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42 Inspirational Salvador Dali Quotes (ARTIST)

Top 10 Most Famous Salvador Dali Quotes (BEST)

“Every morning when I wake up, I experience an exquisite joy —the joy of being Salvador Dalí— and I ask myself in rapture: What wonderful things is this Salvador Dalí going to accomplish today?”

Salvador Dali
A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others.Pin
A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others.
Have no fear of perfection — you’ll never reach it.Pin
Have no fear of perfection — you’ll never reach it.
At the age of six I wanted to be a cook. At seven I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has been growing steadily ever since.Pin
At the age of six I wanted to be a cook. At seven I wanted to be Napoleon. And my ambition has been growing steadily ever since.
You have to systematically create confusion, it sets creativity free. Everything that is contradictory creates life.Pin
You have to systematically create confusion, it sets creativity free. Everything that is contradictory creates life.

“Mistakes are almost always of a sacred nature. Never try to correct them. On the contrary: rationalize them, understand them thoroughly. After that, it will be possible for you to sublimate them.”

Salvador Dali
I don't do drugs. I am drugs.Pin
I don’t do drugs. I am drugs.
There is only one difference between a madman and me. The madman thinks he is sane. I know I am mad.Pin
There is only one difference between a madman and me. The madman thinks he is sane. I know I am mad.
Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.Pin
Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.
Begin by learning to draw and paint like the old masters. After that, you can do as you like; everyone will respect you.Pin
Begin by learning to draw and paint like the old masters. After that, you can do as you like; everyone will respect you.

10 Wise Salvador Dali Quotes to Live By (WISDOM)

I’m much more interested in speaking, or being near people who think the opposite of the things I think, than with people who think the same things that I think.Pin
I’m much more interested in speaking, or being near people who think the opposite of the things I think, than with people who think the same things that I think.
Everything alters me, but nothing changes me.Pin
Everything alters me, but nothing changes me.
It is not me who is the clown, but this monstrously cynical and so unconsciously naive society, which plays the game of seriousness in order better to hide its madness.Pin
It is not me who is the clown, but this monstrously cynical and so unconsciously naive society, which plays the game of seriousness in order better to hide its madness.
Whoever wants to engage people’s interest must provoke them.Pin
Whoever wants to engage people’s interest must provoke them.
Give me two hours a day of activity, and I’ll take the other twenty-two in dreams.Pin
Give me two hours a day of activity, and I’ll take the other twenty-two in dreams.
Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing.Pin
Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing.
Each morning when I awake, I experience again a supreme pleasure - that of being Salvador Dali.Pin
Each morning when I awake, I experience again a supreme pleasure – that of being Salvador Dali.
Let my enemies devour each other.Pin
Let my enemies devour each other.
This is very important because [I] work constantly in the moment of sleep. [All of my] best ideas [come] through my dreams.Pin
This is very important because [I] work constantly in the moment of sleep. [All of my] best ideas [come] through my dreams.
I am antipodes of myself alternately humble and convinced of my regal superiority.Pin
I am antipodes of myself: alternately humble and convinced of my regal superiority.

9 Salvador Dali Quotes About Painting and Drawing

“Paintings is only one of the means of my expression of my total genius, which exists when I write and when I live, when in some way or other I manifest my magic. A painting is such a minor thing compared to the magic I radiate.”

Salvador Dali
The fact I myself do not understand what my paintings mean while I am painting them does not imply that they are meaningless.Pin
The fact I myself do not understand what my paintings mean while I am painting them does not imply that they are meaningless.
It is good taste, and good taste alone, that possesses the power to sterilize and is always the first handicap to any creative functioning.Pin
It is good taste, and good taste alone, that possesses the power to sterilize and is always the first handicap to any creative functioning.
There are some days when I think I’m going to die from an overdose of satisfaction.Pin
There are some days when I think I’m going to die from an overdose of satisfaction.
The secret of my influence has always been that it remained secret.Pin
The secret of my influence has always been that it remained secret.
Drawing is the honesty of the art. There is no possibility of cheating. It is either good or bad.Pin
Drawing is the honesty of the art. There is no possibility of cheating. It is either good or bad.
We are all hungry and thirsty for concrete images. Abstract art will have been good for one thing: to restore its exact virginity to figurative art.Pin
We are all hungry and thirsty for concrete images. Abstract art will have been good for one thing: to restore its exact virginity to figurative art.
Painting is an infinitely minute part of my personality.Pin
Painting is an infinitely minute part of my personality.
If you understand a painting beforehand, you might as well not paint it.Pin
If you understand a painting beforehand, you might as well not paint it.

13 Salvador Dali Quotes to Make You Think

The difference between false memories and true ones is the same as for jewels: it is always the false ones that look the most real, the most brilliant.Pin
The difference between false memories and true ones is the same as for jewels: it is always the false ones that look the most real, the most brilliant.
One day it will have to be officially admitted that what we have christened reality is an even greater illusion than the world of dreams.Pin
One day it will have to be officially admitted that what we have christened reality is an even greater illusion than the world of dreams.
I am not strange. I am just not normal.Pin
I am not strange. I am just not normal.
What is important is to spread confusion, not eliminate it.Pin
What is important is to spread confusion, not eliminate it.
Surrealism is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles limiting our vision.Pin
Surrealism is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles limiting our vision.
So little of what could happen does happen.Pin
So little of what could happen does happen.
The thermometer of success is merely the jealousy of the malcontents.Pin
The thermometer of success is merely the jealousy of the malcontents.
There comes a moment in every person's life when they realise they adore me.Pin
There comes a moment in every person’s life when they realise they adore me.
The first man to compare the cheeks of a young woman to a rose was obviously a poet; the first to repeat it was possibly an idiot.Pin
The first man to compare the cheeks of a young woman to a rose was obviously a poet; the first to repeat it was possibly an idiot.
An elegant woman is a woman who despises you and has no hair under her arms.Pin
An elegant woman is a woman who despises you and has no hair under her arms.
It's better to have loved and lost than do forty pounds of laundry a week.Pin
It’s better to have loved and lost than do forty pounds of laundry a week.
Great wine requires a mad man to grow the vine, a wise man to watch over it, a lucid poet to make it, and a lover to drink it.Pin
Great wine requires a mad man to grow the vine, a wise man to watch over it, a lucid poet to make it, and a lover to drink it.
[I] believe in general death but in the death of  Dalí absolutely not. [I] believe in my death becoming almost impossible.Pin
[I] believe in general death but in the death of  Dalí absolutely not. [I] believe in my death becoming almost impossible.
YouTube video

(MUST READ) Dalí. The Paintings

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Inspirational Salvador Dali Quotes (ARTIST) - Gracious QuotesPin