Philosophers / Thinkers

49 Jean-Jacques Rousseau Quotes (FREEDOM)

Top 10 Most Famous Jean-Jacques Rousseau Quotes (BEST)

There are always four sides to a story: your side, their side, the truth and what really happened.Pin
There are always four sides to a story: your side, their side, the truth and what really happened.
Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.Pin
Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little.Pin
People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little.
The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.Pin
The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.
People in their natural state are basically good. But this natural innocence, however, is corrupted by the evils of society.Pin
People in their natural state are basically good. But this natural innocence, however, is corrupted by the evils of society.
What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindnessPin
What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?
I prefer liberty with danger than peace with slavery.Pin
I prefer liberty with danger than peace with slavery.
The freedom of Mankind does not lie in the fact that can do what we want, but that we do not have to do that which we do not want.Pin
The freedom of Mankind does not lie in the fact that can do what we want, but that we do not have to do that which we do not want.
Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.Pin
Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.
Freedom is the power to choose our own chains.Pin
Freedom is the power to choose our own chains.

8 Inspirational Jean-Jacques Rousseau Quotes About Life (EDUCATION)

“Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education… We are born weak, we need strength; we are born totally unprovided, we need aid; we are born stupid, we need judgment. Everything we do not have at our birth and which we need when we are grown is given us by education.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Why should we build our happiness on the opinions of others, when we can find it in our own hearts?Pin
Why should we build our happiness on the opinions of others, when we can find it in our own hearts?
I am not made like any of those I have seen. I venture to believe that I am not made like any of those who are in existence. If I am not better, at least I am different.Pin
I am not made like any of those I have seen. I venture to believe that I am not made like any of those who are in existence. If I am not better, at least I am different.
Every person has a right to risk their own life for the preservation of it.Pin
Every person has a right to risk their own life for the preservation of it.
Nature never deceives us; it is we who deceive ourselves.Pin
Nature never deceives us; it is we who deceive ourselves.
Free people, remember this maxim we may acquire liberty, but it is never recovered if it is once lost.Pin
Free people, remember this maxim: we may acquire liberty, but it is never recovered if it is once lost.
The person who has lived the most is not the one with the most years but the one with the richest experiences.Pin
The person who has lived the most is not the one with the most years but the one with the richest experiences.

“To live is not to breathe but to act. It is to make use of our organs, our senses, our faculties, of all the parts of ourselves which give us the sentiment of our existence. The man who has lived the most is not he who has counted the most years but he who has most felt life.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

4 Jean-Jacques Rousseau Quotes on God and our Maker

I perceive God everywhere in His works. I sense Him in me; I see Him all around me.Pin
I perceive God everywhere in His works. I sense Him in me; I see Him all around me.
Everything is good as it comes from the hands of the Maker of the world, but degenerates once it gets into the hands of man.Pin
Everything is good as it comes from the hands of the Maker of the world, but degenerates once it gets into the hands of man.
Our will is always for our own good, but we do not always see what that is.Pin
Our will is always for our own good, but we do not always see what that is.
Religious persecutors are not believers, they are rascals.Pin
Religious persecutors are not believers, they are rascals.

12 Wise Jean-Jacques Rousseau Quotes that will Make You Think (WISDOM)

Those people who treat politics and morality separately will never understand either of them.Pin
Those people who treat politics and morality separately will never understand either of them.
Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong.Pin
Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong.
Once you teach people to say what they do not understand, it is easy enough to get them to say anything you like.Pin
Once you teach people to say what they do not understand, it is easy enough to get them to say anything you like.
The falsification of history has done more to impede human development than any one thing known to mankind.Pin
The falsification of history has done more to impede human development than any one thing known to mankind.
Those who think themselves the masters of others are indeed greater slaves than they.Pin
Those who think themselves the masters of others are indeed greater slaves than they.
To be sane in a world of madman is in itself madness.Pin
To be sane in a world of madman is in itself madness.
Civilization is a hopeless race to discover remedies for the evils it produces.Pin
Civilization is a hopeless race to discover remedies for the evils it produces.
Whoever blushes is already guilty; true innocence is ashamed of nothing.Pin
Whoever blushes is already guilty; true innocence is ashamed of nothing.
All my misfortunes come of having thought too well of my fellows.Pin
All my misfortunes come of having thought too well of my fellows.
However great a man's natural talent may be, the act of writing cannot be learned all at once.Pin
However great a man’s natural talent may be, the act of writing cannot be learned all at once.
I have always said and felt that true enjoyment can not be described.Pin
I have always said and felt that true enjoyment can not be described.
Reading, solitude, idleness, a soft and sedentary life, intercourse with women and young people, these are perilous paths for a young man, and these lead him constantly into danger.Pin
Reading, solitude, idleness, a soft and sedentary life, intercourse with women and young people, these are perilous paths for a young man, and these lead him constantly into danger.

2 Jean-Jacques Rousseau Quotes on Love

To write a good love letter, you ought to begin without knowing what you mean to say, and to finish without knowing what you have written.Pin
To write a good love letter, you ought to begin without knowing what you mean to say, and to finish without knowing what you have written.
Plant and your spouse plants with you; weed and you weed alone.Pin
Plant and your spouse plants with you; weed and you weed alone.

9 Jean-Jacques Rousseau Quotes to Live By

I would rather be a man of paradoxes than a man of prejudices.Pin
I would rather be a man of paradoxes than a man of prejudices.
Those that are most slow in making a promise are the most faithful in the performance of it.Pin
Those that are most slow in making a promise are the most faithful in the performance of it.
No man has any natural authority over his fellow men.Pin
No man has any natural authority over his fellow men.
Reason deceives us; conscience, never.Pin
Reason deceives us; conscience, never.
Trust your heart rather than your head.Pin
Trust your heart rather than your head.
Or, rather, let us be more simple and less vain.Pin
Or, rather, let us be more simple and less vain.
Gratitude is a duty which ought to be paid, but which none have a right to expect.Pin
Gratitude is a duty which ought to be paid, but which none have a right to expect.
We should not teach children the sciences; but give them a taste for them.Pin
We should not teach children the sciences; but give them a taste for them.
To endure is the first thing that a child ought to learn, and that which he will have the most need to know.Pin
To endure is the first thing that a child ought to learn, and that which he will have the most need to know.

4 Jean-Jacques Rousseau Quotes on Money and Income

One can buy anything with money except morality.Pin
One can buy anything with money except morality.
It is too difficult to think nobly when one thinks only of earning a living.Pin
It is too difficult to think nobly when one thinks only of earning a living.
In respect of riches, no citizen shall ever be wealthy enough to buy another, and none poor enough to be forced to sell himself.Pin
In respect of riches, no citizen shall ever be wealthy enough to buy another, and none poor enough to be forced to sell himself.
Money is the seed of money, and the first guinea is sometimes more difficult to acquire than the second million.Pin
Money is the seed of money, and the first guinea is sometimes more difficult to acquire than the second million.
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(MUST READ) The Major Political Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Two “Discourses” and the “Social Contract”

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