Top 10 Most Famous Michel Foucault Quotes (BEST)
“‘Truth‘ is to be understood as a system of ordered procedures for the production, regulation, distribution, circulation and operation of statements. ‘Truth’ is linked in a circular relation with systems of power which produce and sustain it, and to effects of power which it induces and which extend it. A ‘regime’ of truth.”
Michel Foucault

“Knowledge doesn’t really form part of human nature. Conflict, combat, the outcome of the combat, and, consequently, risk and chance are what gives rise to knowledge. Knowledge is not instinctive; it is counter instinctive, just as it is not natural but counter natural.”
Michel Foucault

8 Michel Foucault Quotes on Freedom and Society
“Domination is not that solid and global kind of domination that one person exercises over others, or one group over another, but the manifold forms of domination that can be exercised within society.”
Michel Foucault

“The real political task in a society such as ours is to criticize the workings of institutions that appear to be both neutral and independent, to criticize and attack them in such a manner that the political violence that has always exercised itself obscurely through them will be unmasked, so that one can fight against them.”
Michel Foucault

8 WiseMichel Foucault Quotes that will Make You Think (WISDOM)
“The history of thought, of knowledge, of philosophy, of literature seems to be seeking, and discovering, more and more discontinuities, whereas history itself appears to be abandoning the irruption of events in favor of stable structures.”
Michel Foucault

3 Michel Foucault Quotes on Justice

6 Michel Foucault Quotes on Power
“The university and in a general way, all teaching systems, which appear simply to disseminate knowledge, are made to maintain a certain social class in power; and to exclude the instruments of power of another social class.”
Michel Foucault

“Power is not an institution, and not a structure; neither is it a certain strength we are endowed with; it is the name that one attributes to a complex strategical situation in a particular society.”
Michel Foucault
8 Michel Foucault Quotes on Education and Knowledge
“Education may well be, as of right, the instrument whereby every individual, in a society like our own, can gain access to any kind of discourse. But we well know that in its distribution, in what it permits and in what it prevents, it follows the well-trodden battle-lines of social conflict. Every educational system is a political means of maintaining or of modifying the appropriation of discourse, with the knowledge and the powers it carries with it.”
Michel Foucault

“There is no power relation without the correlative constitution of a field ofknowledge, nor any knowledge that does not presuppose and constitute at the same time power relations.”
Michel Foucault

4 Michel Foucault Quotes on Art

4 Michel Foucault Quotes on Truth

2 Michel Foucault Quotes on Death

2 Michel Foucault Quotes on Writing

(MUST READ) Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison
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