Top 11 Most Famous Hope Quotes to Empower You (DARE TO DREAM)
29 Inspirational Quotes to Help You to Never Lose Hope (YEARN)
“You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at once but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.”
Michelle Obama
“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.”
Barack Obama
18 Motivational Hope Quotes to Inspire You to Never Give Up (ASPIRATION)
“Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there’s no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic.”
Laini Taylor
Conclusion: What is Hope and The Importance of It
Wikipedia defines hope as an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes. (Source)
The concept of hope is similar to the concept of trust, but trust is essential in the act of hope. Hope is placing trust in the potential of a certain thing or person. Hope is considered a valuable strength in life.
Hope shows a person that there are positive prospects ahead, this allows people the chance to heal from traumatic moments in their life. Hope also acts as a motivator, it allows for an individual to look towards something better that may happen to them in the future. Therefore, making them work towards that possible positive outcome.
Hope helps in fighting off negative thoughts and helps a person be reminded of how able they are in their life. It is essential to surviving and thriving.
Being social and maintaining friendships helps to ward off hopelessness as hopelessness is the result of feeling disconnected.
Hope is believed to be the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.
Further Reading:
- Hope is a Risk That Must Be Run, Particularly in Our Darkest Days – Forbes
- How Hope Can Keep You Healthier and Happier – The Conversation
- How Hope Can Help You Heal – CNN Health
Here are the best Hope quotes so you can be encouraged to persevere through difficult moments and trials.
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