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Top 61 Sri Chinmoy Quotes (WINGS OF JOY)

Top 10 Most Famous Sri Chinmoy Quotes (BEST)

To be true to oneself is the hardest test of life.Pin
To be true to oneself is the hardest test of life.
I am very happy because I have conquered myself and not the world. I am very happy because I have loved the world.Pin
I am very happy because I have conquered myself and not the world. I am very happy because I have loved the world.
Hate is often an obverse form of love. You hate someone whom you really wish to love but whom you cannot love.Pin
Hate is often an obverse form of love. You hate someone whom you really wish to love but whom you cannot love.
When your love is pure or spiritual, there is no demand, no expectation. There is only the sweetest feeling of spontaneous oneness with the human being or beings concerned.Pin
When your love is pure or spiritual, there is no demand, no expectation. There is only the sweetest feeling of spontaneous oneness with the human being or beings concerned.
Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest.Pin
Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest.
Life is nothing but the expansion of love. We can cultivate divine love by entering into the Source. The Source is God, who is all Love.Pin
Life is nothing but the expansion of love. We can cultivate divine love by entering into the Source. The Source is God, who is all Love.
World-peace can be achieved when the power of love replaces the love of power.Pin
World-peace can be achieved when the power of love replaces the love of power.
Love Is never afraid of fear. Fear Is always afraid of love.Pin
Love Is never afraid of fear. Fear Is always afraid of love.
Do not be afraid of tasting the bitterness of failure. Be brave. The sweetness of success will before long befriend you.Pin
Do not be afraid of tasting the bitterness of failure. Be brave. The sweetness of success will before long befriend you.
If we feel inwardly strong, we will have no need or desire to speak ill of others.Pin
If we feel inwardly strong, we will have no need or desire to speak ill of others.

19 Sri Chinmoy Quotes on Love and Happiness (PEACE)

Be sincere in your thoughts, be pure in your feelings. You will not have to run after happiness. Happiness will run after you.Pin
Be sincere in your thoughts, be pure in your feelings. You will not have to run after happiness. Happiness will run after you.
You must never forget that greatness does not guarantee happiness but goodness always does.Pin
You must never forget that greatness does not guarantee happiness but goodness always does.
Peace begins when expectation ends.Pin
Peace begins when expectation ends.
The most effective medicine here on earth is unconditional love.Pin
The most effective medicine here on earth is unconditional love.
No price is too great to pay for inner peace.Pin
No price is too great to pay for inner peace.
If you have inner peace, nobody can force you to be a slave to the outer reality.Pin
If you have inner peace, nobody can force you to be a slave to the outer reality.
If we can invoke Peace and then offer it to somebody else, we will see how Peace expands from one to two persons, and gradually to the world at large.Pin
If we can invoke Peace and then offer it to somebody else, we will see how Peace expands from one to two persons, and gradually to the world at large.
I do not pray for a safe road. I pray for infinitely more courage than I now have.Pin
I do not pray for a safe road. I pray for infinitely more courage than I now have.
Be kind, be all sympathy, for each and every human being is forced to fight against himself.Pin
Be kind, be all sympathy, for each and every human being is forced to fight against himself.
My life is only half full when I receive. My heart is completely full only when I give.Pin
My life is only half full when I receive. My heart is completely full only when I give.
Happiness means the simplicity of life.Pin
Happiness means the simplicity of life.
Love your enemy. It will not only puzzle him, but finally illumine him.Pin
Love your enemy. It will not only puzzle him, but finally illumine him.
We must every day try to love the essential and not the superficial.Pin
We must every day try to love the essential and not the superficial.
Try not to change the world. You will fail. Try to love the world. Lo, the world is changed. Changed forever.Pin
Try not to change the world. You will fail. Try to love the world. Lo, the world is changed. Changed forever.
Is the world so unbearable? No! What we need is only a little more love for the world.Pin
Is the world so unbearable? No! What we need is only a little more love for the world.
Never worry about things that you are unable to change. Change your own way of looking at truth...Pin
Never worry about things that you are unable to change. Change your own way of looking at truth
And in self-giving we become really happy. Real humility is the expansion of our consciousness and our service.Pin
And in self-giving we become really happy. Real humility is the expansion of our consciousness and our service.
Just one smile immensely increases the beauty of the universe.Pin
Just one smile immensely increases the beauty of the universe.
Instead of telling the world what it is supposed to do, why don't you immediately do it yourself In this way, I assure you, your happiness will be surprisingly multiplied.Pin
Instead of telling the world what it is supposed to do, why don’t you immediately do it yourself? In this way, I assure you, your happiness will be surprisingly multiplied.

12 Sri Chinmoy Quotes About God and Hope (MEDITATION)

Hope is at once both simple and profound. It is hope that binds Heaven and earth. Hope is the bridge between Heaven and earth.Pin
Hope is at once both simple and profound. It is hope that binds Heaven and earth. Hope is the bridge between Heaven and earth.
No matter what happens, do not lose hope. For once hope is gone, everything is gone.Pin
No matter what happens, do not lose hope. For once hope is gone, everything is gone.
There is no yawning gulf between man and God. Through his aspiration and meditation, Man can become conscious of his oneness with God.Pin
There is no yawning gulf between man and God. Through his aspiration and meditation, Man can become conscious of his oneness with God.
Everybody has God inside, but not everybody is able to see God within. One can see God only when one cries for Him. Those who cry for God and pray to God can realise God.Pin
Everybody has God inside, but not everybody is able to see God within. One can see God only when one cries for Him. Those who cry for God and pray to God can realise God.
Love is the only wealth that man absolutely needs. Love is the only wealth that God precisely is.Pin
Love is the only wealth that man absolutely needs. Love is the only wealth that God precisely is.
Music is the language of God. God's language, music, is not like mathematics or geometry. It is a language of love. If we love music, that is enough.Pin
Music is the language of God. God’s language, music, is not like mathematics or geometry. It is a language of love. If we love music, that is enough.
Gratitude is the sweetest thing in a seeker's life - in all human life. If there is gratitude in your heart, then there will be tremendous sweetness in your eyes.Pin
Gratitude is the sweetest thing in a seeker’s life – in all human life. If there is gratitude in your heart, then there will be tremendous sweetness in your eyes.
What is meditation? Meditation is our conscious awareness of something vast and infinite within us. Meditation grants us Peace, Light and Bliss.Pin
What is meditation? Meditation is our conscious awareness of something vast and infinite within us. Meditation grants us Peace, Light and Bliss.
Meditation speaks. It speaks in silence. It reveals. It reveals to the aspirant that matter and spirit are one, quantity and quality are one, the immanent and the transcendent are one.Pin
Meditation speaks. It speaks in silence. It reveals. It reveals to the aspirant that matter and spirit are one, quantity and quality are one, the immanent and the transcendent are one.
Run and become. Become and run. Run to succeed in the outer world. Become to proceed in the inner world.Pin
Run and become. Become and run. Run to succeed in the outer world. Become to proceed in the inner world.
Spirituality tells the seeker not to live in the hoary past, not to live in the remote future, but to live in the immediacy of today, in the eternal Now.Pin
Spirituality tells the seeker not to live in the hoary past, not to live in the remote future, but to live in the immediacy of today, in the eternal Now.
Spirituality means a seeker's attempt to be better than he was yesterday.Pin
Spirituality means a seeker’s attempt to be better than he was yesterday.

20 Inspirational Sri Chinmoy Quotes About Life and Gratitude (SUCCESS)

“Not to give up under any circumstances should be the motto of our life: I shall try again and again, and I am bound to succeed. There will be obstacles, but I have to defy the obstacles.”

Sri Chinmoy
A gratitude-heart is to discover on earth a heaven-delivered rose.Pin
A gratitude-heart is to discover on earth a heaven-delivered rose.
Gratitude is not a mere word; it is not a mere concept. It is the living breath of your real existence on earth.Pin
Gratitude is not a mere word; it is not a mere concept. It is the living breath of your real existence on earth.
If failure has the strength to turn your life into bitterness itself, then patience has the strength to turn your life into the sweetest joy.Pin
If failure has the strength to turn your life into bitterness itself, then patience has the strength to turn your life into the sweetest joy.
Do not surrender to fate after a single failure. Failure, at most, precedes success.Pin
Do not surrender to fate after a single failure. Failure, at most, precedes success.

“Do you want to make progress? If so, then take each problem not as a challenging rival, but as an encouraging friend of yours, who is helping you to arrive at your ultimate destination.”

Sri Chinmoy
Paradise is not a place; it is a state of consciousness.Pin
Paradise is not a place; it is a state of consciousness.
When we seek appreciation from others, we get not appreciation, but flattery.Pin
When we seek appreciation from others, we get not appreciation, but flattery.
Life is effort. So says the body. Life is blessing. So says the soul.Pin
“Life is effort.” So says the body. “Life is blessing.” So says the soul.
If you really want to love humanity, then you have to love humanity as it is now.Pin
If you really want to love humanity, then you have to love humanity as it is now.
You and I create the world by the vibrations that we offer to the world.Pin
You and I create the world by the vibrations that we offer to the world.
What comes to me unmistakably is what I carefully or carelessly invite.Pin
What comes to me unmistakably is what I carefully or carelessly invite.
Do you want to change the world? Then change yourself first. Do you want to change yourself? Then remain completely silent inside the silence-sea.Pin
Do you want to change the world? Then change yourself first. Do you want to change yourself? Then remain completely silent inside the silence-sea.
Man is by nature a lover. Only he has yet to discover the real thing to love. This quest awakens him to the fulfillment of his real Self.Pin
Man is by nature a lover. Only he has yet to discover the real thing to love. This quest awakens him to the fulfillment of his real Self.
When you really have something to offer to the world, then you can become truly humble.Pin
When you really have something to offer to the world, then you can become truly humble.
If you are all pride and ego, then nobody will be able to get anything worthwhile from you. When you have genuine humility, it is a sign that you have something to offer to mankind.Pin
If you are all pride and ego, then nobody will be able to get anything worthwhile from you. When you have genuine humility, it is a sign that you have something to offer to mankind.
True, this world of ours is full of hatred and disbelief, but that is no reason why we should not love and why we should not believe. We must love and believe in order to empty the hatred-sea.Pin
True, this world of ours is full of hatred and disbelief, but that is no reason why we should not love and why we should not believe. We must love and believe in order to empty the hatred-sea.
If we can feel that it is not our voice, not our fingers, but some reality deep inside our heart which is expressing itself, then we will know that it is the soul’s music.Pin
If we can feel that it is not our voice, not our fingers, but some reality deep inside our heart which is expressing itself, then we will know that it is the soul’s music.
One word that wakes all humanity Love, love, love!Pin
One word that wakes all humanity: Love, love, love!
I begin by imagining the impossible and end by accomplishing the impossible.Pin
I begin by imagining the impossible and end by accomplishing the impossible.
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Sri Chinmoy Short Biography

Born on 27 August 1931, in Bengal, British India, Chinmoy Kumar Ghose, or simply Sri Chinmoy, was a meditation teacher and spiritual leader.

Chinmoy began his journey with meditation at the early age of 11. At the age of 12, he joined his siblings at Sri Aurobindo Ashram.

In 1964, he moved to America and worked at the Indian consulate. It was here that Chinmoy started giving talks on Hinduism, which led to speaking engagements in universities and eventually at the UN.

By 1974, Chinmoy had spoken at 50 different universities and all 50 states of America. Chinmoy taught his audiences and students spiritual practices on love. He also taught a range of techniques for meditation.

Chinmoy was a painter, he started painting in 1974, and some of his paintings can be found in the Paris offices of UNESCO.

Further Reading:

Here are the best Sri Chimoy quotes so you can experience love from within and connect yourself with others more deeply.


Also read:

Top Sri Chinmoy Quotes (WINGS OF JOY) - Gracious QuotesPin