Celebrities / Influencers

50 Inspirational Jennifer Aniston Quotes (LOVE)

Top 10 Most Famous Jennifer Aniston Quotes (BEST)

“Look I eat really well and I work out, but I also indulge when I want to. I don’t starve myself in an extremist way. You’re not taking away my coffee or my dairy or my glass of wine because I’d be devastated.”

Jennifer Aniston
Once you figure out who you are and what you love about yourself, I think it all kind of falls into place.Pin
Once you figure out who you are and what you love about yourself, I think it all kind of falls into place.
I love that feeling of being in love, the effect of having butterflies when you wake up in the morning. That is special.Pin
I love that feeling of being in love, the effect of having butterflies when you wake up in the morning. That is special.
The greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel the pain.Pin
The greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel the pain.
True love brings up everything – you’re allowing a mirror to be held up to you daily.Pin
True love brings up everything – you’re allowing a mirror to be held up to you daily.
I don’t think life stops after 50. If anything, it gets more and more exciting. For some reason, we don’t honor or pay respect to aging.Pin
I don’t think life stops after 50. If anything, it gets more and more exciting. For some reason, we don’t honor or pay respect to aging.
There are no regrets in life, just lessons.Pin
There are no regrets in life, just lessons.
I don't have a religion. I believe in a God. I don't know what it looks like but it's MY god. My own interpretation of the supernatural.Pin
I don’t have a religion. I believe in a God. I don’t know what it looks like but it’s MY god. My own interpretation of the supernatural.
It’s impossible to satisfy everyone, and I suggest we all stop trying.Pin
It’s impossible to satisfy everyone, and I suggest we all stop trying.
Beauty is inner confidence. Peace. Kindness. Honesty. A life well-lived. Taking on challenges and not feeling shame for things that haven’t gone the way you felt they should have.Pin
Beauty is inner confidence. Peace. Kindness. Honesty. A life well-lived. Taking on challenges and not feeling shame for things that haven’t gone the way you felt they should have.

14 Jennifer Aniston Quotes on Love and Relationships

“I think it’s important to have closure in any relationship that ends – from a romantic relationship to a friendship. You should always have a sense of clarity at the end and know why it began and why it ended. You need that in your life to move cleanly into your next phase.”

Jennifer Aniston
A relationship isn’t going to make me survive. It’s the cherry on top.Pin
A relationship isn’t going to make me survive. It’s the cherry on top.
It’s sad, something coming to an end. It cracks you open, in a way – cracks you open to feeling.Pin
It’s sad, something coming to an end. It cracks you open, in a way – cracks you open to feeling.
Marriage brings up all the things I pushed to the back burner – the fears, the mistrust, the doubts, the insecurities. It’s like opening Pandora’s box.Pin
Marriage brings up all the things I pushed to the back burner – the fears, the mistrust, the doubts, the insecurities. It’s like opening Pandora’s box.
You know when I feel inwardly beautiful? When I am with my girlfriends and we are having a 'goddess circle'.Pin
You know when I feel inwardly beautiful? When I am with my girlfriends and we are having a ‘goddess circle’.

“Most of us fall in love with someone’s persona and spend the next three to five years discovering who that person really is. If you can stay connected through that process of raw vulnerability, I think you have a shot at the prize of knowing and accepting another human being for who and what they really are after years of highs and lows.”

Jennifer Aniston
I couldn't have found a better man than Brad. He still opens doors for me and brings me flowers. He's the sweetest goofball on the planet.Pin
I couldn’t have found a better man than Brad. He still opens doors for me and brings me flowers. He’s the sweetest goofball on the planet.
I love to read about what my love life is really like.Pin
I love to read about what my love life is really like.
The best smell in the world is that man that you love.Pin
The best smell in the world is that man that you love.
There is nothing you can control about love.Pin
There is nothing you can control about love.
My parents' divorce left me with a lot of sadness and pain and acting, and especially humour, was my way of dealing with all that.Pin
My parents’ divorce left me with a lot of sadness and pain and acting, and especially humour, was my way of dealing with all that.
In a man, I look for a friend, someone who's equal, with whom I'm comfortable.Pin
In a man, I look for a friend, someone who’s equal, with whom I’m comfortable.
Don't rely on men but don't shun them either.Pin
Don’t rely on men but don’t shun them either.
OK, in all seriousness, I would say I couldn't be in a relationship without equality, generosity, integrity, spirit, kindness and humor. And awesomeness.Pin
OK, in all seriousness, I would say I couldn’t be in a relationship without equality, generosity, integrity, spirit, kindness and humor. And awesomeness.

9 Inspirational Aniston Quotes About Life

People who avoid the brick walls – all power to ya, but we all have to hit them sometimes in order to push through to the next level, to evolve.Pin
People who avoid the brick walls – all power to ya, but we all have to hit them sometimes in order to push through to the next level, to evolve.
If you’re not happy, you can become happy. Happiness is a choice.Pin
If you’re not happy, you can become happy. Happiness is a choice.
You know, I've got wrinkles on my forehead and smile lines, but what's wrong with that? I love to smile.Pin
You know, I’ve got wrinkles on my forehead and smile lines, but what’s wrong with that? I love to smile.
Really try to follow what it is that you want to do and what your heart is telling you to do.Pin
Really try to follow what it is that you want to do and what your heart is telling you to do.
I realized it was only me who was stopping myself from living my life.Pin
I realized it was only me who was stopping myself from living my life.
I love the unknown. I love the discovery of what will be happening and just kind of sitting back and not knowing.Pin
I love the unknown. I love the discovery of what will be happening and just kind of sitting back and not knowing.
Designing a house is like doing a movie Once you're done, you want to say, 'I hope you all enjoy it.'Pin
Designing a house is like doing a movie: Once you’re done, you want to say, ‘I hope you all enjoy it.’
I just want to keep trying to surprise myself and I want to keep challenging myself.Pin
I just want to keep trying to surprise myself and I want to keep challenging myself.
I enjoy smoking cannabis and see no harm in it.Pin
I enjoy smoking cannabis and see no harm in it.

9 Wise Jennifer Aniston Quotes that will Make You Think

I think it’s always important to reflect anyway, no matter what age you’re approaching or what milestone is in front of you. Reflection should be almost a daily thing if possible.Pin
I think it’s always important to reflect anyway, no matter what age you’re approaching or what milestone is in front of you. Reflection should be almost a daily thing if possible.
You're damned if you're too thin and you're damned if you're too heavy. According to the press I've been both. Its impossible to satisfy everyone...Pin
You’re damned if you’re too thin and you’re damned if you’re too heavy. According to the press I’ve been both. Its impossible to satisfy everyone…
What inspires you, what excites you when you wake up in the morning?Pin
What inspires you, what excites you when you wake up in the morning?
I’m not sitting dwelling about the past or stressing or fretting about something in the future.Pin
I’m not sitting dwelling about the past or stressing or fretting about something in the future.
Oh, it's not really gambling when you never lose.Pin
Oh, it’s not really gambling when you never lose.
When you try to avoid the pain, it creates greater pain.Pin
When you try to avoid the pain, it creates greater pain.
I think you miss out on a lot of stuff when you’re so protected and isolated.Pin
I think you miss out on a lot of stuff when you’re so protected and isolated.
I always say don't make plans, make options.Pin
I always say don’t make plans, make options.
Oh gosh, I noticed dramatic changes in my body after I started doing yoga, but I also think you have to shake things up.Pin
Oh gosh, I noticed dramatic changes in my body after I started doing yoga, but I also think you have to shake things up.

4 Jennifer Aniston Quotes on Movies and Acting

The fun stuff comes when someone is not so strict on sticking to the script. You're allowed the spontaneity, and great moments can happen.Pin
The fun stuff comes when someone is not so strict on sticking to the script. You’re allowed the spontaneity, and great moments can happen.
I think there’s something so wonderful about being part of the process from the seed of the idea to seeing it come to life on a screen.Pin
I think there’s something so wonderful about being part of the process from the seed of the idea to seeing it come to life on a screen.
There are a lot of movies that are unbelievable successes that I would be mortified to be a part of.Pin
There are a lot of movies that are unbelievable successes that I would be mortified to be a part of.
My dad became a soap opera actor, and I was an extra in a skating rink scene on the soap. I didn't audition. It was nepotism all the way.Pin
My dad became a soap opera actor, and I was an extra in a skating rink scene on the soap. I didn’t audition. It was nepotism all the way.

4 Jennifer Aniston Quotes About Fashion

I almost resent the whole fashion thing. Good God- never wearing the same thing twice and all of those things. It's a pain in the ass.Pin
I almost resent the whole fashion thing. Good God- never wearing the same thing twice and all of those things. It’s a pain in the ass.
I've always loved to combine different scents to come up with my own unique thing.Pin
I’ve always loved to combine different scents to come up with my own unique thing.
I love clothes, but I don't know what to put on myself, let alone others. I have a lot of help getting dressed.Pin
I love clothes, but I don’t know what to put on myself, let alone others. I have a lot of help getting dressed.
Nobody thinks of themselves as sexy, really. Some days you go, 'Hey, I'm not going too bad today.' But if you try and be sexy, you'll never be sexy.Pin
Nobody thinks of themselves as sexy, really. Some days you go, ‘Hey, I’m not going too bad today.’ But if you try and be sexy, you’ll never be sexy.
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(MUST READ) The Forgetting Machine: Memory, Perception, and the ‘Jennifer Aniston Neuron’

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Inspirational Jennifer Aniston Quotes (LOVE) - Gracious QuotesPin