Sports Figures / Coaches

40 Inspirational Tyson Fury Quotes (BOXING)

Top 11 Most Famous Tyson Fury Quotes (BEST)

“What do I see when I look in the mirror? One handsome man. No, I see the same person I have seen for the last 27 years: the person I believed I could be when I was a child, the person I have inspired and dreamed to be all my life, and that’s the person I have seen, from being that big to as big as the roof – the same guy.”

Tyson Fury
You can take a man out of Ireland, but you can't take the Irishness out of the man.Pin
You can take a man out of Ireland, but you can’t take the Irishness out of the man.
I pray for forgiveness, for help and guidance, to be a better person, for the health of my family, for the world to be a better place.Pin
I pray for forgiveness, for help and guidance, to be a better person, for the health of my family, for the world to be a better place.
The past is in the past. What happened yesterday is history. I look forward to the future on daily basis.Pin
The past is in the past. What happened yesterday is history. I look forward to the future on daily basis.
I’m a fighting man, a fighting man with generations of fighting men before me in my family. That’s all we do we fight.Pin
I’m a fighting man, a fighting man with generations of fighting men before me in my family. That’s all we do: we fight.
Mental health has got to be the biggest battle I’ve ever fought with, more than any opponent.Pin
Mental health has got to be the biggest battle I’ve ever fought with, more than any opponent.
Goliath was a champion, a monster who had never been beaten, and then this young guy, David, came forward, a child who believed in God and did it.Pin
Goliath was a champion, a monster who had never been beaten, and then this young guy, David, came forward, a child who believed in God and did it.
People can say what they want about me. But I’ve got a big heart and will keep going.Pin
People can say what they want about me. But I’ve got a big heart and will keep going.
I’m battling for all those people behind me who are suffering from mental health problems, suffering from addiction and all these problems.Pin
I’m battling for all those people behind me who are suffering from mental health problems, suffering from addiction and all these problems.
You can have everything in life and feel like crap on a daily basis because no one can see inside the mind.Pin
You can have everything in life and feel like crap on a daily basis because no one can see inside the mind.
If enough people talk about mental health, then it’s gonna raise more and more awareness and soon or later this crisis will have to be addressed properly.Pin
If enough people talk about mental health, then it’s gonna raise more and more awareness and soon or later this crisis will have to be addressed properly.

5 Tyson Fury Quotes About on God and his Spiritual Life

“My opinion is that I follow what the Lord says. Or I try to. Others are following what they want to do, basically. They are living for their self. I am living for God.”

Tyson Fury
Every time I stray away from the Lord’s word, I find emptiness and darkness.Pin
Every time I stray away from the Lord’s word, I find emptiness and darkness.
Everything is possible through God, and I'm living proof of that.Pin
Everything is possible through God, and I’m living proof of that.
Everything I've set out to do, I've achieved, and all the praise goes to God.Pin
Everything I’ve set out to do, I’ve achieved, and all the praise goes to God.
At the end of the day, we're all brothers and sisters in God. What people do is none of my business.Pin
At the end of the day, we’re all brothers and sisters in God. What people do is none of my business.

7 Tyson Fury Quotes on Fighting and Boxing

“I fight for those people: all the oppressed, depressed, alcoholics, drug addicts. I fight to give them hope every day so they can wake up in the morning and know there’s somebody out there fighting for us.”

Tyson Fury
There are 7 billion people in the world, but there's only one heavyweight champion of the world, and that's me.Pin
There are 7 billion people in the world, but there’s only one heavyweight champion of the world, and that’s me.
I don't fight like Mike Tyson. I'm nothing at all like Mike Tyson. I'm out to build my own legacy and not live off anyone else's name.Pin
I don’t fight like Mike Tyson. I’m nothing at all like Mike Tyson. I’m out to build my own legacy and not live off anyone else’s name.
Good will always prevail over evil. I see that in me versus Klitschko.Pin
Good will always prevail over evil. I see that in me versus Klitschko.
I prefer to fight a bigger guy. I don't like fighting smaller guys; they give me problems with their agility.Pin
I prefer to fight a bigger guy. I don’t like fighting smaller guys; they give me problems with their agility.
There's never been someone like me in history - a fighter like me only comes along every 1,000 years.Pin
There’s never been someone like me in history – a fighter like me only comes along every 1,000 years.

“It’s not about how much money I’m getting paid. It’s just a love of one-on-one combat. I feel I’m at home. I love the ring entrances, the talking. I’m the master of it all.”

Tyson Fury

6 WiseTyson Fury Quotes that will Make You Think (WISDOM)

“Foolish people follow the system, get caught up in media news, what the government wants you to believe and all the higher powers want you to believe and go down the same path as all the sheep in the cattle market.”

Tyson Fury
I'm not even scared of the devil. If the devil confronted me, I'd confront him as well.Pin
I’m not even scared of the devil. If the devil confronted me, I’d confront him as well.
I’ve been as low as anybody can go and as high as anyone can go, and you can always overcome these problems that one may have.Pin
I’ve been as low as anybody can go and as high as anyone can go, and you can always overcome these problems that one may have.
Although I think of myself as the greatest heavyweight, I do respect the legends of the past for what they did. But they are not my heroes.Pin
Although I think of myself as the greatest heavyweight, I do respect the legends of the past for what they did. But they are not my heroes.
Whatever is conventional, I am the opposite. So if you want to walk in a straight line, I am going to walk in zig zags. If you want to throw a 1-2, I’ll throw a 2-1.Pin
Whatever is conventional, I am the opposite. So if you want to walk in a straight line, I am going to walk in zig zags. If you want to throw a 1-2, I’ll throw a 2-1.

3 Tyson Fury Quotes on Mental Health and Depression

Nothing can make depression go away except medical advice and seeking medical help basically.Pin
Nothing can make depression go away except medical advice and seeking medical help basically.
Exterior assets mean nothing if you can’t control what’s going on inside.Pin
Exterior assets mean nothing if you can’t control what’s going on inside.
To come back from the brink of no return to get back to the top of the world, that is gonna be a statement for mental health itself.Pin
To come back from the brink of no return to get back to the top of the world, that is gonna be a statement for mental health itself.

5 Tyson Fury Quotes About Life

“Listen, I believe I should be winning Sports Personality of the Year because if it’s about sporting achievements and it’s about personality, then I’m a winner hands down.”

Tyson Fury
I'm a gypsy no education, no schooling, nothing. I don't care what people think of me. I don't care about being a hero, a role model, a champion.Pin
I’m a gypsy: no education, no schooling, nothing. I don’t care what people think of me. I don’t care about being a hero, a role model, a champion.
All I care about is providing and living every day. I don’t care about world titles, being a legend, or being a hero.Pin
All I care about is providing and living every day. I don’t care about world titles, being a legend, or being a hero.
I aim for the stars, and winning a world title will not be a fulfillment of a dream for me. It never has been.Pin
I aim for the stars, and winning a world title will not be a fulfillment of a dream for me. It never has been.

“Obviously, I care about the kids. Family, all that sort of stuff. But really, I don’t care about life, don’t care about death. Nothing. That’s the kind of man you are dealing with. That’s why I can’t be beaten.”

Tyson Fury

3 Tyson Fury Quotes on Racism

Racism is a sign of ignorance, in my opinion. It is people who haven’t been anywhere, haven’t seen the world.Pin
Racism is a sign of ignorance, in my opinion. It is people who haven’t been anywhere, haven’t seen the world.
I’m not homophobic, I’m not racist. I’m not against any people. All I have for people is love.Pin
I’m not homophobic, I’m not racist. I’m not against any people. All I have for people is love.
If anyone wants to abuse other people for whatever color, race or creed they are, then it’s just stupidness, isn’t it?
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(MUST READ) Behind the Mask

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Inspirational Tyson Fury Quotes (BOXING) - Gracious QuotesPin