Movies / TV Shows

Top 75 Quotes from ‘The Maze Runner’ Trilogy (INSPIRING)

Top 10 Most Famous ‘Maze Runner’ Quotes (BEST)

“This is all we got. We’ve worked hard for it. If you respect this place, you and I will get along just fine. We only have three rules: First, do your part. No time for any freeloaders. Second, never harm another Glader. None of this works unless we have trust. Most importantly, never go beyond those walls. Do you understand me, Greenie?”

They took you because you’re immune to a plague that’s wiping out the human race. - VincePin
They took you because you’re immune to a plague that’s wiping out the human race. – Vince
We stay close, we stick together, we get through this. We get out now or we die trying. - ThomasPin
We stay close, we stick together, we get through this. We get out now or we die trying. – Thomas
The most important thing is that we all have each other. Because we're all in this together. - NewtPin
The most important thing is that we all have each other. Because we’re all in this together. – Newt
Look, I don’t know if he’s brave or stupid. But whatever it is, we need more of it. - MinhoPin
Look, I don’t know if he’s brave or stupid. But whatever it is, we need more of it. – Minho

“I am sure by now you all must be very confused. Angry, frightened. I can only assure you that everything that’s happened to you, everything we’ve done to you, it was all done for a reason.”

Ava Paige
A lot of our friends died so we can get this far so we can't give up. - NewtPin
A lot of our friends died so we can get this far so we can’t give up. – Newt
We don't belong here. Somebody built the maze. I think it's time we find out what we're really up against. - ThomasPin
We don’t belong here. Somebody built the maze. I think it’s time we find out what we’re really up against. – Thomas
You’re not like the others. You’re curious. But if you want to stay here, I need to know that you’re going to follow the rules. - AlbyPin
You’re not like the others. You’re curious. But if you want to stay here, I need to know that you’re going to follow the rules. – Alby
The outside world awaits. Remember, wicked is good. - Ava PaigePin
The outside world awaits. Remember, wicked is good. – Ava Paige

3 Encouraging Quotes in ‘Maze Runner’

“I’d rather risk my life out there than spending the rest of it in here. We don’t belong here. This place isn’t our home. We were put here. We were trapped here. At least, out there we have a choice.”

The people we were before the maze don’t even exist anymore. These Creators took care of that. But what does matter is who we are now, and what we do right now. - NewtPin
The people we were before the maze don’t even exist anymore. These Creators took care of that. But what does matter is who we are now, and what we do right now. – Newt
Do you know what this place is, Thomas It's a lifeboat. And the whole world might be sinking, but– it doesn't mean that we have to go down with it. - JansonPin
Do you know what this place is, Thomas? It’s a lifeboat. And the whole world might be sinking, but– it doesn’t mean that we have to go down with it. – Janson

4 Memorable ‘Maze Runner 2014’ Quotes

We're gonna get out of here. All of us. Okay I promise. - ThomasPin
We’re gonna get out of here. All of us. Okay? I promise. – Thomas
Day one, greenie. Rise and shine. - GallyPin
Day one, greenie. Rise and shine. – Gally
If you ain’t scared… you ain’t human. - AlbyPin
If you ain’t scared… you ain’t human. – Alby
Girls are awesome. - ChuckPin
Girls are awesome. – Chuck

19 ‘Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials 2015’ Quotes

“You think I have a bloody clue? Bunch of crazies want to eat us for breakfast, by the looks of it. We need to find another room, have a Gathering. All this noise is driving nails through my buggin’ skull.”

There’s something inside of us that W.C.K.D. wants. It’s why we can’t let them find us. You guys don’t have to come with me, but I know we can make it. - ThomasPin
There’s something inside of us that W.C.K.D. wants. It’s why we can’t let them find us. You guys don’t have to come with me, but I know we can make it. – Thomas
You're not… her. You could never be her. - ThomasPin
You’re not… her. You could never be her. – Thomas

“The world outside’s hanging on by a very thin thread. There’s only a matter of time before the flare virus wipes the rest of us out. This entire facility is designed to keep you safe.”

This is about everyone W.C.K.D.'s ever taken. They'll never stop until we stop them. - ThomasPin
This is about everyone W.C.K.D.’s ever taken. They’ll never stop until we stop them. – Thomas
I'm a Crank. I'm slowly going crazy. I keep wanting to chew off my own fingers and randomly kill people. - BrendaPin
I’m a Crank. I’m slowly going crazy. I keep wanting to chew off my own fingers and randomly kill people. – Brenda
Wait here. No need playing bumper cars with the dead folks again. Let me find the light switches first. - MinhoPin
Wait here. No need playing bumper cars with the dead folks again. Let me find the light switches first. – Minho
Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope has killed more of my friends than the Flare and Scorch combined. - BrendaPin
Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope has killed more of my friends than the Flare and Scorch combined. – Brenda
Don't let me turn into one of those things. - WinstonPin
Don’t let me turn into one of those things. – Winston
We weren't the only maze. - NewtPin
We weren’t the only maze. – Newt
Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but I gotta find out for sure. - ThomasPin
Maybe I’m just being paranoid, but I gotta find out for sure. – Thomas
You kids wouldn't last one day out in the Scorch. - JansonPin
You kids wouldn’t last one day out in the Scorch. – Janson
Whose side are you on - JansonPin
Whose side are you on? – Janson
Remember… I love you. I love you, Thomas. - Thomas' MotherPin
Remember… I love you. I love you, Thomas. – Thomas’ Mother
I don't think anybody every really leaves this place. - ThomasPin
I don’t think anybody every really leaves this place. – Thomas
They won't feel a thing. - JansonPin
They won’t feel a thing. – Janson
All those kids that were left behind, I don't want to end up like them. - MinhoPin
All those kids that were left behind, I don’t want to end up like them. – Minho
Don't you want why you were chosen Don't you want to know why this all happened You're so close to the truth. - JansonPin
Don’t you want why you were chosen? Don’t you want to know why this all happened? You’re so close to the truth. – Janson
What do you remember about WCKD - JansonPin
What do you remember about WCKD? – Janson

18 ‘Maze Runner: The Death Cure 2018’ Quotes

“Dear Thomas, this is the first letter I can remember writing. Obviously, I don’t know if I wrote any before the Maze. But even if it’s not my first, it’s likely to be my last. I want you to know that I’m not scared. Well, not of dying, anyway. It’s more forgetting. It’s losing myself to this virus, that’s what scares me. So every night, I’ve been saying their names out loud. Alby, Winston, Chuck. And I just repeat them over and over like a prayer, and it– and it all comes flooding back. Just the little things like where the sun used to hit the Glade at that perfect moment right before it slipped beneath the walls. And I remember the taste of Frypan’s stew. I never thought I’d miss that stuff so much. And I remember you. I remember the first time you came up in the Box, just a scared little Greenie who couldn’t even remember his own name. But from that moment you ran into the Maze, I knew I would follow you anywhere. And I have. We all have. If I could do it all over again, I would. And I wouldn’t change a thing. And my hope for you– is when you’re looking back years from now, you’ll be able to say the same. The future‘s in your hands now, Tommy. And I know you’ll find a way to do what’s right. You always have. Take care of everyone for me. And take care of yourself. You deserve to be happy. Thank you for being my friend. Goodbye, mate. Newt.”

Three years spent behind walls trying to break out, and now we’re trying to break back in. - NewtPin
Three years spent behind walls trying to break out, and now we’re trying to break back in. – Newt
What is this place Who put us here We don't know. - ThomasPin
What is this place? Who put us here? We don’t know. – Thomas

“It’s been a few years, but– I’ve been there. The Last City. That’s what WCKD called it. It was their whole base of operations. If that city is still standing, that’s the last place you wanna go, hermano. That’s the Lion’s Den.”

What if we were sent here for a reason - TeresaPin
What if we were sent here for a reason? – Teresa
The world is dying. If we find a cure that's the only way this was worth it. - TeresaPin
The world is dying. If we find a cure that’s the only way this was worth it. – Teresa

“Don’t be scared. I may not be pretty but we all know who the enemies are, cowering behind those walls! They have a name for people like us in there. They call us Cranks! But I say that they are the monsters. They’re the ones who started this war, but tonight, we will finish it. Follow me. Follow me and we will show them the faces of the people that they have chosen to forget! Follow me and this city is yours!”

You still care about here, don't you Don't lie to me! - NewtPin
You still care about here, don’t you? Don’t lie to me! – Newt
Look, even if we find Minho, there's no guarantee we'll make it back from this. - ThomasPin
Look, even if we find Minho, there’s no guarantee we’ll make it back from this. – Thomas
Well, you'll need all the help you can get then, won't you Well, we started this together. May as well end it that way, too. - NewtPin
Well, you’ll need all the help you can get then, won’t you? Well, we started this together. May as well end it that way, too. – Newt
This is a long way from the Glade. - NewtPin
This is a long way from the Glade. – Newt
He was an old friend. - FrypanPin
He was an old friend. – Frypan
I didn't think there were any cities left. - HarrietPin
I didn’t think there were any cities left. – Harriet
Rose took my nose, I suppose. - LawrencePin
Rose took my nose, I suppose. – Lawrence
Do you know what I am– Thomas I am a businessman– which means that I don't– take– unnecessary risks. - LawrencePin
Do you know what I am– Thomas? I am a businessman– which means that I don’t– take– unnecessary risks. – Lawrence
I fought back. Tried to, anyway. - ArisPin
I fought back. Tried to, anyway. – Aris
You're lucky you found us at all. They had us on the move a lot. It felt like something big was happening. - SonyaPin
You’re lucky you found us at all. They had us on the move a lot. It felt like something big was happening. – Sonya
Yeah, nobody's perfect, man. - GallyPin
Yeah, nobody’s perfect, man. – Gally

3 Newt Quotes in ‘Maze Runner’

It's a girl. I think she's dead. - NewtPin
It’s a girl. I think she’s dead. – Newt
Three years we’ve spent behind walls trying to breakout, and now we want to break back in. And I get a shot gun. - NewtPin
Three years we’ve spent behind walls trying to breakout, and now we want to break back in. And I get a shot gun. – Newt
Great, we’re all bloody inspired. - NewtPin
Great, we’re all bloody inspired. – Newt

5 Ava Paige Quotes in ‘Maze Runner’

“Well, I think it’s safe to say the maze trials were a complete success. I wasn’t expecting so many survivors, but the more, the merrier. Thomas continues to surprise and impress. And for now, they seem to have taken the bait. It’s too soon to say, but they could be the key to everything. So let’s move forward. It’s time now to begin phase two.”

Ava Paige
You won't remember, but the sun has scorched our world. - Ava PaigePin
You won’t remember, but the sun has scorched our world. – Ava Paige
We’re running out of time. You’ve seen what’s happening out there. - Ava PaigePin
We’re running out of time. You’ve seen what’s happening out there. – Ava Paige
Thomas, you can save your friends, or you can save us all. - Ava PaigePin
Thomas, you can save your friends, or you can save us all. – Ava Paige

“Because things are changing, and not for the better. Infection rates were up 300%. Fortunately, we may be on the verge of a breakthrough. This is Subject A7. He spent over three years in the Maze Trials. The antibodies produced in response have been the strongest we’ve ever seen. We’re extracting a new serum as we speak, and with your support, we’d like to begin human trials.”

Ava Paige

2 Gally Quotes in ‘Maze Runner’

The rules are the only thing that have ever held us together. - GallyPin
The rules are the only thing that have ever held us together. – Gally
Everything started going wrong the minute you showed up. First Ben, then Alby, and now the girl. - GallyPin
Everything started going wrong the minute you showed up. First Ben, then Alby, and now the girl. – Gally

2 Alby Quotes in ‘Maze Runner’

You get your name back in a day or two. It's the one thing they let us keep. - AlbyPin
You get your name back in a day or two. It’s the one thing they let us keep. – Alby
Thomas, get them out. - AlbyPin
Thomas, get them out. – Alby

4 Minho Quotes in ‘Maze Runner’

You're a traitor! We trusted you! - MinhoPin
You’re a traitor! We trusted you! – Minho
I'll kill you! You traitor! You killed them all! - MinhoPin
I’ll kill you! You traitor! You killed them all! – Minho
Why are you helping us, Gally I put a spear through your chest. - MinhoPin
Why are you helping us, Gally? I put a spear through your chest. – Minho
Good job. You just killed yourself. - MinhoPin
Good job. You just killed yourself. – Minho

5 ‘Maze Runner’ Quotes That Will Make You Think

Here, You'll run better on a full stomach. - ChuckPin
Here, You’ll run better on a full stomach. – Chuck
Yeah… but he saved Alby's life. - FrypanPin
Yeah… but he saved Alby’s life. – Frypan
You’re so close to the truth. Don’t you want to know why this all happened - JansonPin
You’re so close to the truth. Don’t you want to know why this all happened? – Janson
Well, that's a good speech, kid. So what's your plan - VincePin
Well, that’s a good speech, kid. So what’s your plan? – Vince
We can't stay here forever. - ThomasPin
We can’t stay here forever. – Thomas
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(MUST READ) The Maze Runner (The Maze Runner, Book 1)

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Quotes from the 'Maze Runner' Trilogy (INSPIRING) - Gracious QuotesPin