Celebrities / Influencers

61 Most Famous Simon Cowell Quotes (FUNNY)

Top 10 Most Famous Simon Cowell Quotes (BEST)

“I have seen that the American Dream is a reality – and I would love to feel the British Dream is also a reality. To enable that, we have to bring back some common sense and encourage family values, a proper sense of justice and make people believe they have a decent chance to build a business or career for themselves. I see this moment as a fantastic opportunity to restore this, because I believe Britain Has Talent.”

Simon Cowell
Work hard, be patient, and be a sponge while learning your business. Learn how to take criticism. Follow your gut instincts and don't compromise.Pin
Work hard, be patient, and be a sponge while learning your business. Learn how to take criticism. Follow your gut instincts and don’t compromise.
I want people to understand that from the minute Lady Gaga arrived, she created a new set of rules being different is good; embrace it.Pin
I want people to understand that from the minute Lady Gaga arrived, she created a new set of rules: being different is good; embrace it.
There is as much chance of you being a pop star or a rock star as me flying to the moon tomorrow morning for breakfast. It’s never going to happen.Pin
There is as much chance of you being a pop star or a rock star as me flying to the moon tomorrow morning for breakfast. It’s never going to happen.
What other people think about me is none of my business.Pin
What other people think about me is none of my business.

“Harshness to me is giving somebody false hopes and not following through. That’s harsh. Telling some guy or some girl who’ve got zero talent that they have zero talent actually is a kindness.”

Simon Cowell
My attitude is, if someone's going to criticize me, tell me to my face.Pin
My attitude is, if someone’s going to criticize me, tell me to my face.
I think you have to judge everything based on your personal taste. And if that means being critical, so be it. I hate political correctness. I absolutely loathe it.Pin
I think you have to judge everything based on your personal taste. And if that means being critical, so be it. I hate political correctness. I absolutely loathe it.
If you had lived 2,000 years ago and sung like that, I think they would have stoned you.Pin
If you had lived 2,000 years ago and sung like that, I think they would have stoned you.
If you've got a big mouth and you're controversial, you're going to get attention.Pin
If you’ve got a big mouth and you’re controversial, you’re going to get attention.

13 InspirationalSimon Cowell Quotes on Success

“The secret of my success is that I make other people money. And, never ever, ever, ever be ashamed about trying to earn as much as possible for yourself, if the person you’re working with is also making money. That’s life!”

Simon Cowell
My proudest achievement has been the success of the shows and artists I have been involved with, because they were made in Britain.Pin
My proudest achievement has been the success of the shows and artists I have been involved with, because they were made in Britain.
Not everybody is perfect, and I don't think we should be looking for perfect people.Pin
Not everybody is perfect, and I don’t think we should be looking for perfect people.

Money brings you security and choice. You can make decisions in a different way if you have a lot of money. But when you have nothing, you have a naivety, and a more fearless attitude because you have nothing to lose.”

Simon Cowell
The artists who endure are the ones who stay focused even after they have reached the top of their profession.Pin
The artists who endure are the ones who stay focused even after they have reached the top of their profession.
You don’t go into anything contemplating failure, because if you did, you wouldn’t make it.Pin
You don’t go into anything contemplating failure, because if you did, you wouldn’t make it.

“Every single negative can lead to a positive. Any negative situation don’t get too down about it – you’ll work it out. You learn it as you go along. You don’t get smart at 17. You just don’t unless you’re one of a billion. It will happen over time and it’s the getting there which will be the most fun.”

Simon Cowell
Good is not enough. You've got to be great.Pin
Good is not enough. You’ve got to be great.
The minute you start assuming that the audience is very happy to see the same show again, you’re dead.Pin
The minute you start assuming that the audience is very happy to see the same show again, you’re dead.

“I don’t mind competition at all. I mean, the record business is the most competitive business in the world, probably. So, I’m used to that. In a weird way, it kind of makes you work harder.”

Simon Cowell
Praise a stranger with a few nice words and he becomes a stranger that calls you a friend.Pin
Praise a stranger with a few nice words and he becomes a stranger that calls you a friend.
My dad said to me, 'Work hard and be patient.' It was the best advice he ever gave me. You have to put the hours in.Pin
My dad said to me, ‘Work hard and be patient.’ It was the best advice he ever gave me. You have to put the hours in.
I was never given any hand-outs. I started at the bottom and was very good at finding people who knew more than me and learning from them.Pin
I was never given any hand-outs. I started at the bottom and was very good at finding people who knew more than me and learning from them.

23 Funny and BrutalSimon Cowell Quotes When Judging Contestants (SAVAGE)

“If the judging criteria or the voting criteria here was to vote people through for managing to sing every note out of tune, you would win tonight.”

Simon Cowell
That was extraordinary. Unfortunately, extraordinarily bad.Pin
That was extraordinary. Unfortunately, extraordinarily bad.
It was a little bit like… uh… annoying girl singing in the bedroom.Pin
It was a little bit like… uh… annoying girl singing in the bedroom.
It says here you work as a wedding singer How many ended in divorcePin
It says here you work as a wedding singer? How many ended in divorce?
It was like ordering a hamburger and getting only the buns.Pin
It was like ordering a hamburger and getting only the buns.
I’m not being rude, but you were that bad honestly. I mean my pen has got more charisma.Pin
I’m not being rude, but you were that bad honestly. I mean my pen has got more charisma.
Even your dog is struggling to get out of the room after that.Pin
Even your dog is struggling to get out of the room after that.
Yes you have personality, but dogs have personality. The audition, if I’m being honest with you, was horrible.Pin
Yes you have personality, but dogs have personality. The audition, if I’m being honest with you, was horrible.
15 Thousand people auditioned in Cleveland and yet the odds of you getting in are a million to one.Pin
15 Thousand people auditioned in Cleveland and yet the odds of you getting in are a million to one.
If your lifeguard duties were as good as your singing, a lot of people would be drowning.Pin
If your lifeguard duties were as good as your singing, a lot of people would be drowning.
You’ve just invented a new form of torture.Pin
You’ve just invented a new form of torture.
Vanessa, if anyone ever asks me in my life what my nightmares look and sound like, I’m gonna refer to that.Pin
Vanessa, if anyone ever asks me in my life what my nightmares look and sound like, I’m gonna refer to that.
That was exactly identical to a nightmare I had last week.Pin
That was exactly identical to a nightmare I had last week.
It was all a little bit like angry girl in the bedroom screaming on the guitar.Pin
It was all a little bit like angry girl in the bedroom screaming on the guitar.
Last year, I described someone as being the worst singer in America. I think you’re possibly the worst singer in the world.Pin
Last year, I described someone as being the worst singer in America. I think you’re possibly the worst singer in the world.
The reality is, there’s not a single person on planet earth who would ever pay to hear you sing.Pin
The reality is, there’s not a single person on planet earth who would ever pay to hear you sing.
There are only so many words I can drag out of my vocabulary to say how awful that was.Pin
There are only so many words I can drag out of my vocabulary to say how awful that was.
You couldn’t win this competition if you were the only one in it… in a million years.Pin
You couldn’t win this competition if you were the only one in it… in a million years.
No, we’re not going to give you any love. It was a terrible audition.Pin
No, we’re not going to give you any love. It was a terrible audition.
Well, if you were to move on, it would be without me judging this competition.Pin
Well, if you were to move on, it would be without me judging this competition.
I was bored to tears throughout the entire song.Pin
I was bored to tears throughout the entire song.
My advice would be if you want to pursue a career in the music business, don’t.Pin
My advice would be if you want to pursue a career in the music business, don’t.
Go to an audition where they lie to you. Thank you very much.Pin
Go to an audition where they lie to you. Thank you very much.

13 Simon Cowell Quotes that will Make You Think

“The object of this competition is not to be mean to the losers but to find a winner. The process makes you mean because you get frustrated. Kids turn up unrehearsed, wearing the wrong clothes, singing out of tune and you can either say, ‘Good job’ and patronize them or tell them the truth, and sometimes the truth is perceived as mean.”

Simon Cowell
I am quite miserable because I’m never satisfied with what I’ve got. You’re always looking for that next high, and that is what I would define as happiness.Pin
I am quite miserable because I’m never satisfied with what I’ve got. You’re always looking for that next high, and that is what I would define as happiness.
Anyone who complains about invasion of privacy shouldn't work in the entertainment business. You can't have it both ways. It's as simple as that.Pin
Anyone who complains about invasion of privacy shouldn’t work in the entertainment business. You can’t have it both ways. It’s as simple as that.
People confuse ego, lust, insecurity with true love.Pin
People confuse ego, lust, insecurity with true love.

“My dad did teach me a very important lesson about people when he explained to me that everybody around you will have an invisible sign on their head, which says, ‘Make me feel important.'”

Simon Cowell
I’ve never been cool and I don’t care, I hate all that. With me, what you see is what you get.Pin
I’ve never been cool and I don’t care, I hate all that. With me, what you see is what you get.
The best way to kill someone is from the inside, by crushing their hopes and dreams.Pin
The best way to kill someone is from the inside, by crushing their hopes and dreams.
It would hurt my feelings if I respected your opinions.Pin
It would hurt my feelings if I respected your opinions.

“There’s an expression in life: You can only make one first impression. And that first impression has to be spectacular. So, I wait and let people see it when it’s ready to go. It’s not a set rule, but I think it’s the better way of working. People will agree with you because of your track record, but you want people to like it because it’s good, not because you found it.”

Simon Cowell
No, what I am doing is kind by telling people who are useless, 'Do something that you're good at.'Pin
No, what I am doing is kind by telling people who are useless, ‘Do something that you’re good at.’
My own saying is Create the hype, but don’t ever believe it.Pin
My own saying is: Create the hype, but don’t ever believe it.
When someone asks, 'does success make you into a monster'  I always say, 'No, it enables you to be a monster.'Pin
When someone asks, ‘does success make you into a monster?’ I always say, ‘No, it enables you to be a monster.’

“If I go into a relationship with an artist, which at most is going to last five years, we have a 100-page contract covering every eventuality. Whereas with marriage you go into it with no contract, with laws that date back hundreds of years, and I don’t think that’s right.”

Simon Cowell

2 Simon Cowell Quotes on Politics and Government

“I have always hated celebrities lecturing people on politics. So forgive me. But I am passionate about this country. I am equally passionate about the potential of the people who live here.”

Simon Cowell
It’s the government’s job to encourage entrepreneurialism and investment. Most importantly, it’s the government’s duty to inspire confidence.Pin
It’s the government’s job to encourage entrepreneurialism and investment. Most importantly, it’s the government’s duty to inspire confidence.
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Most Famous Simon Cowell Quotes (FUNNY) - Gracious QuotesPin