Top 12 Most Famous Sophocles Quotes About Life (BEST)

25 Inspirational Sophocles Quotes on Life, Love and Fate (PHILOSOPHY)

Sophocles Short Biography
Born on 496 BCE in Colonus, near Athens, Sophocles was a playwright who wrote over 120 plays in his lifetime.
He was born into a prominent family and received a good education as a child. Unfortunately, not much is known about Sophocles. Historians note that he served as treasurer, and he had also been elected as a stratēgoi who commanded armed forces.
Sophocles was well known among social circles in Athens due to personality and wealth. As a dramatist, he was known for the changes he brought to the theater. He increased the number of actors on a stage from the usual two (or duet) to 3, which allowed for scenes to become more dramatic, which deepened the development of characters.
Of his 120 plays, only 7 have survived in completion. Of the 7 remaining plays, most historians believe Ajax to be the earliest written play.
Sophocles had also written Oedipus the King (or Oedipus Rex) a play based on the mythical Greek hero who had killed his father and married his mother. Sigmund Freud, a popular neurologist coined the term Oedipus complex from this tale.
Further Reading:
- Sophocles: Archetypal Master of Greek Tragedy –
- Sophocles Road to Contemporary Greek Theatre –
- The Religious and Moral Ideas of Sophocles –
Here are the best Sophocles quotes so you can strive to discover your true passion and purpose in life.
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