Explorers / Astronauts

17 Motivational Leroy Chiao Quotes (ASTRONAUT)

Top 17 Most Famous Leroy Chiao Quotes to Inspire You – The Commander of Expedition 10

“There is no one area of chemical engineering that specifically helped me in my career as an astronaut, it was more the general education in engineering. Also, it was a very difficult and rigorous course. So, it made me strong and resourceful.”

Leroy Chiao
Of course, you'll have to meet the physical and psychological demands. A space walk takes a lot of energy.Pin
Of course, you’ll have to meet the physical and psychological demands. A space walk takes a lot of energy.
As commander I was responsible for the overall success of the mission, and so I had to know at least a little bit about everything.Pin
As commander I was responsible for the overall success of the mission, and so I had to know at least a little bit about everything.
The biggest technical challenge to sending astronauts on farther and longer missions is biomedical: How do we keep them healthy?Pin
The biggest technical challenge to sending astronauts on farther and longer missions is biomedical: How do we keep them healthy?

“I had done everything I could do as an astronaut, and we have a long line of inexperienced astronauts waiting for their first missions, and so my role really should be to step aside and help them prepare for their missions, rather than to try to get another mission.”

Leroy Chiao
But it's also a lot of hard work, and it's a long time to be away from your family and friends. So I had a lot of different feelings.Pin
But it’s also a lot of hard work, and it’s a long time to be away from your family and friends. So I had a lot of different feelings.
The most interesting thing was looking out the window and taking photographs of different places on Earth.Pin
The most interesting thing was looking out the window and taking photographs of different places on Earth.
One of my challenges was to try to photograph the Great Wall of China. And I did actually take some photos, but it was hard to discern the wall with the naked eye.Pin
One of my challenges was to try to photograph the Great Wall of China. And I did actually take some photos, but it was hard to discern the wall with the naked eye.
There were different challenges along the way. Certainly the food shortage was unpleasant.Pin
There were different challenges along the way. Certainly the food shortage was unpleasant.
I think it's good to have competition. Now we have a third country that can launch astronauts, so it's good for all of us. It makes us a little bit more competitive and wanting to be the leader.Pin
I think it’s good to have competition. Now we have a third country that can launch astronauts, so it’s good for all of us. It makes us a little bit more competitive and wanting to be the leader.

“Coming down under a parachute is quite different as well. You hit the ground pretty hard, but all the systems work very well to keep it from hurting, so it doesn’t even hurt when you hit. It was a great experience to be able to do both.”

Leroy Chiao
I would say keep supporting space flight, keep telling the public and the politicians why it's important to advance science and explore the galaxy.Pin
I would say keep supporting space flight, keep telling the public and the politicians why it’s important to advance science and explore the galaxy.
My running ambition is to keep doing it until I'm way past the point where I have any business running. Just to keep doing it throughout my whole life—to stay fit and feel good.Pin
My running ambition is to keep doing it until I’m way past the point where I have any business running. Just to keep doing it throughout my whole life—to stay fit and feel good.
One day, people will be able to buy tickets to visit space.Pin
One day, people will be able to buy tickets to visit space.
Tinkering is something we need to know how to do in order to keep something like the space station running. I am a tinkerer by nature.Pin
Tinkering is something we need to know how to do in order to keep something like the space station running. I am a tinkerer by nature.
I hope that China will continue with space exploration. It would be logical to have international co-operation. I hope that it will come about and that I can be involved in it.Pin
I hope that China will continue with space exploration. It would be logical to have international co-operation. I hope that it will come about and that I can be involved in it.

“I’m Chinese-American, of course, and so it’s very interesting to see China actually launch their own astronauts, becoming the third nation, following the United States and Russia, to do so.”

Leroy Chiao
YouTube video

Leroy Chiao Short Biography

Born 28 August 1960, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States, Leroy Chiao was the commander of Expedition 10 and the International Space Station.

Graduating from the University of California in 1983, Chiao received a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering. He proceeded to earn an M.S. and a Ph.D. in chemical engineering in 1985 and 1987 respectively.

After graduating, he earned experience as a research engineer at Hexcel Corp.

In 1991, Chiao became a mission specialist for NASA. He flew as a mission specialist for four space flights.

Along with being fluent in Mandarin Chinese, Chiao had learned how to speak Russian as part of the International Space Station program’s initiative, to communicate with Russian cosmonauts.

Leroy Chiao became the first American to vote in space when he participated in the 2004 US presidential election while aboard the International Space Station.

In December 2005, after his 15-year run with the agency, Chiao left NASA to pursue a different career.

He ventured on to become CEO and co-founder of OneOrbit, a corporation that provides training, workshops, and school programs aimed to positively impact businesses, the workforce, and students.

Leroy Chiao is currently an advisor for the Houston Association for Space and Science Education and a motivational speaker.

Further Reading:

Here are the best Leroy Chiao quotes so you can be motivated to study and work hard to achieve the life you’ve always dreamed of. 


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Motivational Leroy Chiao Quotes (ASTRONAUT) - Gracious QuotesPin