Entrepreneurs / Investors

Top 80 N. R. Narayana Murthy Quotes (SUCCESS)

Top 10 Most Famous N. R. Narayana Murthy Quotes (BEST)

“Performance leads to recognition. Recognition brings respect. Respect enhances power. Humility and grace in one’s moments of power enhances the dignity of an organization.”

N. R. Narayana Murthy
Growth is painful. Change is painful. But, nothing is as painful as staying stuck where you do not belong.Pin
Growth is painful. Change is painful. But, nothing is as painful as staying stuck where you do not belong.
A ship is safest at the harbor, but that is not where it is supposed to be.Pin
A ship is safest at the harbor, but that is not where it is supposed to be.
If England became a world power, it was because of the industrial revolution.Pin
If England became a world power, it was because of the industrial revolution.
It is better to underpromise and overdeliver than vice versa. For this one need not break the law of the land.Pin
It is better to underpromise and overdeliver than vice versa. For this one need not break the law of the land.

“I marvel at how one role model can alter for the better the future of a young student. This experience taught me that valuable advice can sometimes come from an unexpected source, and chance events can sometimes open new doors.”

N. R. Narayana Murthy
In God we trust, everybody else bring data to the table.Pin
In God we trust, everybody else bring data to the table.
Respect, recognition, and reward flow out of performance.Pin
Respect, recognition, and reward flow out of performance.
You become a star not because of your title; you become a star because you are adding star value to the company.Pin
You become a star not because of your title; you become a star because you are adding star value to the company.
Our assets walk out of the door each evening. We have to make sure that they come back the next morning.Pin
Our assets walk out of the door each evening. We have to make sure that they come back the next morning.

11 Thought-Provoking N. R. Narayana Murthy Quotes

Learning from experience, however, can be complicated. It can be much more difficult to learn from success than from failure. If we fail, we think carefully about the precise cause. Success can indiscriminately reinforce all our prior actions.”

N. R. Narayana Murthy
Nobody is bothered about an institution more than its alumni.Pin
Nobody is bothered about an institution more than its alumni.
Engineering or technology is all about using the power of science to make life better for people, to reduce cost, to improve comfort, to improve productivity, etc.Pin
Engineering or technology is all about using the power of science to make life better for people, to reduce cost, to improve comfort, to improve productivity, etc.
Even the most dishonest officer would want to be seen as a role model for his children.Pin
Even the most dishonest officer would want to be seen as a role model for his children.
We all, as engineers, doctors, have a big responsibility to bring smiles on the faces of suffering humanity.Pin
We all, as engineers, doctors, have a big responsibility to bring smiles on the faces of suffering humanity.
The biggest impediment to growth is in our minds and not in the world outside, and only constant in the world is change.Pin
The biggest impediment to growth is in our minds and not in the world outside, and only constant in the world is change.
Love your job, but never fall in love with your company.Pin
Love your job, but never fall in love with your company.
To me, patriotism is about working ethically and wholeheartedly in our chosen field.Pin
To me, patriotism is about working ethically and wholeheartedly in our chosen field.
I have always looked at my competencies before accepting any responsibility.Pin
I have always looked at my competencies before accepting any responsibility.
In the fullness of time, when it is our turn to give, we must in turn plant gardens that we may never eat the fruit of, which will benefit the generations to come.Pin
In the fullness of time, when it is our turn to give, we must in turn plant gardens that we may never eat the fruit of, which will benefit the generations to come.
You need to mesh the voices of people with expertise and meritocracy.Pin
You need to mesh the voices of people with expertise and meritocracy.

6 Inspirational N. R. Narayana Murthy Quotes

“When you run a part of the relay and pass on the baton, there is no sense of unfinished business in your mind. There is just the sense of having done your part to the best of your ability. That is it. The hope is to pass on the baton to somebody who will run faster and run a better marathon.”

N. R. Narayana Murthy
A clear conscience is the softest pillow in the world.Pin
A clear conscience is the softest pillow in the world.
Move from apathy to action. Aim at becoming better than me. Luck will favor those who are prepared.Pin
Move from apathy to action. Aim at becoming better than me. Luck will favor those who are prepared.

“It’s very important to learn quick lessons from your failures, very important to recognize symptoms of failure pretty early, and it is very, very important to not to be attached too much to the idea – you have to know when to give up an idea.”

N. R. Narayana Murthy

“When, one day, you have made your mark on the world, remember that, in the ultimate analysis, we are all mere temporary custodians of the wealth we generate, whether it be financial, intellectual, or emotional. The best use of all your wealth is to share it with those less fortunate.”

Narayana Murthy

“It is less important where you start. It is more important how and what you learn. If the quality of the learning is high, the development gradient is steep, and, given time, you can find yourself in a previously unattainable place.”

N. R. Narayana Murthy

10 N. R. Narayana Murthy Quotes About Entrepreneurship

Startups are about entrepreneurs coming up with an idea whose proposition is very different from any existing idea in the market. Startups are about a set of people whose collective experience can test an idea’s market fit and scale it up.”

N. R. Narayana Murthy
Entrepreneurship is all about deferred gratification.Pin
Entrepreneurship is all about deferred gratification.
Entrepreneurship, resulting in large-scale job creation, was the only viable mechanism for eradicating poverty in societies.Pin
Entrepreneurship, resulting in large-scale job creation, was the only viable mechanism for eradicating poverty in societies.

“Often times I have been asked about the attributes for success, and I have said that you need two attributes for succeeding as an entrepreneur: one, courage, second, luck.”

N. R. Narayana Murthy
You do not have to be the son of a rich man to be an entrepreneur. Today kids are far more willing to take risks because they've seen high rewards.Pin
You do not have to be the son of a rich man to be an entrepreneur. Today kids are far more willing to take risks because they’ve seen high rewards.

“Any mechanism that will ensure benefits to consumer, any mechanism that will ensure that we do not waste food grains, any mechanism that helps the poorest of the poor is a welcome step.”

N. R. Narayana Murthy

“I was the first businessman to say, ‘You should give tax benefit to only small companies. You should say your profits are exempt to a limit of Rs. 50 crore or so, but beyond that, you should pay taxes.’ I have been arguing with successive finance ministers on this.”

N. R. Narayana Murthy

“Entrepreneurship is all about an idea that creates differentiated business value to one’s customers. You must be able to convince your customers about the benefits that an association with you or your products will give them. People are ready to pay if they are convinced about your services or products.”

N. R. Narayana Murthy

“We want more and more people to become entrepreneurs. If the tea stall owner in a small village can say, ‘Hey, these guys can do it; so can I,’ and get his business into the next orbit, then our job is done.”

Narayana Murthy

“When you are in business for a long time, you go through good times and bad times. When you go through bad times, you learn to control costs, satisfy customers better, satisfy employees better and become more transparent. Therefore, you build character in the company.”

N. R. Narayana Murthy

7 N. R. Narayana Murthy Quotes On Leadership

“There is only one ingredient for innovation and that is the power of the human mind. As long as a company is able to attract, enable, empower and retain the best of the brightest, it will have a play. As long as the leadership of companies ensure that the physically and mentally tired mind that leaves office at whatever 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm or 9:00 pm comes back mentally and physically reenergized and enthusiastic to add significant value to the customer next morning, the job is done.”

N. R. Narayana Murthy
The future of any corporation is as good as the value system of the leaders and followers in the organization.Pin
The future of any corporation is as good as the value system of the leaders and followers in the organization.
A great leader also has the ability to make people an inch taller in his presence.Pin
A great leader also has the ability to make people an inch taller in his presence.
Leadership is about doing the right thing, even if it going against a vast number of naysayers and mediocre people.Pin
Leadership is about doing the right thing, even if it going against a vast number of naysayers and mediocre people.
Leading by example is the most powerful advice you can give to anybody.Pin
Leading by example is the most powerful advice you can give to anybody.
We have to change the mindset of our corporate leaders and, obviously, we have to raise the level of corporate governance.Pin
We have to change the mindset of our corporate leaders and, obviously, we have to raise the level of corporate governance.
My personal view is that organisations have a capacity to throw up extraordinary leaders to suit the occasion.Pin
My personal view is that organisations have a capacity to throw up extraordinary leaders to suit the occasion.

3 N. R. Narayana Murthy Quotes on Money

“If my company spends money, it should be disclosed to the shareholders and how it was spent. With my personal money, I can do anything I want. But company money should be disclosed.”

N. R. Narayana Murthy
The real power of money is the power to give it away.Pin
The real power of money is the power to give it away.
I think people like Bill Gates, who have given away enormous sums of money, are shining examples for all of us to follow.Pin
I think people like Bill Gates, who have given away enormous sums of money, are shining examples for all of us to follow.

7 N. R. Narayana Murthy Quotes About Companies and Corporations

Even if a company is taken private, at some stage people want to make it public.Pin
Even if a company is taken private, at some stage people want to make it public.
Today, the biggest bottleneck to the growth of a corporation is availability of good talent.Pin
Today, the biggest bottleneck to the growth of a corporation is availability of good talent.
Organizations with decision-making speed and imagination will thrive as nobody can claim to have a monopoly over creativity.Pin
Organizations with decision-making speed and imagination will thrive as nobody can claim to have a monopoly over creativity.
If longevity is the best index to measure a company, a basic requirement is the ability of the corporation to generate new and new leaders.Pin
If longevity is the best index to measure a company, a basic requirement is the ability of the corporation to generate new and new leaders.
Investment in training is a huge necessity for knowledge-based corporations.Pin
Investment in training is a huge necessity for knowledge-based corporations.
Every company has to identify what I call its strategic resources, and make sure that it grabs as much of its strategic resources as possible.Pin
Every company has to identify what I call its strategic resources, and make sure that it grabs as much of its strategic resources as possible.
Perhaps the biggest problem before Indian Corporates is that of the concept of ‘corporate throne’. If the company is not doing well, the old guard must make way for new.Pin
Perhaps the biggest problem before Indian Corporates is that of the concept of ‘corporate throne’. If the company is not doing well, the old guard must make way for new.

4 N. R. Narayana Murthy Quotes on Healthcare

In order to improve healthcare, we'll have to spend more on it, increase accountability and decentralize services, enforce standards and reinstate people's faith in it.Pin
In order to improve healthcare, we’ll have to spend more on it, increase accountability and decentralize services, enforce standards and reinstate people’s faith in it.
Effective use of technology is important to deliver healthcare. By leveraging technology, you can bring down lack of access and cost of healthcare.Pin
Effective use of technology is important to deliver healthcare. By leveraging technology, you can bring down lack of access and cost of healthcare.
Clearly, healthcare is a very important sector.Pin
Clearly, healthcare is a very important sector.
Although we have enough healthcare support, often it doesn't reach the poor and needy. In this scenario, technology is the best solution.Pin
Although we have enough healthcare support, often it doesn’t reach the poor and needy. In this scenario, technology is the best solution.

4 N. R. Narayana Murthy Quotes about Governance

“I think every country has to recognize its competitive advantage and liberate its strengths to be a partner in global trade, and that’s the only way you can survive and succeed.”

N. R. Narayana Murthy
The velocity of decision making in government was extraordinary slow. It took 18 to 24 months and 15 to 20 trips to Delhi to get a license to import computers.Pin
The velocity of decision making in government was extraordinary slow. It took 18 to 24 months and 15 to 20 trips to Delhi to get a license to import computers.
The principle of democracy is all about delegation of power by the vast majority of citizens through a few chosen representatives chosen on merit and competence.Pin
The principle of democracy is all about delegation of power by the vast majority of citizens through a few chosen representatives chosen on merit and competence.

“As long as they (government) make businesses grow in the country, as long as we collect more taxes, as long as we use those taxes efficiently, I think the confidence will come back, every one will be very happy with whatever government is in the Centre and we will be better country.”

N. R. Narayana Murthy

3 N. R. Narayana Murthy Quotes on Mindset

A fixed mindset creates a tendency to avoid challenges, to ignore useful negative feedback and leads such people to plateau early and not achieve their full potential.Pin
A fixed mindset creates a tendency to avoid challenges, to ignore useful negative feedback and leads such people to plateau early and not achieve their full potential.
Progress is often equal to the difference between mind and mindset.Pin
Progress is often equal to the difference between mind and mindset.
I can assert that it is this belief in learning from experience, a growth mindset, the power of chance events, and self-reflection that have helped me grow to the present.Pin
I can assert that it is this belief in learning from experience, a growth mindset, the power of chance events, and self-reflection that have helped me grow to the present.

3 N. R. Narayana Murthy Quotes About Other Countries

“I am great admirer of China. It has shown great discipline and dedication in attacking n export markets. China is working furiously on its English-language capability and its quality control. As China become stronger, it sends a clear signal that we in India have to harder to stay ahead.”

N. R. Narayana Murthy
India is a country of empty words, not action. Only repeating, 'Mera Bharat Mahaan' won't help. Learn to finish the race first in order to finish first.Pin
India is a country of empty words, not action. Only repeating, ‘Mera Bharat Mahaan’ won’t help. Learn to finish the race first in order to finish first.

“The world expects India to be one of the leaders in solving the problems of politics and economics. India sits at the high table in most major multilateral deliberations. What India says is heard with attention and seriousness.”

N. R. Narayana Murthy

12 N. R. Narayana Murthy Quotes That Will Make You Think

“I am struck by the incredible role played by the interplay of chance events with intentional choices. While the turning points themselves are indeed often fortuitous, how we respond to them is anything but so. It is this very quality of how we respond systematically to chance events that is crucial.”

N. R. Narayana Murthy
I am what we call a 'karma yogi' in Sanskrit. A karma yogi is somebody who believes in data. I collect a lot of data.Pin
I am what we call a ‘karma yogi’ in Sanskrit. A karma yogi is somebody who believes in data. I collect a lot of data.
A professorship appeals very much because I enjoy being with younger people.Pin
A professorship appeals very much because I enjoy being with younger people.

“I want Infosys to be a company which is globally respected and in where people belonging to different nationalities, races and religious beliefs will work with intense competition but utmost courtesy, dignity and co-operation in adding greater value to our stakeholders day after day.”

N. R. Narayana Murthy
The unique instrument to eradicate poverty and usher in prosperity is our youth.Pin
The unique instrument to eradicate poverty and usher in prosperity is our youth.
I am a man in a hurry.Pin
I am a man in a hurry.
Kumar Mangalam Birla is one of the most respected business persons.Pin
Kumar Mangalam Birla is one of the most respected business persons.
Rahul Gandhi is very idealistic and a very decent human being. He has real concerns for the downtrodden.Pin
Rahul Gandhi is very idealistic and a very decent human being. He has real concerns for the downtrodden.
I've always enjoyed mathematics. It is the most precise and concise way of expressing any idea.Pin
I’ve always enjoyed mathematics. It is the most precise and concise way of expressing any idea.
Hinduism has an enormous capacity to absorb from outside influences and accept it in a peaceful and steady manner without perturbing the system.Pin
Hinduism has an enormous capacity to absorb from outside influences and accept it in a peaceful and steady manner without perturbing the system.
Students are the future of this country. Quality software engineers will carve the way ahead for becoming a software global giant.Pin
Students are the future of this country. Quality software engineers will carve the way ahead for becoming a software global giant.
My passion is to create a better society for our future citizens.Pin
My passion is to create a better society for our future citizens.
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(MUST READ) The Billion Dollar Secret: 20 Principles of Billionaire Wealth and Success

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N. R. NarayanA Murthy Quotes (SUCCESS) - Gracious QuotesPin