
77 of the Wisest Moroccan Proverbs (WISDOM)

Top 12 Most Famous Moroccan Proverbs (BEST)

I beg the Most High to allow me the favor of the double reward, but if God only finds me worthy of one reward, I will accept it in all humility.Pin
I beg the Most High to allow me the favor of the double reward, but if God only finds me worthy of one reward, I will accept it in all humility.
Waking up early is bought with gold.Pin
Waking up early is bought with gold.
The one who fear, live.Pin
The one who fear, live.
Don't waste time putting forward arguments in good faith in the face of people of bad faith.Pin
Don’t waste time putting forward arguments in good faith in the face of people of bad faith.
Drop by drop the river rises.Pin
Drop by drop the river rises.
Never say I regret, always say I learned.Pin
Never say I regret, always say I learned.
In his heart a man may plan his course but God determines his every step.Pin
In his heart a man may plan his course but God determines his every step.
You should think 1,000 times, before using scissors.Pin
You should think 1,000 times, before using scissors.
If you have to beg, beg the rich people.Pin
If you have to beg, beg the rich people.
The camel never sees his own hump but that of his brothers is always in his eyes.Pin
The camel never sees his own hump but that of his brothers is always in his eyes.
Show him, show him again, if he doesn't learn, just leave him.Pin
Show him, show him again, if he doesn’t learn, just leave him.

4 Moroccan Proverbs about friendship

If your friend is honey, don’t lick him.Pin
If your friend is honey, don’t lick him.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.Pin
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Every rose has a thorn as its friend.Pin
Every rose has a thorn as its friend.
By all means make friends with the dog, but do not lay aside the stick.Pin
By all means make friends with the dog, but do not lay aside the stick.
Even as a solid rock is unshaken by the wind, so are the wise unshaken by praise or blame.Pin
Even as a solid rock is unshaken by the wind, so are the wise unshaken by praise or blame.

22 Wise Moroccan Proverbs about Life

It is not cowardly, quite the contrary, to seek to meet the adversary and know his intentions. However, it is cowardly, shameful and treasonable to lay down arms.Pin
It is not cowardly, quite the contrary, to seek to meet the adversary and know his intentions. However, it is cowardly, shameful and treasonable to lay down arms.
He, who takes from one to give to another, goes to heavens empty-handed.Pin
He, who takes from one to give to another, goes to heavens empty-handed.
Traveling - it gives you home in thousand strange places, then leaves you a stranger in your own land.Pin
Traveling – it gives you home in thousand strange places, then leaves you a stranger in your own land.
Speech and action make the perfect conduct.Pin
Speech and action make the perfect conduct.
He who lacks knowledge derides his neighbor, but the man of understanding holds his tongue.Pin
He who lacks knowledge derides his neighbor, but the man of understanding holds his tongue.
The world has not promised anything to anybody.Pin
The world has not promised anything to anybody.
There is no queue at the gate of patience.Pin
There is no queue at the gate of patience.
If you are responsible of a problem, you should find the solution.Pin
If you are responsible of a problem, you should find the solution.
He who follows the right path, thorns will not hurt him.Pin
He who follows the right path, thorns will not hurt him.
If the peaches were a remedy, they would heal themselves first.Pin
If the peaches were a remedy, they would heal themselves first.
Seek advice from the ill and not he doctor.Pin
Seek advice from the ill and not he doctor.
The tongue has no bones.Pin
The tongue has no bones.
Hit the iron while it's still hot.Pin
Hit the iron while it’s still hot.
The determined ostrich hunter will surely meet one.Pin
The determined ostrich hunter will surely meet one.
See the beauty when she wakes up from her sleep before she washes her face and combs her hair.Pin
See the beauty when she wakes up from her sleep before she washes her face and combs her hair.
In the eyes of its mother, every beetle is a gazelle.Pin
In the eyes of its mother, every beetle is a gazelle.
Your brother, your brother, do not be deceived by greed.Pin
Your brother, your brother, do not be deceived by greed.
He who has nothing to die for has nothing to live for.Pin
He who has nothing to die for has nothing to live for.
Cautious people are safe.Pin
Cautious people are safe.
Unless you put your hands in holes, snakes won't bite you.Pin
Unless you put your hands in holes, snakes won’t bite you.
An agreement is a kind of debt.Pin
An agreement is a kind of debt.
Better a patient man than a warrior, one who controls his temper than one who takes a city.Pin
Better a patient man than a warrior, one who controls his temper than one who takes a city.

2 Moroccan Proverbs about Education

Instruct a man, you instruct an individual. Instruct a woman, you instruct a nation.Pin
Instruct a man, you instruct an individual. Instruct a woman, you instruct a nation.
Teaching in youth is like carving in stone.Pin
Teaching in youth is like carving in stone.

14 Moroccan Proverbs about Happiness and Success

Exert effort, you shall be rewarded. If at noon the King declares it is night, behold the stars.Pin
Exert effort, you shall be rewarded. If at noon the King declares it is night, behold the stars.
Few desires, happy life.Pin
Few desires, happy life.
Plans fail for lack of counsel but with many advisors, succeed.Pin
Plans fail for lack of counsel but with many advisors, succeed.
The heart of a fool is in his mouth, the mouth of a wise man is in his heart.Pin
The heart of a fool is in his mouth, the mouth of a wise man is in his heart.
You can't catch two frogs with one hand.Pin
You can’t catch two frogs with one hand.
Discipline awaits he who leaves his path.Pin
Discipline awaits he who leaves his path.
For the sake of a single rose, the gardener becomes servant to a thousand thorns.Pin
For the sake of a single rose, the gardener becomes servant to a thousand thorns.
Slowness comes from God and haste from the Devil.Pin
Slowness comes from God and haste from the Devil.
If you forget your worries, the storm will blow over.Pin
If you forget your worries, the storm will blow over.
If you are afraid of something, you give it power over you.Pin
If you are afraid of something, you give it power over you.
Some will learn through pain and sorrow, others through joy and laughter, so it is written.Pin
Some will learn through pain and sorrow, others through joy and laughter, so it is written.
One who pervades the great universe is seen by none unless a man knows the unfolding of love.Pin
One who pervades the great universe is seen by none unless a man knows the unfolding of love.
Courage is illusion, balance is the best we can get.Pin
Courage is illusion, balance is the best we can get.
Catch the halter rope and it will lead you to the donkey.Pin
Catch the halter rope and it will lead you to the donkey.

4 Moroccan Proverbs on Kindness

The mind is free and the slightest thought has great influence. It is therefore important that you think enlightened thoughts.Pin
The mind is free and the slightest thought has great influence. It is therefore important that you think enlightened thoughts.
Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bone.Pin
Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bone.
Kindness can pluck the whiskers of a lion.Pin
Kindness can pluck the whiskers of a lion.
A fool's lips bring him strife and invite a beating.Pin
A fool’s lips bring him strife and invite a beating.

3 Moroccan Proverbs about Dogs

If the prayers of dogs were answered, bones would rain from the sky.Pin
If the prayers of dogs were answered, bones would rain from the sky.
To the dog who has money, men say: my lord dog.Pin
To the dog who has money, men say: my lord dog.
If a man told you that a dog had run off with your ear, would you go after the dog or search first for your earPin
If a man told you that a dog had run off with your ear, would you go after the dog or search first for your ear?

16 Moroccan Proverbs that Will Make You Think & Ponder

The power of the word in Morocco belonged to men and to the authorities. No one asked the point of view of poor people or women.Pin
The power of the word in Morocco belonged to men and to the authorities. No one asked the point of view of poor people or women.
The camel never sees his own hump, but that of his brother is always in his eyes.Pin
The camel never sees his own hump, but that of his brother is always in his eyes.
Lies have got no legs.Pin
Lies have got no legs.
He is a good storyteller who can turn a man's ears into eyes.Pin
He is a good storyteller who can turn a man’s ears into eyes.
Come with me mom, I want to show you my uncle's house.Pin
Come with me mom, I want to show you my uncle’s house.
The moon and the stars are not above us, the earth is on the other side of our feet.Pin
The moon and the stars are not above us, the earth is on the other side of our feet.
Open your door to a good day and prepare yourself for a bad one.Pin
Open your door to a good day and prepare yourself for a bad one.
It's the eye that eats.Pin
It’s the eye that eats.
If at noon the King declares it is night, behold the stars.Pin
If at noon the King declares it is night, behold the stars.
Let us sit bent, but talk straight.Pin
Let us sit bent, but talk straight.
If I listen, I have the advantage; if I speak, others have it.Pin
If I listen, I have the advantage; if I speak, others have it.
A devil takes one and makes two, a saint takes two and makes one.Pin
A devil takes one and makes two, a saint takes two and makes one.
The hand you cannot bite, kiss.Pin
The hand you cannot bite, kiss.
What is here is elsewhere, what is not here is nowhere.Pin
What is here is elsewhere, what is not here is nowhere.
A crucible for silver and a furnace for gold, but Allah tests the heart.Pin
A crucible for silver and a furnace for gold, but Allah tests the heart.
Better a handful of dried figs and content with that, than to own the gate of peacocks and be kicked in the eye by a broody camel.Pin
Better a handful of dried figs and content with that, than to own the gate of peacocks and be kicked in the eye by a broody camel.
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