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87 Inspirational Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Quotes (LOVE)

Top 10 Most Famous Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Quotes (BEST)

“Like the air, God’s Grace is available to us. It is permeating every fiber of Being and the Being of the entire universe. When we take our attention to that Being, finer than the finest, then we establish ourselves on the level of God’s Grace. Immediately we just enjoy. Life is Bliss!”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
All world conflicts will be resolved if people listen to my advice.Pin
All world conflicts will be resolved if people listen to my advice.
Happiness radiates like the fragrance from a flower and draws all good things towards you.Pin
Happiness radiates like the fragrance from a flower and draws all good things towards you.

“The practice of Transcendental Meditation creates a natural situation in the mind so that the mind entertains right thoughts, useful thoughts, thoughts that are cherished by nature and whose fulfillment is worked out by all the laws of nature.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.Pin
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.
Do not fight the darkness, let the light in and the darkness will disappear.Pin
Do not fight the darkness, let the light in and the darkness will disappear.

“If we think of defeat, that’s what we will get. If we are undecided then nothing will happen for us. We must just pick something great to do, and then do it. Never think of failure at all, for as we think now, that’s what we will get.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
If you're too busy to meditate twice a day, you're just too busy.Pin
If you’re too busy to meditate twice a day, you’re just too busy.
We must take situations as they are. We must only change our mental attitudes towards them.Pin
We must take situations as they are. We must only change our mental attitudes towards them.

Experience shows that Being is the essential, basic nature of the mind; but, since It commonly remains in tune with the senses projecting outwards toward the manifested realms of creation, the mind misses or fails to appreciate its own essential nature, just as the eyes are unable to see themselves.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

15 Thought-Provoking Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Quotes About Life

“The world has witnessed the rise and fall of monarchy, the rise and fall of dictatorship, the rise and fall of feudalism, the rise and fall of communism, and the rise of democracy; and now we are witnessing the fall of democracy, the theme of the evolution of life continues, sweeping away with it all that does not blossom into perfection.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Mind is a wave of the ocean of Being.Pin
Mind is a wave of the ocean of Being.
The philosophy of life is this Life is not a struggle, not a tension. Life is bliss. It is eternal wisdom, eternal existence.Pin
The philosophy of life is this: Life is not a struggle, not a tension. Life is bliss. It is eternal wisdom, eternal existence.

“The whole purpose of life is to gain enlightenment. Nothing else is significant compared to that completely natural, exalted state of consciousness. So always strive for that. Set your life around that goal. Don’t get caught up in small things, and then it will be yours.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Whatever we put our attention on will grow stronger in our life.Pin
Whatever we put our attention on will grow stronger in our life.
Decide what you want and don't think of the intermediary conditions. When Nature works for us we should want what we want and Nature will work it out for us.Pin
Decide what you want and don’t think of the intermediary conditions. When Nature works for us we should want what we want and Nature will work it out for us.

“A new humanity will be born, fuller in conception and richer in experience and accomplishments in all fields. Joy of life will belong to every man, love will dominate human society, truth and virtue will reign in the world, peace on earth will be permanent and all will live in fulfillment in fullness of life in God Consciousness.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Just think of any negativity that comes at you as a raindrop falling into the ocean of your bliss.Pin
Just think of any negativity that comes at you as a raindrop falling into the ocean of your bliss.
The kingdom of heaven is like electricity. You don't see it. It is within you.Pin
The kingdom of heaven is like electricity. You don’t see it. It is within you.
Allotted duty means you should live full potentiality with which you are born.Pin
Allotted duty means you should live full potentiality with which you are born.
The genius of man is hidden in the silent, settled state of mind from where every thought emerges.Pin
The genius of man is hidden in the silent, settled state of mind from where every thought emerges.
Don't go for what you know you can get. Go for what you really want.Pin
Don’t go for what you know you can get. Go for what you really want.
People are influenced by what we are, what we radiate. This has greater appeal than what we say.Pin
People are influenced by what we are, what we radiate. This has greater appeal than what we say.
The important thing is this to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.Pin
The important thing is this: to be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.
Managers are the most creative people in the world.Pin
Managers are the most creative people in the world.

8 Wise Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Quotes

It's as if we live in a house which has a vast treasury in one of its rooms. Only we've forgotten about it. So, instead of living a life of royalty, we go about in poverty.Pin
It’s as if we live in a house which has a vast treasury in one of its rooms. Only we’ve forgotten about it. So, instead of living a life of royalty, we go about in poverty.
The knowledge from an enlightened person breaks on the hard rocks of ignorance.Pin
The knowledge from an enlightened person breaks on the hard rocks of ignorance.
There is one unity, unified wholeness, total natural law, in the transcendental unified consciousness.Pin
There is one unity, unified wholeness, total natural law, in the transcendental unified consciousness.
It is the focus on the highest ideal day after day that saves life from being wrapped up in small whirlwinds.Pin
It is the focus on the highest ideal day after day that saves life from being wrapped up in small whirlwinds.
We are not in a position to criticize anyone. The existence of enemies means for us that our friendliness has not been sufficient enough.Pin
We are not in a position to criticize anyone. The existence of enemies means for us that our friendliness has not been sufficient enough.
When the mind is attuned to the cosmic law, all the laws of nature are in perfect harmony with the aspirations of the mind.Pin
When the mind is attuned to the cosmic law, all the laws of nature are in perfect harmony with the aspirations of the mind.
We are not responding to this instant if we are judging any aspect of it.Pin
We are not responding to this instant if we are judging any aspect of it.
Whatever has been discovered has to be put to use - otherwise, what is the use of the discovery?Pin
Whatever has been discovered has to be put to use – otherwise, what is the use of the discovery?

14 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Quotes That Inspires Happiness

“Problems or successes, they all are the results of our own actions. Karma. The philosophy of action is that no one else is the giver of peace or happiness. One’s own karma, one’s own actions are responsible to come to bring either happiness or success or whatever.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Life finds its purpose and fulfillment in the expansion of happiness.Pin
Life finds its purpose and fulfillment in the expansion of happiness.
Being happy is of the utmost importance. Success in anything is through happiness.Pin
Being happy is of the utmost importance. Success in anything is through happiness.

“Life is all business. Spend your energy to get joy, happiness, evolution, and to gain more ability to enjoy. In this field we spend our energy. We never use our time, energy, speech, or ability to do something that doesn’t help us grow and improve our life. It’s not worth it.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
The highest state is laughter.Pin
The highest state is laughter.
You must learn to take life less seriously and to laugh.Pin
You must learn to take life less seriously and to laugh.

“Enjoy your life and be happy. Being happy is of the utmost importance. Success in anything is through happiness. More support of nature comes from being happy. Under all circumstances be happy, even if you have to force it a bit to change some long standing habits. Just think of any negativity that comes to you as a raindrop falling into the ocean of your bliss. You may not always have an ocean of bliss, but think that way anyway and it will help it come. Doubting is not blissful and does not create happiness. Be happy, healthy, and let all that love flow through your heart.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Expansion of happiness is the purpose of creation.Pin
Expansion of happiness is the purpose of creation.
If one is not happy, one has lost the very purpose of life.Pin
If one is not happy, one has lost the very purpose of life.

“Don’t worry about the situation of the world. You must be very happy, very very happy! Only through happiness and waves of bliss you will be able to help your country and the entire world in an automatic manner. You will remain ever invincible when you don’t allow anything to obscure your happiness.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
From tiny, tiny waves of joy, one gets to the ocean of happiness, which is called bliss.Pin
From tiny, tiny waves of joy, one gets to the ocean of happiness, which is called bliss.
Outside is the joy of the drop. Inside is the joy of the ocean.Pin
Outside is the joy of the drop. Inside is the joy of the ocean.
It may take a little self-discipline - be simple, be kind, stay rested. Attend to your own inner-health and happiness.Pin
It may take a little self-discipline – be simple, be kind, stay rested. Attend to your own inner-health and happiness.
We have an infinite number of reasons to be happy, and a serious responsibility not be serious.Pin
We have an infinite number of reasons to be happy, and a serious responsibility not be serious.

7 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Quotes About Meditation

“Great amount of scientific research is there to show that health is better because transcendental meditation deals with consciousness, and consciousness is the basic value of all the physical expressions. The entire creation is the expression of consciousness.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Transcendental meditation is something that can be defined as a means to do what one wants to do in a better way, a right way, for maximum results.Pin
Transcendental meditation is something that can be defined as a means to do what one wants to do in a better way, a right way, for maximum results.
Meditation makes the man Divine and brings the Divine to the world of man.Pin
Meditation makes the man Divine and brings the Divine to the world of man.

“Meditation is making research into yourself, and into the subtler fields of activity. Day after day we culture our minds with the deep silence of our own Being. This is not the silence of a stone, but creative silence. We have to find it for ourselves. We decrease activity until silence becomes creative, and we sit in creative silence and close the gates of perception for insight into the content of life.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Meditation is a technique to integrate one's personality, to be able to live and enjoy full life of all glories - worldly and divine.Pin
Meditation is a technique to integrate one’s personality, to be able to live and enjoy full life of all glories – worldly and divine.
Meditation is the sharp tool to dig out the great treasure hidden within everybody's inner personality.Pin
Meditation is the sharp tool to dig out the great treasure hidden within everybody’s inner personality.

“If we are all strong, stable, we can set our sail with any wind in the world that comes along. We make up our own direction. If we are not strong, we are like a leaf in the wind and the world’s winds will take us where they wish, not where we wish. So we meditate, every day, regularly, and gain transcendental being in our everyday life and then we are strong. When we are all infused with Being, we need not think which course is right, we just take the one that is automatically. Being is the wind-resister and the sail-setter.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

3 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Quotes About Crimes

“Governments have tried to stop crime through punishment throughout the ages, but crime continued in the past punishment remains. Crime can only be stopped through a preventive approach in the schools. You teach the students Transcendental Meditation, and right away they’ll begin using their full brain physiology sensible and they will not get sidetracked into wrong things.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Stress is the reason for crime and all other kinds of frustration. To relieve it will eliminate everything else.Pin
Stress is the reason for crime and all other kinds of frustration. To relieve it will eliminate everything else.
I want to eliminate the basis of problems and basis of crime, and basis of terrorism.Pin
I want to eliminate the basis of problems and basis of crime, and basis of terrorism.

3 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Quotes About the Universe

The constitution of the universe is total natural law. 'Natural law,' we say from the field of science. 'Will of God,' we say from the field of religion. It's the same thing.Pin
The constitution of the universe is total natural law. ‘Natural law,’ we say from the field of science. ‘Will of God,’ we say from the field of religion. It’s the same thing.
Master of the universe is every man's potential insight, cosmic potential.Pin
Master of the universe is every man’s potential insight, cosmic potential.
Just as a mountain of snow is nothing but water, so also the whole universe is nothing but bliss.Pin
Just as a mountain of snow is nothing but water, so also the whole universe is nothing but bliss.

4 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Quotes About Consciousness

“Consciousness is the basis of all life and the field of all possibilities. Its nature is to expand and unfold its full potential. The impulse to evolve is thus inherent in the very nature of life.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
When the conscious mind expands to embrace deeper levels of thinking, the thought wave becomes more powerful and results in added energy and intelligence.Pin
When the conscious mind expands to embrace deeper levels of thinking, the thought wave becomes more powerful and results in added energy and intelligence.
Behaviour arises from the level of one's consciousness.Pin
Behaviour arises from the level of one’s consciousness.

“All speech, action and behavior are fluctuations of consciousness. All life emerges from, and is sustained in, consciousness. The whole universe is the expression of consciousness. The reality of the universe is one unbounded ocean of consciousness in motion.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

3 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Quotes About Problems

“Problems are not solved on the level of problems. Analyzing a problem to find its solution is like trying to restore freshness to a leaf by treating the leaf itself, whereas the solution lies in watering the root.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
To resolve problems through negotiation is a very childish approach.Pin
To resolve problems through negotiation is a very childish approach.

“All problems of life arise from some weakness of mind. All weakness of mind is due to the mind’s ignorance of its own essential nature, which is universal and the source of infinite energy and intelligence.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Quotes on Love

“Love opens all doors, no matter how tightly closed they may be, no matter how rusty from lack of use. Your work is to bring unity and harmony, to open all those doors which have been closed for a long time. Have patience and tolerance. Open your heart all the time.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
The ego searches for shortcomings and weaknesses. Love watches for any sign of strength. It sees how far each one has come and not how far he has to go.Pin
The ego searches for shortcomings and weaknesses. Love watches for any sign of strength. It sees how far each one has come and not how far he has to go.

2 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Quotes on Death

“Individual potential of life is cosmic potential. Individual is divine deep inside. Transcendental experience awakens that divinity in man. And when you kill a man you deprive him of that birthright of it.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

“What we have done, the result of that comes to us whenever it comes, either today, tomorrow, hundred years later, hundred lives later, whatever, whatever. And so, it’s our own karma. That is why that philosophy in every religion: Killing is sin. Killing is sin in every religion.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Quotes on Education

“Modern psychology has pointed to the need of educating people to use a much larger portion of the mind. Transcendental meditation fulfills this need. And it can be taught very easily.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
My University of Management will create managers who will float in happiness, success and fulfillment.Pin
My University of Management will create managers who will float in happiness, success and fulfillment.

3 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Quotes About America

America is the most creative country and the most powerful government in the world.Pin
America is the most creative country and the most powerful government in the world.
In the United States we have the great Harvard Business School, but America is the country with the greatest debt in the world.Pin
In the United States we have the great Harvard Business School, but America is the country with the greatest debt in the world.
I tell people in Chicago to take care of themselves.Pin
I tell people in Chicago to take care of themselves.

11 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Quotes That Will Make You Think

“The Self of everyone, the Atma of everyone, the transcendental field of reality of everyone, is the same in everyone. Whether the body calls itself an American, German, Indian or Chinese, it doesn’t matter.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
My coherence-creating groups are going to put out all this mischief-mongership in the world.Pin
My coherence-creating groups are going to put out all this mischief-mongership in the world.
Monks are not expected to speak about themselves; the message is important, not the person.Pin
Monks are not expected to speak about themselves; the message is important, not the person.

“In the process of evolution, the body lasts for some time and then will take other body and take other body and take other body until the final redemption from diversity is transcended.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Ayurveda will be known as the most supremely evolved system of perfect health - from both points of view. prevention and cure.Pin
Ayurveda will be known as the most supremely evolved system of perfect health – from both points of view. prevention and cure.
Dwells in the silent chamber of the heart of everyone and everything.Pin
Dwells in the silent chamber of the heart of everyone and everything.

“The dignity of a woman’s life is infinite, her status immeasurable, her capacity unbounded, her role divine. In the fast changing world of today her vision penetrates into the reality of the far beyond, the reality which endures beyond change.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Shankara’s statements about the nature of the goal were mistaken for the path to realization.Pin
Shankara’s statements about the nature of the goal were mistaken for the path to realization.
In order to see him it is necessary to meet him in seclusion, far from the main activity of the business scene.Pin
In order to see him it is necessary to meet him in seclusion, far from the main activity of the business scene.
It is the omnipresence of Being that is responsible for hiding Being behind the scenes and giving It the status of the omniscient, omnipotent supreme lord of the universe.Pin
It is the omnipresence of Being that is responsible for hiding Being behind the scenes and giving It the status of the omniscient, omnipotent supreme lord of the universe.
I let people make remarks about me, but it doesn't touch me, all those remarks.Pin
I let people make remarks about me, but it doesn’t touch me, all those remarks.
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