Celebrities / Influencers

26 Sebastian Stan Quotes About Life (ACTOR)

Top 10 Most Famous Sebastian Stan Quotes (BEST)

“Working out and working as an actor have gone hand in hand — I always feel more prepared if I know I have done a workout. It gives me confidence — and peace of mind.”

Sebastian Stan
You know what the issue is with this world Everyone wants some magical solution to their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic.Pin
You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution to their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic.
There's gotta be a human being in everybody, regardless of what they do or what people think they did.Pin
There’s gotta be a human being in everybody, regardless of what they do or what people think they did.
Sometimes it's okay to give yourself a pat on the back and say, 'That was cool. That made me feel good.'Pin
Sometimes it’s okay to give yourself a pat on the back and say, ‘That was cool. That made me feel good.’
Just to get a job is always really exciting to me. I do feel there's a lot left for me to learn about movies, the subtleties of acting.Pin
Just to get a job is always really exciting to me. I do feel there’s a lot left for me to learn about movies, the subtleties of acting.
Embrace your differences and the qualities about you that you think are weird. Eventually, they're going to be the only things separating you from everyone else.Pin
Embrace your differences and the qualities about you that you think are weird. Eventually, they’re going to be the only things separating you from everyone else.
I always look at a girls shoes. And if they’re wearing heels, i wonder how she would look if she was just wearing those.Pin
I always look at a girls shoes. And if they’re wearing heels, i wonder how she would look if she was just wearing those.
I like to be lean and flexible. I'm not interested in gaining size.Pin
I like to be lean and flexible. I’m not interested in gaining size.
I think I would want to make toys. Maybe it's that thing about trying to be a kid forever.Pin
I think I would want to make toys. Maybe it’s that thing about trying to be a kid forever.

“I get psyched about coming onto a Broadway stage every night. it’s very exciting. You develop a kind of gratefulness for it when you spend months trying to get a job.”

Sebastian Stan

11 Sebastian Stan Quotes on Acting

“Sometimes you don’t want to get married too much to a lot of rehearsing, I feel, when it comes to film, because there’s so many technicalities. So if I’m in my head, I’ve gotten settled on something, I’m gonna have to change it if I get there and something was set that’s completely different.”

Sebastian Stan
Playing an unstable, bipolar, multiple-personality-disorder person is definitely up my alley.Pin
Playing an unstable, bipolar, multiple-personality-disorder person is definitely up my alley.
My job as an actor is to just tell the story as best I can from my character's point of view and let the audience decide.Pin
My job as an actor is to just tell the story as best I can from my character’s point of view and let the audience decide.
Comedy is only funny when there's real pain.Pin
Comedy is only funny when there’s real pain.

“I have a bit of an obsession with the 1950’s and all those actors from Montgomery Clift to James Dean and Anthony Perkins. Just that whole era of Tennessee Williams to Elia Kazan.”

Sebastian Stan
You can't judge a character, and you're never going to always play characters that are morally sound or know right from wrong.Pin
You can’t judge a character, and you’re never going to always play characters that are morally sound or know right from wrong.
I was obsessed with Jim Carrey growing up. It's why I wanted to become an actor.Pin
I was obsessed with Jim Carrey growing up. It’s why I wanted to become an actor.
You have license in front of the camera to do things, feel certain emotions that you don't get to in real life. It can be addicting.Pin
You have license in front of the camera to do things, feel certain emotions that you don’t get to in real life. It can be addicting.

“I always look at auditions as not even getting the job as much as I’m just trying to connect with this casting director so they remember me for next time.”

Sebastian Stan
Most of the people I admire as actors didn't make it until their mid-30s the Mark Ruffalos, the John Hawkeses of the world.Pin
Most of the people I admire as actors didn’t make it until their mid-30s: the Mark Ruffalos, the John Hawkeses of the world.
To shoot a movie that takes place in three decades in 30 days is a lot on the hair and make-up team.Pin
To shoot a movie that takes place in three decades in 30 days is a lot on the hair and make-up team.

2 Sebastian Stan Quotes on Theater

“You have to pay attention to the moments when you’ve felt on top on the world. I remember the first time I was on stage, I was doing ‘West Side Story,’ I was 17 and this woman was crying because she liked what I was doing so much.”

Sebastian Stan
Theater is the most challenging thing to do. It's just you out there with no rope. You can't call time out; you're on a roller coaster.Pin
Theater is the most challenging thing to do. It’s just you out there with no rope. You can’t call time out; you’re on a roller coaster.

3 Sebastian Stan Quotes About Life

“I think it gets a little harder as you find more success. As success happens, you have to figure out this question of ‘What I am going to do next that stands out?’ Because then you get seen as ‘this thing,’ which is a part of you. But it’s not really you.”

Sebastian Stan
I live in New York and I love it, because it doesn't make me feel like my life is always just about acting and that world of acting. I don't have expectations.Pin
I live in New York and I love it, because it doesn’t make me feel like my life is always just about acting and that world of acting. I don’t have expectations.
You're always remembering songs you wanna sing except when you're actually at karaoke.Pin
You’re always remembering songs you wanna sing except when you’re actually at karaoke.
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