Authors / Writers

56 Famous J.K. Rowling Quotes (HARRY POTTER)

Top 15 Most Famous J.K. Rowling Quotes (BEST)

What's coming will come and we'll just have to meet it when it does.Pin
What’s coming will come and we’ll just have to meet it when it does.
As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters.Pin
As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters.
If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.Pin
If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.
It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default.Pin
It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default.
We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.Pin
We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.
It is our choices… that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.Pin
It is our choices… that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.Pin
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.
You will never truly know yourself, or the strength of your relationships, until both have been tested by adversity.Pin
You will never truly know yourself, or the strength of your relationships, until both have been tested by adversity.
You sort of start thinking anything's possible if you've got enough nerve.Pin
You sort of start thinking anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.
Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.Pin
Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.
We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.Pin
We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.
The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and must therefore be treated with great caution.Pin
The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and must therefore be treated with great caution.
It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.Pin
It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.
Is ‘fat’ really the worst thing a human being can be? Is ‘fat’ worse than ‘vindictive’, ‘jealous’, ‘shallow’, ‘vain’, ‘boring’ or ‘cruel’? Not to me.Pin
Is ‘fat’ really the worst thing a human being can be? Is ‘fat’ worse than ‘vindictive’, ‘jealous’, ‘shallow’, ‘vain’, ‘boring’ or ‘cruel’? Not to me.
I don’t think there’s any harm at all in allowing a kid to fantasize. In fact, I think to stop people from fantasizing is a very destructive thing indeed.Pin
I don’t think there’s any harm at all in allowing a kid to fantasize. In fact, I think to stop people from fantasizing is a very destructive thing indeed.

28 Inspirational J.K. Rowling Quotes About Love and Life (SUCCESS)

“I was set free because my greatest fear had been realized, and I still had a daughter who I adored, and I had an old typewriter and a big idea. And so rock bottom became a solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.”

J.K. Rowling
Failure is so important. We speak about success all the time. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to greater success.Pin
Failure is so important. We speak about success all the time. It is the ability to resist failure or use failure that often leads to greater success.
Life is difficult, and complicated, and beyond anyone’s total control, and the humility to know that will enable you to survive its vicissitudes.Pin
Life is difficult, and complicated, and beyond anyone’s total control, and the humility to know that will enable you to survive its vicissitudes.
The world is full of wonderful things you haven’t seen yet. Don’t ever give up on the chance of seeing them.Pin
The world is full of wonderful things you haven’t seen yet. Don’t ever give up on the chance of seeing them.
We have to choose between what is right, and what is easy.Pin
We have to choose between what is right, and what is easy.
Whatever money you might have, self-worth really lies in finding out what you do best.Pin
Whatever money you might have, self-worth really lies in finding out what you do best.
I have never been remotely ashamed of having been depressed. Never. What’s to be ashamed of? I went through a really rough time and I am quite proud that I got out of that.Pin
I have never been remotely ashamed of having been depressed. Never. What’s to be ashamed of? I went through a really rough time and I am quite proud that I got out of that.
You control your own life. Your own will is extremely powerful.Pin
You control your own life. Your own will is extremely powerful.
You’ve got to work. It’s about structure. It’s about discipline. It’s all these deadly things that your schoolteacher told you you needed… You need it.Pin
You’ve got to work. It’s about structure. It’s about discipline. It’s all these deadly things that your schoolteacher told you you needed… You need it.
Sometimes, you have to stop trying to force it, walk away and let your subconscious show you the way. Fill up on life for a while.Pin
Sometimes, you have to stop trying to force it, walk away and let your subconscious show you the way. Fill up on life for a while.
We're all human, aren't we Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving.Pin
We’re all human, aren’t we? Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving.
Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.Pin
Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.
The knowledge that you have emerged wiser and stronger from setbacks means that you are, ever after, secure in your ability to survive.Pin
The knowledge that you have emerged wiser and stronger from setbacks means that you are, ever after, secure in your ability to survive.
It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.Pin
It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.
The moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you.Pin
The moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you.
Humans have a knack for choosing precisely the things that are worst for them.Pin
Humans have a knack for choosing precisely the things that are worst for them.
Secretly we're all a little more absurd than we make ourselves out to be.Pin
Secretly we’re all a little more absurd than we make ourselves out to be.
Are you the sort of person who gloats when they see a woman fall, or the kind that celebrates a magnificent recovery?Pin
Are you the sort of person who gloats when they see a woman fall, or the kind that celebrates a magnificent recovery?
Never be ashamed! There's some who'll hold it against you, but they're not worth bothering with.Pin
Never be ashamed! There’s some who’ll hold it against you, but they’re not worth bothering with.
Hearing voices no one else can hear isn't a good sign, even in the wizarding world.Pin
Hearing voices no one else can hear isn’t a good sign, even in the wizarding world.
Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.Pin
Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.
Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain.Pin
Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain.
There are some things you can't share without ending up liking each other.Pin
There are some things you can’t share without ending up liking each other.
Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young.Pin
Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young.
To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.Pin
To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.
It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more.Pin
It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more.
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.Pin
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect.Pin
Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect.

13 J.K. Rowling Quotes About Reading and Writing (MAGIC)

“Failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me.”

J.K. Rowling
Books are like mirrors: if a fool looks in, you cannot expect a genius to look out.Pin
Books are like mirrors: if a fool looks in, you cannot expect a genius to look out.
The most important thing is to read as much as you can, like I did. It will give you an understanding of what makes good writing and it will enlarge your vocabulary.Pin
The most important thing is to read as much as you can, like I did. It will give you an understanding of what makes good writing and it will enlarge your vocabulary.
I don't think about who the audience is for my books.Pin
I don’t think about who the audience is for my books.
Imagination is the foundation of all invention and innovation.Pin
Imagination is the foundation of all invention and innovation.
If someone asked for my recipe for happiness, step one would be finding out what you love doing most in the world and step two would be finding someone to pay you to do it.Pin
If someone asked for my recipe for happiness, step one would be finding out what you love doing most in the world and step two would be finding someone to pay you to do it.
I will carry on writing, to be sure. But I don't know if I would want to publish again after Harry Potter.Pin
I will carry on writing, to be sure. But I don’t know if I would want to publish again after Harry Potter.
The best of us must sometimes eat our words.Pin
The best of us must sometimes eat our words.
I was convinced that the only thing I wanted to do ever - was write novels.Pin
I was convinced that the only thing I wanted to do ever – was write novels.
Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure.Pin
Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure.
The discipline involved in finishing a piece of creative work is something on which you can truly pride yourself.Pin
The discipline involved in finishing a piece of creative work is something on which you can truly pride yourself.
Destiny is a name often given in retrospect to choices that had dramatic consequences.Pin
Destiny is a name often given in retrospect to choices that had dramatic consequences.

“You’ve got to be prepared for hitting wrong notes occasionally, or quite a lot. That’s just part of the learning process. And read a lot. Reading a lot really helps. Read anything you can get your hands on.”

J.K. Rowling
YouTube video

J.K. Rowling Short Biography

Born on 31 July 1965 in Yate, near Bristol, England, Joanne Rowling, more popularly known by her pen name J.K. Rowling, is the author and creator of the popular children’s book series Harry Potter.

In 1986, Rowling graduated from the University of Exeter and she then started working for Amnesty International in London and it was during this time that Rowling began working on the story of Harry Potter.

The first book in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, was released in 1997 under Rowling’s pen name. She was advised that the abbreviation would make her name sound more gender-neutral.

The book was an immediate hit among young and adult readers. Rowling’s book series was turned into a film franchise, the first movie was released in 2001 which starred Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson. The movies are now considered some of the top-grossing films of all time.

After writing several books under the Harry Potter franchise, Rowling released her first adult novel The Casual Vacancy in 2015.

Rowling’s Harry Potter books have changed reading for children all over the world. Her books hold a Guinness record for All-Time Bestselling Series of Books.

Further Reading:

Here are the best J.K. Rowling quotes so you can begin laying the foundation of your goals and dreams despite the situation you are in.


Also read:

Famous J.K. Rowling Quotes (HARRY POTTER) - Gracious QuotesPin