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Top 26 Richard Dreyfuss Quotes (STAND BY ME)

Top 10 Most Famous Richard Dreyfuss Quotes (BEST)

“The happiest I ever been was when I was a struggling actor. I’ve had big houses and small houses. I always had work available for most of my career. When I actually had to find jobs to make money, that’s when I was happy.”

Richard Dreyfuss
Wake up and live. It's a fast world out there.Pin
Wake up and live. It’s a fast world out there.
Happiness has a bad rap. People say it shouldn't be your goal in life. Oh, yes it should.Pin
Happiness has a bad rap. People say it shouldn’t be your goal in life. Oh, yes it should.
Part of me is still waiting to grow up, to be an adult, and the other part knows there is no such thing.Pin
Part of me is still waiting to grow up, to be an adult, and the other part knows there is no such thing.
By telling my own story, I hope to help remove the stigma. It never should be something to hide.Pin
By telling my own story, I hope to help remove the stigma. It never should be something to hide.
In my experience, it's usually up to the actor how a character is portrayed.Pin
In my experience, it’s usually up to the actor how a character is portrayed.
There is one solution to all of our problems Teaching our kids clarity of thought and political representation in democracy.Pin
There is one solution to all of our problems: Teaching our kids clarity of thought and political representation in democracy.
My worst fear is that I'll end up living in some run-down duplex on Wilshire wearing pants hiked up to my nipples and muttering under my breath.Pin
My worst fear is that I’ll end up living in some run-down duplex on Wilshire wearing pants hiked up to my nipples and muttering under my breath.
I really think that living is the process of going from complete certainty to complete ignorance.Pin
I really think that living is the process of going from complete certainty to complete ignorance.
I didn't understand 3-D in the fifties and I can't say I get it now either. I just don't see what the big deal is.Pin
I didn’t understand 3-D in the fifties and I can’t say I get it now either. I just don’t see what the big deal is.

16 Richard Dreyfuss Quotes About Life and Acting (POLITICS)

“I don’t know what it’s like for most actors, but really clearly for myself acting has always been the fulfillment of personal fantasies. It isn’t just art, its about being a person I’ve always wanted to be, or being in a situation, or being a hero.”

Richard Dreyfuss
You don't have to act as if you care; you just have to care enough to act.Pin
You don’t have to act as if you care; you just have to care enough to act.
Let's give some substance to patriotism. It may take a generation.Pin
Let’s give some substance to patriotism. It may take a generation.
If I wasn't an actor, I'd be a teacher, a history teacher. After all, teaching is very much like performing. A teacher is an actor, in a way. It takes a great deal to get, and hold, a class.Pin
If I wasn’t an actor, I’d be a teacher, a history teacher. After all, teaching is very much like performing. A teacher is an actor, in a way. It takes a great deal to get, and hold, a class.
The bad guy always gets the best scene and the best lines in the film, and they usually get the most days off.Pin
The bad guy always gets the best scene and the best lines in the film, and they usually get the most days off.
John Kennedy really did extend the reach of the American people and said, like Lincoln said in a way, that our reach is farther than our grasp - and we should aim high.Pin
John Kennedy really did extend the reach of the American people and said, like Lincoln said in a way, that our reach is farther than our grasp – and we should aim high.
In a way, J.F.K. was the high point of the American dream. In order to go to the moon and back, all we did was say we could - and we did.Pin
In a way, J.F.K. was the high point of the American dream. In order to go to the moon and back, all we did was say we could – and we did.
I lived by the motto, 'If you don't flirt, you die.' And flirt I did. I flirted with all women, be they actresses, producers, or 80-year-old grandmothers.Pin
I lived by the motto, ‘If you don’t flirt, you die.’ And flirt I did. I flirted with all women, be they actresses, producers, or 80-year-old grandmothers.
It is an obvious and blatant stupidity beyond my ability to articulate how dumb it is for us not to teach our children how to run the government.Pin
It is an obvious and blatant stupidity beyond my ability to articulate how dumb it is for us not to teach our children how to run the government.
To teach our kids how to run our country, before they are called upon to run our country... if we don't, someone else will run our country.Pin
To teach our kids how to run our country, before they are called upon to run our country… if we don’t, someone else will run our country.
Politics has become beyond acceptable when it comes to humanity. People are just frozen in falsehood.Pin
Politics has become beyond acceptable when it comes to humanity. People are just frozen in falsehood.
Well, I can't (sing or dance). Actually, I sing like a seal and dance like your Uncle Leo at that wedding where he got up and went 'ya, ya, ya.'Pin
Well, I can’t (sing or dance). Actually, I sing like a seal and dance like your Uncle Leo at that wedding where he got up and went ‘ya, ya, ya.’
It's fun to see the light in someone's eyes. It's fun to give your own eccentric experience and have it land. That's fun.Pin
It’s fun to see the light in someone’s eyes. It’s fun to give your own eccentric experience and have it land. That’s fun.
I said to my doctor, 'You gotta test me, there's something wrong with me that I would be behaving this way.'Pin
I said to my doctor, ‘You gotta test me, there’s something wrong with me that I would be behaving this way.’
I think I have the finest body of work of any American actor.Pin
I think I have the finest body of work of any American actor.
I never had a role that I set out for. I always wanted to have a body of work that I'm proud of. Save for two projects, which will never pass my lips, I'm happy with what I've done.Pin
I never had a role that I set out for. I always wanted to have a body of work that I’m proud of. Save for two projects, which will never pass my lips, I’m happy with what I’ve done.
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Richard Stephen Dreyfuss Short Biography

Born on 29 October 1947 in Brooklyn, New York, United States, Richard Stephen Dreyfuss is an actor who is known for his roles in Jaws and Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Dreyfuss began acting as a child in the Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills Art Center. He enrolled in San Fernando Valley State College and starred in a few tv shows such as Bewitched and That Girl afterward.

Dreyfuss’s first appearance on the silver screen was for a small role in The Graduate, which appeared in 1967, and Dreyfuss had only one line.

His more notable roles would come a few years later in the movie Jaws, released in 1975, where he played Matt Hooper, and in 1977 when he played Roy Neary in Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

A year later, Dreyfuss would go on to win the Academy Award for Best Actor, being the youngest recipient of the award.

Besides an acting career, Dreyfuss has other notable works of merit, in 1995, Dreyfuss published The Two Georges a book he had co-authored. 

In 2006, he established The Dreyfuss Civics Initiative in efforts for civics to be taught in schools again.

Further Reading:

Here are the best Richard Dreyfuss quotes so you can be more patience, compassionate, and understanding toward others.


Also read:

Top Richard Dreyfuss Quotes (STAND BY ME) - Gracious QuotesPin