Sports Figures / Coaches

Top 53 Sir Alex Ferguson Quotes (LEADERSHIP)

Top 10 Most Famous Sir Alex Ferguson Quotes (BEST)

“If I were running a company, I would always want to listen to the thoughts of its most talented youngsters, because they are the people most in touch with the realities of today and the prospects for tomorrow.”

Sir Alex Ferguson
Once you bid farewell to discipline you say goodbye to success.Pin
Once you bid farewell to discipline you say goodbye to success.
The experience of defeat, or more particularly the manner in which a leader reacts to it, is an essential part of what makes a winner.Pin
The experience of defeat, or more particularly the manner in which a leader reacts to it, is an essential part of what makes a winner.
The work of a team should always embrace a great player but the great player must always work.Pin
The work of a team should always embrace a great player but the great player must always work.
Origins should never be a barrier to success. A modest start in life can be a help more than a hindrance.Pin
Origins should never be a barrier to success. A modest start in life can be a help more than a hindrance.
I had to lift players' expectations. They should never give in. I said that to them all the time If you give in once, you'll give in twice.Pin
I had to lift players’ expectations. They should never give in. I said that to them all the time: “If you give in once, you’ll give in twice.”
There’s a reason that God gave us two ears, two eyes and one mouth. It’s so you can listen and watch twice as much as you talk. Best of all, listening costs you nothing.Pin
There’s a reason that God gave us two ears, two eyes and one mouth. It’s so you can listen and watch twice as much as you talk. Best of all, listening costs you nothing.
In the long run principles are just more important than expediency.Pin
In the long run principles are just more important than expediency.
I tell the players that the bus is moving. This club has to progress. And the bus wouldn’t wait for them. I tell them to get on board.Pin
I tell the players that the bus is moving. This club has to progress. And the bus wouldn’t wait for them. I tell them to get on board.
Part of the pursuit of excellence involves eliminating as many surprises as possible because life is full of the unexpected.Pin
Part of the pursuit of excellence involves eliminating as many surprises as possible because life is full of the unexpected.

10 Funny Sir Alex Ferguson Quotes on the Football Community

They say [Arsene Wenger] he’s an intelligent man, right? Speaks five languages! I’ve got a 15-year-old boy from the Ivory Coast who speaks five languages!Pin
They say [Arsene Wenger] he’s an intelligent man, right? Speaks five languages! I’ve got a 15-year-old boy from the Ivory Coast who speaks five languages!
[Arsene Wenger] He’s a novice - he should keep his opinions to Japanese football.Pin
[Arsene Wenger] He’s a novice – he should keep his opinions to Japanese football.
That lad [Filippo Inzaghi] must have been born offside.Pin
That lad [Filippo Inzaghi] must have been born offside.
My greatest challenge is not what’s happening at the moment, my greatest challenge was knocking Liverpool right off their f*g perch. And you can print that.Pin
My greatest challenge is not what’s happening at the moment, my greatest challenge was knocking Liverpool right off their f*g perch. And you can print that.
The credit to them [FC Barcelona], the better team won [after being defeated by them in the 2009 CL Final] and there’s nothing we can do about that now.Pin
The credit to them [FC Barcelona], the better team won [after being defeated by them in the 2009 CL Final] and there’s nothing we can do about that now.

“At the last minute, from what I can gather, either Emmanuel Adebayor or his agent phoned us after they had agreed a deal with City and then did the same with Chelsea. He was desperate to get to either Chelsea or us.”

Sir Alex Ferguson
All they [City] can talk about is Manchester United.Pin
All they [City] can talk about is Manchester United.
If Chelsea drop points, the cat’s out in the open. And you know what cats are like - sometimes they don’t come home.Pin
If Chelsea drop points, the cat’s out in the open. And you know what cats are like – sometimes they don’t come home.
Jose [Mourinho] understands winning and losing are twins in a way. When you win you don’t gloat and when you lose you don’t go bananas.Pin
Jose [Mourinho] understands winning and losing are twins in a way. When you win you don’t gloat and when you lose you don’t go bananas.
To not apologise for the behaviour of the players to another manager is unthinkable. It’s a disgrace, but I don’t expect Wenger to ever apologise… he’s that type of person.Pin
To not apologise for the behaviour of the players to another manager is unthinkable. It’s a disgrace, but I don’t expect Wenger to ever apologise… he’s that type of person.

9 Sir Alex Ferguson Quotes on Manchester United Players

“It was the most emphatic display of selflessness I have seen on a football field. Pounding over every blade of grass, competing if he would rather die of exhaustion than lose, he inspired all around him. I felt such an honour to be associated with such a player.” – [on Roy Keane in the 1999 Champions League Semi-Final against Juventus]

Sir Alex Ferguson
I remember the first time I saw [Ryan Giggs] him. He was 13 and just floated over the ground like a cocker spaniel chasing a piece of silver paper in the wind.Pin
I remember the first time I saw [Ryan Giggs] him. He was 13 and just floated over the ground like a cocker spaniel chasing a piece of silver paper in the wind.
Whether dribbling or sprinting, Ryan [Giggs] can leave the best defenders with twisted blood.Pin
Whether dribbling or sprinting, Ryan [Giggs] can leave the best defenders with twisted blood.
If [Gary Neville] he was an inch taller he’d be the best centre half in Britain. His father is 6ft 2in - I’d check the milkman.Pin
If [Gary Neville] he was an inch taller he’d be the best centre half in Britain. His father is 6ft 2in – I’d check the milkman.

David Beckham is Britain’s finest striker of a football not because of God-given talent but because he practises with a relentless application that the vast majority of less gifted players wouldn’t contemplate.”

Sir Alex Ferguson
I used to have a saying that when a player is at his peak, he feels as though he can climb Everest in his slippers. That’s what he [Paul Ince] was like.Pin
I used to have a saying that when a player is at his peak, he feels as though he can climb Everest in his slippers. That’s what he [Paul Ince] was like.
Wayne is truly blessed. He doesn’t just have ability, he has a fire inside him. [When Rooney joined United in 2004]Pin
Wayne is truly blessed. He doesn’t just have ability, he has a fire inside him. [When Rooney joined United in 2004]
Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in the field. [Rooney forcing his way to City but decided to remain in United in 2010]Pin
Sometimes you look in a field and you see a cow and you think it’s a better cow than the one you’ve got in the field. [Rooney forcing his way to City but decided to remain in United in 2010]

“If ever there was one player, anywhere in the world, that was made for Manchester United, it was Cantona. He swaggered in, stuck his chest out, raised his head and surveyed everything as though he were asking: ‘I’m Cantona. How big are you? Are you big enough for me?”

Sir Alex Ferguson

9 Sir Alex Ferguson Quotes on his Managerial Style in Football Coaching

“You can’t always come in shouting and screaming. That doesn’t work. No one likes to get criticised. But in the football dressing room, it’s necessary that you point out your players’ mistakes. I do it right after the game. I don’t wait until Monday, I do it, and it’s finished. I’m on to the next match. There is no point in criticising a player forever.”

Sir Alex Ferguson
The only advice I can give to you is don’t let the players take the mickey out of you.Pin
The only advice I can give to you is don’t let the players take the mickey out of you.
I read a lot of history and in most history books there won’t be a mention of sport, but there are always insights you can learn.Pin
I read a lot of history and in most history books there won’t be a mention of sport, but there are always insights you can learn.
Only true champions come out and show their worth after defeat - and I expect us to do that. [After Arsenal defeated United twice in 2006]Pin
Only true champions come out and show their worth after defeat – and I expect us to do that. [After Arsenal defeated United twice in 2006]
Watching others, listening to their advice and reading about people are three of the best things I ever did.Pin
Watching others, listening to their advice and reading about people are three of the best things I ever did.
Sometimes you have to force players into being better than what they think they are.Pin
Sometimes you have to force players into being better than what they think they are.
Advice often comes when you least expect it, and listening, which costs nothing, is one of the most valuable things you can do.Pin
Advice often comes when you least expect it, and listening, which costs nothing, is one of the most valuable things you can do.
I never had a problem reaching a decision based on imperfect information. That’s just the way the world works.Pin
I never had a problem reaching a decision based on imperfect information. That’s just the way the world works.
I like to tell different stories, and use my imagination. But generally, it is about our expectations, their belief in themselves, and their trust in each other.Pin
I like to tell different stories, and use my imagination. But generally, it is about our expectations, their belief in themselves, and their trust in each other.

8 Sir Alex Ferguson Quotes on Football and Winning

I can't believe it. I can't believe it. Football. Bloody hell. [After winning Champions League in 1999 against Bayern Munich]Pin
I can’t believe it. I can’t believe it. Football. Bloody hell. [After winning Champions League in 1999 against Bayern Munich]
I've never played for a draw in my life.Pin
I’ve never played for a draw in my life.
Well, football is a hard game; there’s no denying it. It’s a game that can bring out the worst in you, at times.Pin
Well, football is a hard game; there’s no denying it. It’s a game that can bring out the worst in you, at times.
You learn more from defeats than you do from victories.Pin
You learn more from defeats than you do from victories.
We had a virus that infected everyone at United. It was called winning.Pin
We had a virus that infected everyone at United. It was called winning.
Losing is a powerful management tool so long as it does not become a habit.Pin
Losing is a powerful management tool so long as it does not become a habit.
I always felt that our triumphs were an expression of the consistent application of discipline.Pin
I always felt that our triumphs were an expression of the consistent application of discipline.
Sometimes in football you have to hold your hand up and say, yeah, they’re better than us.Pin
Sometimes in football you have to hold your hand up and say, yeah, they’re better than us.

7 Inspirational Sir Alex Ferguson Quotes About Life

Don’t ever think you’re above a challenge. It’s not right. Arrogance is not a quality, it’s a hindrance to success.Pin
Don’t ever think you’re above a challenge. It’s not right. Arrogance is not a quality, it’s a hindrance to success.
For me drive means a combination of a willingness to work hard, emotional fortitude, enormous powers of concentration and a refusal to admit defeat.Pin
For me drive means a combination of a willingness to work hard, emotional fortitude, enormous powers of concentration and a refusal to admit defeat.
I think it’s important to work and I’m entitled to work. Some people do not want to work but I want to continue working.Pin
I think it’s important to work and I’m entitled to work. Some people do not want to work but I want to continue working.
It’s true I’ve earned a lot of money. But I’ve worked hard, paid my taxes and put a lot back in different ways.Pin
It’s true I’ve earned a lot of money. But I’ve worked hard, paid my taxes and put a lot back in different ways.
If my parents were still alive, they would be very proud. They gave me a good start in life, the values that have driven me, and the confidence to believe in myself.Pin
If my parents were still alive, they would be very proud. They gave me a good start in life, the values that have driven me, and the confidence to believe in myself.
Perhaps the most important element of each activity is to inspire a group of people to perform at their very best. The best teachers are the unsung heroes and heroines of any society...Pin
Perhaps the most important element of each activity is to inspire a group of people to perform at their very best. The best teachers are the unsung heroes and heroines of any society…
I don’t like losing but I’ve mellowed. I maybe have a short fuse but it goes away quicker now.Pin
I don’t like losing but I’ve mellowed. I maybe have a short fuse but it goes away quicker now.
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(MUST READ) Leading: Learning from Life and My Years at Manchester United

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Top Sir Alex Ferguson Quotes (LEADERSHIP) - Gracious QuotesPin