
69 Inspirational Quotes About Reliability (VALIDITY)

Top 10 Inspiring Quotes About Reliability

“Don’t make promises unless you will keep them. Not planning to keep them. Will keep them. Reliability is one of the keys to any good relationship, and good customer service is no exception.”

Susan Ward
Do actions agree with words There's your measure of reliability. Never confine yourself to the words. - Frank HerbertPin
Do actions agree with words? There’s your measure of reliability. Never confine yourself to the words. – Frank Herbert
Reliability is the precondition for trust. - Wolfgang SchaublePin
Reliability is the precondition for trust. – Wolfgang Schauble
A man who lacks reliability is utterly useless. - ConfuciusPin
A man who lacks reliability is utterly useless. – Confucius
Sometimes I light incense and a candle. It's so peaceful and quiet. The steadiness of the energy and the reliability of the warmth have a calming effect. - Cindy WilliamsPin
Sometimes I light incense and a candle. It’s so peaceful and quiet. The steadiness of the energy and the reliability of the warmth have a calming effect. – Cindy Williams
The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it. - Abraham LincolnPin
The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it. – Abraham Lincoln
Being considered reliable means that you are conscientious and keep your promises. A reliable person does not make excuses. - Shaman Elder Maggie WahlsPin
Being considered reliable means that you are conscientious and keep your promises. A reliable person does not make excuses. – Shaman Elder Maggie Wahls
Reliability is the hallmark of a dignified personality. - Rajendra MuthyePin
Reliability is the hallmark of a dignified personality. – Rajendra Muthye
Be known as a reliable person. No one wants to do business with an unreliable person. - Mark KhoderPin
Be known as a reliable person. No one wants to do business with an unreliable person. – Mark Khoder
Facts from paper are not the same as facts from people. The reliability of the people giving you the facts is as important as the facts themselves. - Harold GeneenPin
Facts from paper are not the same as facts from people. The reliability of the people giving you the facts is as important as the facts themselves. – Harold Geneen

2 Quotes on Reliability At Work

“Reliability is used in everyday speech to describe persons or things. A reliable person can be counted on; hence a reliable employee turns up for work on time and performs assigned duties to the best of her or his abilities.”

Ross E. Traub
Investment in reliability will increase until it exceeds the probable cause of errors, or until someone insists on getting some useful work done. - Arthur BlochPin
Investment in reliability will increase until it exceeds the probable cause of errors, or until someone insists on getting some useful work done. – Arthur Bloch

4 Motivational Quotes on Reliability

“Early on a difficult climb, especially a solo climb, you’re hyper-aware of the abyss pulling at your back, constantly feeling its call, its immense hunger. To resist takes tremendous conscious effort, you don’t dare let your guard down for an instant. The void puts you on edge, makes your movements tentative and clumsy. But as the climb continues, you grow accustomed to the exposure, you get used to rubbing shoulders with doom, you come to believe in the reliability of your hands and feet and head. You learn to trust your self-control.”

Jon Krakauer
I shed a tear when I meet somebody who always quits. Reliable people are so rare in this world. - BauvardPin
I shed a tear when I meet somebody who always quits. Reliable people are so rare in this world. – Bauvard
Reliability to produce good results time after time. How much a person can be depended on.Pin
Reliability: to produce good results time after time. How much a person can be depended on.
Pride yourself in being someone to whom others can turn. Reliability is a quality to be admired.Pin
Pride yourself in being someone to whom others can turn. Reliability is a quality to be admired.

4 Wise Quotes on Dependability and Reliability

Until we have established reliability there is no sense at all in wasting time trying to make the thing go faster. - Carroll SmithPin
Until we have established reliability there is no sense at all in wasting time trying to make the thing go faster. – Carroll Smith
Our confidence… is not in the competence of our own knowing, but in the faithfulness and reliability of the one who is known. - Lesslie NewbiginPin
Our confidence… is not in the competence of our own knowing, but in the faithfulness and reliability of the one who is known. – Lesslie Newbigin
Reliability connotes a kind of consistency. - Ross E. TraubPin
Reliability connotes a kind of consistency. – Ross E. Traub
The most important way of being reliable is by following through on commitments. If you give your word, people expect that you will do what you say. - Barbara FarmerPin
The most important way of being reliable is by following through on commitments. If you give your word, people expect that you will do what you say. – Barbara Farmer

3 Quotes on Reliability and Leadership

Reliability is the fuel for compounding strength of a leader. Loss of reliability results in loss of confidence in one's leadership. - Krishna Saagar RaoPin
Reliability is the fuel for compounding strength of a leader. Loss of reliability results in loss of confidence in one’s leadership. – Krishna Saagar Rao
Leaders should be reliable without being predictable. They should be consistent without being anticipated. - Mike KrzyzewskiPin
Leaders should be reliable without being predictable. They should be consistent without being anticipated. – Mike Krzyzewski
Reliability is the quality that leads others not just to believe you, but to believe in you.Pin
Reliability is the quality that leads others not just to believe you, but to believe in you.

5 Quotes on Reliability and Friendship

The shifts of fortune test the reliability of friends. - Marcus Tullius CiceroPin
The shifts of fortune test the reliability of friends. – Marcus Tullius Cicero
You need not wonder whether you should have an unreliable person as a friend. An unreliable person is nobody's friend. - Idries ShahPin
You need not wonder whether you should have an unreliable person as a friend. An unreliable person is nobody’s friend. – Idries Shah
Why do we go around acting as though everything was friendship and reliability when basically everything everywhere is full of sudden hate and ugliness? - Anna FreudPin
Why do we go around acting as though everything was friendship and reliability when basically everything everywhere is full of sudden hate and ugliness? – Anna Freud
A reliable friend is a healing presence.Pin
A reliable friend is a healing presence.
Be reliable. Avoid hurting relationships and damaging your character. - Ty HowardPin
Be reliable. Avoid hurting relationships and damaging your character. – Ty Howard

3 Quotes on Reliability and Simplicity

The price of reliability is the pursuit of the utmost simplicity. It is a price which the very rich may find hard to pay. - Tony HoarePin
The price of reliability is the pursuit of the utmost simplicity. It is a price which the very rich may find hard to pay. – Tony Hoare
Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability. - Edsger DijkstraPin
Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability. – Edsger Dijkstra
The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity. - Tony HoarePin
The unavoidable price of reliability is simplicity. – Tony Hoare

2 Quotes on Reliability Of A System

(Technology reliability) x (Human reliability) = (System reliability). - Garrett HardinPin
(Technology reliability) x (Human reliability) = (System reliability). – Garrett Hardin
There is no finish line when it comes to system reliability and availability, and our efforts to improve performance never cease. - Marc BenioffPin
There is no finish line when it comes to system reliability and availability, and our efforts to improve performance never cease. – Marc Benioff

2 Quotes on Reliability and Branding

“A great brand is a promise, a compact with a customer about quality, reliability, innovation, and even community. And while the concept of brand is intangible, brand equity is far from it.”

Stephen B. Shepard
Your personal brand is a promise to your clients… a promise of quality, consistency, competency, and reliability. - Jason HartmanPin
Your personal brand is a promise to your clients… a promise of quality, consistency, competency, and reliability. – Jason Hartman

10 Quotes on Reliability in Science and Energy

“Think of how many religions attempt to validate themselves with prophecy. Think of how many people rely on these prophecies, however vague, however unfulfilled, to support or prop up their beliefs. Yet has there ever been a religion with the prophetic accuracy and reliability of science? … No other human institution comes close.”

Carl Sagan
Science is the organized skepticism in the reliability of expert opinion. - Richard P. FeynmanPin
Science is the organized skepticism in the reliability of expert opinion. – Richard P. Feynman

“The Environmental Protection Agency’s first-ever limits on carbon pollution from power plants will create clean- energy jobs, improve public health, bring greater reliability to our electric power grid, bolster our national security, demonstrate the United States’ resolve to combat climate change and maybe even reduce our utility bills.”

Martin Luther King III
The main thing that's missing in energy is an incentive to create things that are zero-CO2-emitting and that have the right scale and reliability characteristics. - Bill GatesPin
The main thing that’s missing in energy is an incentive to create things that are zero-CO2-emitting and that have the right scale and reliability characteristics. – Bill Gates
Energy is a linchpin of economic prosperity, with energy security, reliability, and affordability key preconditions for sustainable growth. - Fatih BirolPin
Energy is a linchpin of economic prosperity, with energy security, reliability, and affordability key preconditions for sustainable growth. – Fatih Birol

“Wind and solar power are land-intensive, a green sin, but not energy-dense, and affordable only when heavily subsidized. And wind power must be supplemented with hydrocarbons for reliability.”

Mark McKinnon
As far as the Middle East and North Africa is concerned, we need to reconsider the question of reliability and stability of hydrocarbons. - Alexey MillerPin
As far as the Middle East and North Africa is concerned, we need to reconsider the question of reliability and stability of hydrocarbons. – Alexey Miller

“We must have a relentless commitment to producing a meaningful, comprehensive energy package aimed at conservation, alleviating the burden of energy prices on consumers, decreasing our country’s dependency on foreign oil, and increasing electricity grid reliability.”

Paul Gillmor

“We often take for granted that our lights will come on when we flip the light switch, but the reality is that our reliability standards and the current state of the transmission grid leave us all vulnerable to blackouts.”

Richard Burr

“As we continue to move to a lower-carbon future, we will also continue to work constructively with states to identify customer solutions that preserve the reliability and affordability that our communities expect.”

Lynn Good

2 Quotes on Reliability in Economics

“People want to think of economics as a natural science, like physics, with the comforting reliability of simple-to-understand theories like F=MA. Unfortunately, it isn’t. Economics is a social science, and the so-called theories are really social and moral constructs.”

Nick Hanauer
Employ every economy consistent with thoroughness, accuracy and reliability. - Arthur NielsenPin
Employ every economy consistent with thoroughness, accuracy and reliability. – Arthur Nielsen

5 Quotes on Reliability and Technology

“People are the quintessential element in all technology… Once we recognize the inescapable human nexus of all technology our attitude toward the reliability problem is fundamentally changed.”

Garrett Hardin
I can predict things. I can improve the uptime and the reliability. I can intervene and cause a better outcome before there's a problem. - Michael DellPin
I can predict things. I can improve the uptime and the reliability. I can intervene and cause a better outcome before there’s a problem. – Michael Dell

“There is no single development, in either technology or management technique, which by itself promises even one order-of-magnitude improvement within a decade in productivity, in reliability, in simplicity.”

Fred Brooks
Technology does not always rhyme with perfection and reliability. Far from it in reality! - Jean-Michel JarrePin
Technology does not always rhyme with perfection and reliability. Far from it in reality! – Jean-Michel Jarre
It's important to be informed about issues like usability, reliability, security, privacy, and some of the inherent limitations of computers. - Brian KernighanPin
It’s important to be informed about issues like usability, reliability, security, privacy, and some of the inherent limitations of computers. – Brian Kernighan

2 Quotes on Reliability of the Bible

“Because the New Testament provides the primary historical source for information on the resurrection, many critics during the 19th century attacked the reliability of these biblical documents.”

Josh McDowell
I find the evidence for the deity of Jesus and the reliability of the Bible to be powerful and persuasive, and that evidence has only gotten stronger over the years. - Lee StrobelPin
I find the evidence for the deity of Jesus and the reliability of the Bible to be powerful and persuasive, and that evidence has only gotten stronger over the years. – Lee Strobel

2 Quotes on Reliability in Production and Manufacturing

“If your payloads cost hundreds of millions of dollars, they actually cost more than the launch. It puts a lot of pressure on the launch vehicle not to change, to be very stable. Reliability becomes much more important than the cost. It’s hard to get off of that equilibrium.”

Jeff Bezos

“Just as the Japanese pioneered a new form of manufacturing – lean production and quite new standards of reliability – so Tata, too, is embracing new forms of manufacture in order to revolutionise the price to meet the consumer needs of a poor, developing country.”

Martin Jacques

3 Quotes on Reliability and Cars

“By the end of the 1950s, American cars were so reliable that their reliability went without saying even in car ads. Thousands of them bear testimony to this today, still running on the roads of Cuba though fueled with nationalized Venezuelan gasoline and maintained with spit and haywire.”

P. J. O’Rourke
When you're limited on parts and you have reliability issues, you don't get the testing done. You need to really develop the car. - Rubens BarrichelloPin
When you’re limited on parts and you have reliability issues, you don’t get the testing done. You need to really develop the car. – Rubens Barrichello

“For much of Toyota’s history, we have ensured the quality and reliability of our vehicles by placing a device called an and on cord on every production line – and empowering any team member to halt production if there’s an assembly problem. Only when the problem is resolved does the line begin to move again.”

Akio Toyoda

10 Quotes on Reliability That Will Make You Think

“If bloggers are to improve our public discourse – helping busy and usually uninformed people make sense of the world – it is necessary to use some sort of standard with which to judge their reliability. Perhaps the answer (strictly advisory) is a body of their peers. Perhaps not.”

Eric Alterman
Reliability engineers often assume that reliability and safety are synonymous, but this assumption is true only in special cases. - Nancy LevesonPin
Reliability engineers often assume that reliability and safety are synonymous, but this assumption is true only in special cases. – Nancy Leveson
What is important is the reliability of my posts being there to greet my fans with a smile or a giggle every morning. That's how we keep on growing. - George TakeiPin
What is important is the reliability of my posts being there to greet my fans with a smile or a giggle every morning. That’s how we keep on growing. – George Takei

“During the early stages of an industry, when the functionality and reliability of a product isn’t yet adequate to meet customer’s needs, a proprietary solution is almost always the right solution – because it allows you to knit all the pieces together in an optimized way.”

Clayton M. Christensen
A variety of list builders, universities and non-governmental organizations are focusing attention on the accuracy and reliability of information on Web sites. - Sucheta DalalPin
A variety of list builders, universities and non-governmental organizations are focusing attention on the accuracy and reliability of information on Web sites. – Sucheta Dalal

“An espionage organization is a collector: it collects raw information. That gets processed by a machinery that is supposed to resolve its reliability, and to present a finished product.”

Aldrich Ames
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was indeed a vital instrument of democracy, ensuring the integrity and reliability of a democratic process that we as a Country hold so dear. - Charles B. RangelPin
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was indeed a vital instrument of democracy, ensuring the integrity and reliability of a democratic process that we as a Country hold so dear. – Charles B. Rangel

“There really was nothing like it at the time. We had good ideas for implementation, so we proceeded. I think it was an excellent solution to the reliability issues with existing search engines.”

Shawn Fanning
Then the more reliable and consistent we are in our follow through on commitments, and our relationship repair work the deeper trust grows. - Gina SenarighiPin
Then the more reliable and consistent we are in our follow through on commitments, and our relationship repair work the deeper trust grows. – Gina Senarighi

“As you get older, you do reflect more. They were great times, but the biggest thing we all had to deal with a lot more disappointment from an engineering point of view, there was not the reliability that there is now.”

Nigel Mansel
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