Entrepreneurs / Investors

Top 24 Michael Burry Quotes (THE BIG SHOT)

Top 10 Most Famous Michael Burry Quotes (BEST)

“I seek individual investments that will allow me to target total portfolio returns of at least 20% annually after fees and expenses on an annual basis over a period of years, not months.”

Michael Burry
If you are going to be a great investor, you have to fit the style to who you are.Pin
If you are going to be a great investor, you have to fit the style to who you are.
Lost dollars are simply harder to replace than gained dollars are to lose.Pin
Lost dollars are simply harder to replace than gained dollars are to lose.
My natural state is an outsider. I've always felt outside the group, and I've always been analyzing the group.Pin
My natural state is an outsider. I’ve always felt outside the group, and I’ve always been analyzing the group.
I try to buy shares of unpopular companies when they look like road kill and sell them when they've been polished up a bit.Pin
I try to buy shares of unpopular companies when they look like road kill and sell them when they’ve been polished up a bit.
It is ludicrous to believe that asset bubbles can only be recognized in hindsight.Pin
It is ludicrous to believe that asset bubbles can only be recognized in hindsight.
I have always believed that a single talented analyst, working very hard, can cover an amazing amount of investment landscape, and this belief remains unchallenged in my mind.Pin
I have always believed that a single talented analyst, working very hard, can cover an amazing amount of investment landscape, and this belief remains unchallenged in my mind.
The borrowers will always be willing to take a great deal for themselves. It’s up to the lenders to show restraint, and when they lose it, watch out.Pin
The borrowers will always be willing to take a great deal for themselves. It’s up to the lenders to show restraint, and when they lose it, watch out.
The late 90s almost forced me to identify myself as a value investor, because I thought what everybody else was doing was insane.Pin
The late 90s almost forced me to identify myself as a value investor, because I thought what everybody else was doing was insane.
I have a job to do. Make money for my clients. Period. But boy it gets morbid when you start making investments that work out extra great if a tragedy occurs.Pin
I have a job to do. Make money for my clients. Period. But boy it gets morbid when you start making investments that work out extra great if a tragedy occurs.

9 Michael Burry Quotes on Investing

“I started trading stocks, options and futures while I was at UCLA, using my earnings from working summers at the old IBM plant on Cottle Road. I never lost interest in how companies work. It’s fundamental to who I am.”

Michael Burry
Investors should own a concentrated portfolio of high-quality businesses that can deliver strong organic growth even if the economy falters.Pin
Investors should own a concentrated portfolio of high-quality businesses that can deliver strong organic growth even if the economy falters.
I don't believe anything unless I understand it inside out. And even if I understand something, it is not uncommon that I disagree with accepted view (even if it's a Nobel laureate).Pin
I don’t believe anything unless I understand it inside out. And even if I understand something, it is not uncommon that I disagree with accepted view (even if it’s a Nobel laureate).
Regardless of what the future holds, intelligent investment in common stocks offer a solid route for a reasonable return on investment going forward.Pin
Regardless of what the future holds, intelligent investment in common stocks offer a solid route for a reasonable return on investment going forward.
I don't take breaks in my search for value. There is no golf or other hobby to distract me. Seeing value is what I do.Pin
I don’t take breaks in my search for value. There is no golf or other hobby to distract me. Seeing value is what I do.
I will always choose the dollar bill carrying a wildly fluctuating discount rather than the dollar bill selling for a quite stable premium.Pin
I will always choose the dollar bill carrying a wildly fluctuating discount rather than the dollar bill selling for a quite stable premium.
My positioning with my investors was always, I need three to five years.Pin
My positioning with my investors was always, I need three to five years.
Everything I do in investment is just very different.Pin
Everything I do in investment is just very different.
There is all this opportunity, but so few active managers looking to take advantage.Pin
There is all this opportunity, but so few active managers looking to take advantage.

2 Michael Burry Quotes on The Housing Market Collapse

I'm not making a bet against a bond. I'm making a bet against a system.Pin
I’m not making a bet against a bond. I’m making a bet against a system.
Subprime mortgages, typically defined as those issued to borrowers with low credit scores, make up roughly the riskiest one-third of all mortgages.Pin
Subprime mortgages, typically defined as those issued to borrowers with low credit scores, make up roughly the riskiest one-third of all mortgages.

3 Michael Burry Quotes on the Authority

The idea that growth will remedy our debts is so addictive for politicians.Pin
The idea that growth will remedy our debts is so addictive for politicians.
People want an authority to tell them how to value things, but they choose this authority not based on facts or results.Pin
People want an authority to tell them how to value things, but they choose this authority not based on facts or results.
Sadly, in the highest levels of economic thought in government, questions are not tolerated. It is as if we're dealing with the binary thinking of a fundamentalist religion.Pin
Sadly, in the highest levels of economic thought in government, questions are not tolerated. It is as if we’re dealing with the binary thinking of a fundamentalist religion.
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