Top 10 Most Famous Estée Lauder Quotes (BEST)
“What makes a successful businesswoman? Is it talent? Well, perhaps, although I’ve known many enormously successful people who were not gifted in any outstanding way, not blessed with particular talent. Is it, then, intelligence? Certainly intelligence helps, but it’s not necessarily education or the kind of intellectual reasoning needed to graduate from the Wharton School of Business that are essential. What, then, is the mystical ingredient? It’s persistence. It’s that certain little spirit that compels you to continue just when you’re at your most tired. It’s that quality that forces you to persevere, find the route around the stone wall. It’s the immovable stubbornness that will not allow you to cave in when everyone says give up.”
Estée Lauder
“Beauty is an attitude. There’s no secret. Why are all brides beautiful? Because on their wedding day they care about how they look. There are no ugly women – only women who don’t care or or don’t believe they’re attractive.”
Estée Lauder
7 Inspirational Estée Lauder Quotes on Success (DREAM)
“I’ve always believed that if you stick to a thought and carefully avoid distraction along the way, you can fulfill a dream. My whole life has been about fulfilling dreams. I kept my eye on the target, whatever that target was. Whether your target is big or small, grand or simple, ambitious or personal, I’ve always believed that success comes from not letting your eyes stray from that target. Anyone who wants to achieve a dream must stay strong, focused and steady.”
Estée Lauder
“If in your mind’s eye you see a successful venture, a deal made, a profit accomplished, it has a superb chance of actually happening. Projecting your mind into a successful situation is the most powerful means to achieve goals. If you spent time with pictures of failure in your mind, you will orchestrate failure.”
Estée Lauder
16 Estée Lauder Quotes on Running a Business and Selling Products
“Each businessperson must find a style, that voice that grows clearer and louder with each success and failure. Observing your own and your competitors’ successes and failures makes your inner business voice more sure and vivid.”
Estée Lauder
“If you have a goal, if you want to be successful, if you really want to do it and become another Estée Lauder, you’ve got to work hard, you’ve got to stick to it and you’ve got to believe in what you’re doing.”
Estée Lauder
“When a person with experience meets a person with money, pretty soon, the person with the experience will have the money and the person with the money will have the experience.”
Estée Lauder
8 Estée Lauder Quotes on Beauty and Self-confidence
“I believed in my product. I loved my product. I loved to touch the creams, smell them, look at them, carry them with me. A person has to love her harvest if she’s to expect others to love it. And beauty was such a bountiful harvest.”
Estée Lauder
4 Estée Lauder Quotes on Trusting Instincts and Taking Risks
6 Motivational Estée Lauder Quotes About Life
“From where you sit, you can probably reach out with comparative ease and touch a life of serenity and peace. You can wait for things to happen and not get too sad when they don’t. That’s fine for some but not for me. Serenity is pleasant, but it lacks the ecstasy of achievement.”
Estée Lauder
“In every life there is a moment – an event or a realization – that changes that life irrevocably. If the change is to be a happy one, one must be able to recognize the moment and seize it without delay.”
Estée Lauder
“I’ve tried not to sacrifice things for success. I never did anything that could hurt my children. I was always there for breakfast and dinner with them, and when I could I made it myself – and I didn’t believe in any of that frozen food stuff. I was home when they got back from school, and when my husband got in I was always waiting.”
Estée Lauder
7 Wise Estée Lauder Quotes to Live By (WISDOM)
“Make the most of what you have. I operated, full time, on that precept. If you can’t have everything you think you deserve at that moment, you would do well to surround yourself with symbols of your ideals. In that small office, I surrounded myself with touches of the good life, the lovely and intricately tapestried life of my imagination, an imagination that has always been, I’m proud to say, large enough to admit any possibility.”
Estée Lauder
“One simply cannot start from zero. If you want to start your own business, save some money or know someone who can lend you some. You may not need a huge amount, but those first bills must be covered – and then some. When I began, business practice was based on CBD – Cash Before Delivery – not COD [Cash On Delivery]. The same holds true in many cases today.”
Estée Lauder
(MUST READ) Estee: A Success Story
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