Celebrities / Influencers

Top 36 Vanessa Williams Quotes on Life (SINGER)

Top 10 Most Famous Vanessa Williams Quotes (BEST)

“I think we all have an internal gauge that warns us about certain situations in life. And it’s up to us to listen and tune in to it, but also to act upon it. Listen to that voice, because it’s there to protect you.”

Vanessa Williams
I try to incorporate faith every day, to not remind myself of past failures, to learn how to forgive and to trust the future.Pin
I try to incorporate faith every day, to not remind myself of past failures, to learn how to forgive and to trust the future.
Sometimes the very thing you’re looking for is the one thing you cannot see.Pin
Sometimes the very thing you’re looking for is the one thing you cannot see.
Success is the sweetest revenge.Pin
Success is the sweetest revenge.
Salsa is a phenomenal way to stay fit, have a great time with your friends and listen to great music.Pin
Salsa is a phenomenal way to stay fit, have a great time with your friends and listen to great music.

“The wiser you get, the more experience you have, and the more you see people for who they are as human beings, as opposed to figures you have to fight against.”

Vanessa Williams
You should be unique, you should be confident, and that's how people remember who you are. You have to be willing to share who you are and your story.Pin
You should be unique, you should be confident, and that’s how people remember who you are. You have to be willing to share who you are and your story.
You’re always going to have people that are naysayers, that don’t believe in your talent, that don’t believe that you have any kind of longevity.Pin
You’re always going to have people that are naysayers, that don’t believe in your talent, that don’t believe that you have any kind of longevity.
Love breaks your heart, love takes no less than everything. Love makes it hard, and it fades away so easily.Pin
Love breaks your heart, love takes no less than everything. Love makes it hard, and it fades away so easily.

“I think being able to express yourself is the most important thing that anyone can do in their life, so I’m lucky to be able to do what I love and get paid well for it. I think a lot of people have passions and creativity and when those are stifled, that’s when depression sets in and illness starts. Doing what you love is important to feed your soul.”

Vanessa Williams

5 Vanessa Williams Quotes on Success at Work

“You know who you are and you want to be able to present the best of you to whoever your employer is, so when they ask you about your family, tell a funny story. When they ask what your goals are, find out what would be the best fit for you in terms of what they have to offer at the company and what you can give them. If they’re interviewing you, they want to give you the job, so you’ve got to be the best that you can be, and show them what you can give.”

Vanessa Williams
Try to be focused and bring the best of who you are to your employer.Pin
Try to be focused and bring the best of who you are to your employer.
There is hope, it always works out; take a breath, take a minute, feel good, and you can do that in many ways. Just focus and take your time.Pin
There is hope, it always works out; take a breath, take a minute, feel good, and you can do that in many ways. Just focus and take your time.
Good work is such an incredible payoff. And I know that I'll be working until the end, because good work excites me.Pin
Good work is such an incredible payoff. And I know that I’ll be working until the end, because good work excites me.
I’m not perfect, but I’m focused when I have a goal.Pin
I’m not perfect, but I’m focused when I have a goal.

5 Vanessa Williams Quotes on Life and Health

“We have a lot of opportunities to stay fit now and we have a lot more knowledge about nutrition. You can get anything delivered to your house in terms of meals, shakes or cleanses and all that stuff, so it’s easier to work at it. You just have to work at it.”

Vanessa Williams
As you get older, you get stronger and more confident, and you get more accustomed to saying no... Things change as you mature.Pin
As you get older, you get stronger and more confident, and you get more accustomed to saying no… Things change as you mature.
I'll get mad, but then I'll let it go. It's not worth stewing over for the rest of your life. You've got to move on and let it go.Pin
I’ll get mad, but then I’ll let it go. It’s not worth stewing over for the rest of your life. You’ve got to move on and let it go.
You have to take each day as it comes and give yourself a break.Pin
You have to take each day as it comes and give yourself a break.
I want to stay looking like myself and I want to maintain this look right now.Pin
I want to stay looking like myself and I want to maintain this look right now.

4 Vanessa Williams Quotes that will make you think

“What makes characters so interesting when you’re an actor or a dancer is to watch and observe how people walk and move and speak. Are they cat-like? Are they walrus-like? Why does that person bother me, and why do I think they are the way they are?”

Vanessa Williams
Sometimes the snow comes down in June, sometimes the sun goes around the moon.Pin
Sometimes the snow comes down in June, sometimes the sun goes around the moon.
And at 19, you think you rule the world, and you can control things. And a lot of times, you don't.Pin
And at 19, you think you rule the world, and you can control things. And a lot of times, you don’t.
Here we are standing face to face, isn't this world a crazy place, just when I thought the chance had passed, you go and save the best for last.Pin
Here we are standing face to face, isn’t this world a crazy place, just when I thought the chance had passed, you go and save the best for last.

3 Vanessa Williams Quotes on Love and Dating

“You wondered how you’d make it through. I wondered what was wrong with you. Because how could you give your love to someone else, yet share your dreams with me?”

Vanessa Williams
Cause there was a time when all I did was wish. You'd tell me this was love. It's not the way I hoped. Or how I planned. But somehow it's enough.Pin
Cause there was a time when all I did was wish. You’d tell me this was love. It’s not the way I hoped. Or how I planned. But somehow it’s enough.

“On top of those demands on my time, dating was a challenge because I still had my daughter at home. Do I introduce a new person into her world when she’s a young woman going through changes? As a mom, there are a lot of danger zones and minefields, and you’ve got to be really careful. It’s not all about finding passion, love, and chemistry. It’s about, How does this work in my life? Or even, Will it work in my life?”

Vanessa Williams

3 Vanessa Williams Quotes on her Parents

“Well, my mom taught public school music for almost 40 years. And she’s about 5 feet – and very mighty. And she would control her kids a lot by giving them the eye, or the stare.”

Vanessa Williams
There are a lot of things that you don't realize that your parents are going through when you're a kid.Pin
There are a lot of things that you don’t realize that your parents are going through when you’re a kid.

“I had two parents and a family that always supported me. Support is very important and when they saw that I had the desire to pursue a career in the arts, I received the proper training. I danced my entire life. I was a musician. I acted and went to musical theater. The preparation is what gave me the skills that gave me longevity in this career. Follow your dreams, but it’s also nice to have a family that supports your dreams instead of saying ‘get a real job.’”

Vanessa Williams

6 Vanessa Williams Quotes on Parenting

“I throw myself into my work. It’s exhausting. It’s time-consuming. I feel guilty for not being with my kids all the time. But then when I’m home with my children and devoting my life to my kids, in the back of my mind I’m wondering whether I’ll ever get employed again. So there’s a constant battle of doing what fuels me and what I do best. And also, being there for my kids.”

Vanessa Williams
I think there’s a time to work... And then there’s a time to relax, and take the kids on vacation when you need to wind down.Pin
I think there’s a time to work… And then there’s a time to relax, and take the kids on vacation when you need to wind down.

“I am lucky to have three daughters who are completely different. I look at my daughters and I have different relationships with all three and there are parts of each personality that are very special.”

Vanessa Williams
The kids’ schedules came first and my career came second, even though I was the main moneymaker. Unfortunately that meant the marriage came third.Pin
The kids’ schedules came first and my career came second, even though I was the main moneymaker. Unfortunately that meant the marriage came third.

“The greatest thing about being a mother so young, I had my first child at 24, is that I cook, I clean, I love to be independent and kind of hate to be waited on and hate to be taken care of. So, I guess that demonstrates my fiercely independent nature which is kind of anti what I portray on a weekly basis.”

Vanessa Williams
Nobody gets preferential treatment. If everyone has to clear the table, everyone has to clear the table... In my house, everybody has the same rules.Pin
Nobody gets preferential treatment. If everyone has to clear the table, everyone has to clear the table… In my house, everybody has the same rules.

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Vanessa Williams Quotes on Life (SINGER) - Gracious QuotesPin