Sports Figures / Coaches

37 Most Inspiring John Cena Quotes (MOTIVATION)

Top 10 Most Famous John Cena Quotes (BEST)

“When people show loyalty to you, you take care of those who are with you. It’s how it goes with everything. If you have a small circle of friends, and one of those friends doesn’t stay loyal to you, they don’t stay your friend for very long.”

John Cena
If you don't learn from your mistakes, then they become regrets.Pin
If you don’t learn from your mistakes, then they become regrets.
A man’s character is not judged after he celebrates a victory, but by what he does when his back is against the wall.Pin
A man’s character is not judged after he celebrates a victory, but by what he does when his back is against the wall.
I admire the military. I guess in a world of villains and heroes, they're my heroes. Their dedication, their commitment, their discipline, their code of ethics.Pin
I admire the military. I guess in a world of villains and heroes, they’re my heroes. Their dedication, their commitment, their discipline, their code of ethics.
Be loyal to those who are loyal to you. And respect everyone, even your enemies and competition.Pin
Be loyal to those who are loyal to you. And respect everyone, even your enemies and competition.

Trust me… I know where my heart is and my heart’s right here. I’m going to keep doing everything because I love to do it, but I will never sacrifice my time between the ropes. That’s no shot to anybody. Everybody’s got different career paths. This is mine.”

John Cena
This is my life, this is my passion, this is all I got.Pin
This is my life, this is my passion, this is all I got.
Whether fighting or spitting, my discipline is unforgiving!Pin
Whether fighting or spitting, my discipline is unforgiving!
Winning the Royal Rumble is as big an accomplishment as anything.Pin
Winning the Royal Rumble is as big an accomplishment as anything.
Live fast, fight hard, no regrets!Pin
Live fast, fight hard, no regrets!

8 Inspirational John Cena Quotes About Life

“I have certain things that I stand for, certain things that I believe in, and if you don’t like it and you tell me to go to hell, I think that’s your God-given right as a fan. It’s one of those deals where I’m that one guy who is outside of that realm of good guy, bad guy. I’m just me, and it elicits a response both positive and negative.”

John Cena
Whether you like me or you don’t, I still dig showing up for work.Pin
Whether you like me or you don’t, I still dig showing up for work.
To succeed, I have to believe every night, in my heart, that I am the best.Pin
To succeed, I have to believe every night, in my heart, that I am the best.
Always do your best. Never give up… I think kids want to believe in that, and they should believe in that.Pin
Always do your best. Never give up… I think kids want to believe in that, and they should believe in that.

“I know my way around the WWE. I know at least a little bit about everything and our business model, and I feel comfortable there, although I still learn every day.”

John Cena
I bring a lot of energy and passion to what I do. Plus, I've had some weird feats of superhuman strength!Pin
I bring a lot of energy and passion to what I do. Plus, I’ve had some weird feats of superhuman strength!
I take pride in the fact that a lot of little kids dig what I do.Pin
I take pride in the fact that a lot of little kids dig what I do.
My favorite city is anything close to home. Anytime I can sleep in my own bed, that's a good one.Pin
My favorite city is anything close to home. Anytime I can sleep in my own bed, that’s a good one.

12 John Cena Quotes on Acting and WWE

“I’m the one person who wears the words ‘hustle, loyalty, respect‘ on my T-shirts and merchandise. My audience is children. It’s very flattering to see a kid wear your T-shirt; it’s even more flattering to have a dad come up to you and say, ‘I watch you with my kid. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re a role model for my son.'”

John Cena
I don't play a character. It's totally just an extension of myself.Pin
I don’t play a character. It’s totally just an extension of myself.

“Paul Bearer was very influential in the early stages of my career. He constantly hounded me and I just think he realized the potential that was there. He convinced me that I was in the right place and doing the right thing.”

John Cena
When I hear people boo, that just makes me want to go out there and work harder.Pin
When I hear people boo, that just makes me want to go out there and work harder.

“Undertaker certainly is a cornerstone of WWE, and just as I say to myself that I really would have liked to been able to get to know and certainly get in the ring with Andre the Giant, just because of all the respect and folklore that went around with Andre, I think The Undertaker has that same sort of respect and folklore around him.”

John Cena
I don't have any elaborate uniforms; I come to the ring in a T-shirt, a pair of sneakers and some shorts.Pin
I don’t have any elaborate uniforms; I come to the ring in a T-shirt, a pair of sneakers and some shorts.

“I love traveling the world, meeting new people, and letting WWE fans know that the champ is out doing his thing and trying to spread the good word of WWE. I love the feeling of being the ambassador for the company.”

John Cena
We really do have a lot of personality in WWE. You have to, to be in this job. You showcase a lot of personality.Pin
We really do have a lot of personality in WWE. You have to, to be in this job. You showcase a lot of personality.

“Hulk Hogan slamming Andre the Giant. I remember watching WrestleMania with my family and friends on TV… 93,000 people in the Silverdome. When Hogan picked up Andre, I got goosebumps.”

John Cena
My home is at the WWE. I truly do love performing. The atmosphere here isn't like anything else. It's truly where I belong.Pin
My home is at the WWE. I truly do love performing. The atmosphere here isn’t like anything else. It’s truly where I belong.

“At my age, I’m not trying to score cool points. I’m just excited when I can speak to younger members of our audience in the WWE. I get to be a superhero to kids, but I’m not trying to be on the cutting edge of style or anything like that. Once you reach that point of deprivation, you don’t mind it.”

John Cena
Regardless of the perception that the talent may have or the Superstars may have, WWE's business model is 'give the fans what they want.'Pin
Regardless of the perception that the talent may have or the Superstars may have, WWE’s business model is ‘give the fans what they want.’

7 John Cena Quotes that Will Make You Think

“People can say whatever they want about the sport of bodybuilding, but to get prepared to do a contest or even think about doing a contest, or even to get into decent shape, it requires a certain amount of discipline, and it comes from taking a new year’s resolution to a lifestyle.”

John Cena
A relationship is based on communication.Pin
A relationship is based on communication.
The big moments for me are moments when I can actually contribute.Pin
The big moments for me are moments when I can actually contribute.
Hip-hop certainly is in sync with the youth, and every day that passes, I grow less youthful, as much as I have tried to hold onto it.Pin
Hip-hop certainly is in sync with the youth, and every day that passes, I grow less youthful, as much as I have tried to hold onto it.

“I’m the guy who’ll drive 250 miles tonight and be at the gym tomorrow at 10 A.M., when people are still sleeping in. I’m the guy who’ll fly to Australia and find a gym. Fly back and first thing I do off the plane is work out before I shower or eat.”

John Cena
A lot of times, people are reserved or maybe scared of testing what your body is capable of. I'm not.Pin
A lot of times, people are reserved or maybe scared of testing what your body is capable of. I’m not.
If you broke down my technique, it wouldn't really take a rocket scientist to do so.Pin
If you broke down my technique, it wouldn’t really take a rocket scientist to do so.
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(MUST READ) Be a Work in Progress: And Other Things I’d Like to Tell My Younger Self

Also read:

Most Inspiring John Cena Quotes (MOTIVATION) - Gracious QuotesPin