6th Month: July 2020 Summary
July 2020 is the best month in terms of growth and accomplishments. I’m glad to see the steady and gradual upward trend on our site in July 2020 (see results below).
I’m not sure if it’s due to the number of posts we published in July (86 posts, our record thus far) or is it due to the compound effect of all the previous posts combined.
I’m happy with July 2020’s results but I’m absolutely sure there are still rooms for improvement to benefit our readers like:
- Better sourcing of quotes – research deeper and publish those uncommon quotes on our site that can make our readers go ‘WOW’ and/or think deeper
- Website speed – especially for mobile. I will work with a developer soon so our readers can have a greater experience on GraciousQuotes.com
- Improve user-navigation – The more posts we have means the more challenging it is for users to find what they are looking for. Therefore, it is important we segregate each post to the correct category, alphabet, genre, etc.
- Improve PREMIUM experience by adding a reliable and powerful info-product – haven’t given much thought on the product yet but will definitely include this in the PREMIUM before the end of 2020.
In August 2020, I will probably cut down on the number of posts I publish and focus more on sourcing better and more helpful quotes for our readers.
July 2020 Results:

July 2020 Accomplishments:
- Published Posts: 86 (Click here for all July 2020 posts)
- Published YouTube videos: 86 (Click here to check out our YouTube channel)