is to make them viable in real life.Pin
What’s more important than making a startup attractive to investors in a beauty-contest format is to make them viable in real life.

8 WiseGuy Kawasaki Quotes that Will Make You Think (WISDOM)

“Do you know what the difference is between PR and advertising? Advertising is when you say how great you are. PR is when other people say how great you are. PR is better.”

Guy Kawasaki
Take my word for it More people will like you if you believe that people are good until proven bad.Pin
Take my word for it: More people will like you if you believe that people are good until proven bad.
If you have to put someone on a pedestal, put teachers. They are society's heroes.Pin
If you have to put someone on a pedestal, put teachers. They are society’s heroes.
The hardest thing about getting started, is getting started.Pin
The hardest thing about getting started, is getting started.
Don’t be discouraged by the size of your network – inspire one person and you are doing good.Pin
Don’t be discouraged by the size of your network – inspire one person and you are doing good.
Steve [Jobs] proves that it's OK to be an asshole… He just has a different OS.Pin
Steve [Jobs] proves that it’s OK to be an asshole… He just has a different OS.
Don’t stop paying attention to a project because it gets boring.Pin
Don’t stop paying attention to a project because it gets boring.
Greatness is won, not awarded.Pin
Greatness is won, not awarded.

2 Guy Kawasaki Quotes on Social Media

Today brands are built on what people are saying about them on social media  —  not on what companies are saying about themselves.Pin
Today brands are built on what people are saying about them on social media  —  not on what companies are saying about themselves.
Sharing good stuff is 90 percent of the battle of getting more followers. Almost everything else is merely optimization. End of discussion.Pin
Sharing good stuff is 90 percent of the battle of getting more followers. Almost everything else is merely optimization. End of discussion.

2 Guy Kawasaki Quotes on Pursuing Your Passion

Pursuing your passions makes you more interesting, and interesting people are enchanting.Pin
Pursuing your passions makes you more interesting, and interesting people are enchanting.
Everyone is passionate about something. It's your job to find out what it is.Pin
Everyone is passionate about something. It’s your job to find out what it is.

6 Guy Kawasaki Quotes on Enchantment

“A magnificent cause can overcome a prickly personality, but your ability to enchant people increases if they like you, so you should aspire to both. You’ll know that you’re likeable when you can communicate freely, casually, and comfortably with people.”

Guy Kawasaki
One must understand what people are thinking, feeling and believing in order to enchant them.Pin
One must understand what people are thinking, feeling and believing in order to enchant them.
When you enchant people, your goal is not to make money from them or to get them to do what you want, but to fill them with great delight.Pin
When you enchant people, your goal is not to make money from them or to get them to do what you want, but to fill them with great delight.
While we're living, we need to get over ourselves and accept others if we want to enchant people.Pin
While we’re living, we need to get over ourselves and accept others if we want to enchant people.
Let yourself be enchanted in small ways.Pin
Let yourself be enchanted in small ways.
Entitlement is the opposite of enchantment.Pin
Entitlement is the opposite of enchantment.

7 Guy Kawasaki Quotes on Writing

Writing a book isn’t an easy process nor is it always enjoyable, but it is one of life’s most satisfying achievements.Pin
Writing a book isn’t an easy process nor is it always enjoyable, but it is one of life’s most satisfying achievements.
The first good reason to write a book is to add value to people’s lives.Pin
The first good reason to write a book is to add value to people’s lives.
Writing is therapeutic. It helps you cope with issues that seem gargantuan at the time.Pin
Writing is therapeutic. It helps you cope with issues that seem gargantuan at the time.
The process of expressing yourself about a problem, editing your thoughts, and writing some more can help you control issues that you face.Pin
The process of expressing yourself about a problem, editing your thoughts, and writing some more can help you control issues that you face.
You’ll learn that the key to a great book is editing — grinding, buffing, and polishing — not writing.Pin
You’ll learn that the key to a great book is editing — grinding, buffing, and polishing — not writing.
A successful self-publisher must fill three roles Author, Publisher, and Entrepreneur — or APE.Pin
A successful self-publisher must fill three roles: Author, Publisher, and Entrepreneur — or APE.
Good blurbs are short, sweet, and limited to six. They answer the question 'Why should I buy this book'Pin
Good blurbs are short, sweet, and limited to six. They answer the question ‘Why should I buy this book?’
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(MUST READ) The Art of the Start 2.0: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything

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Guy Kawasaki Quotes on Success (BUSINESS) - Gracious QuotesPin