Celebrities / Influencers

34 Most Famous Rick Owens Quotes (FASHION)

Top 10 Most Famous Rick Owens Quotes (BEST)

“Living and working being connected is kind of my thing. I don’t mean to dismiss outside influences, as I’m sure they’re impossible not to absorb, but I find a slightly unhealthy, introspective insulation seems to work best for me.”

Rick Owens
Working out is modern couture. No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead.Pin
Working out is modern couture. No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead.
Fashion can be cruel. Style is a gift to others.Pin
Fashion can be cruel. Style is a gift to others.
The coolest thing is when you don't care about being cool anymore. Indifference is the greatest aphrodisiac - that's what really sums up style for me.Pin
The coolest thing is when you don’t care about being cool anymore. Indifference is the greatest aphrodisiac – that’s what really sums up style for me.
Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is also one of the most attractive things you can do.Pin
Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is also one of the most attractive things you can do.

“Clothes are about aspiration. If I can make weirdness aspirational, I will have done what I set out to do – to expand a somewhat strict set of accepted aesthetic rules.”

Rick Owens
Stop destroying the landscape with your outfit.Pin
Stop destroying the landscape with your outfit.
Hair and shoes say it all. Everything in between is forgivable as long as you keep it simple. Trying to talk with your clothes is passive-aggressive.Pin
Hair and shoes say it all. Everything in between is forgivable as long as you keep it simple. Trying to talk with your clothes is passive-aggressive.
Every jacket I make has interior pockets big enough to store a book and a sandwich and a passport.Pin
Every jacket I make has interior pockets big enough to store a book and a sandwich and a passport.
I almost cried the other day listening to ‘Vogue’ by Madonna.Pin
I almost cried the other day listening to ‘Vogue’ by Madonna.

10 Rick Owens Quotes on Fashion and Aesthetic

“I am fed up with stuff that isn’t perfect. Affecting casualness is every bit as precious as being precious and I am going to be as refined and elegant as I can.”

Rick Owens
My aesthetic is a very simple recipe – a black and white, Art Deco, Cecil B DeMille lurid Bible Epic.Pin
My aesthetic is a very simple recipe – a black and white, Art Deco, Cecil B DeMille lurid Bible Epic.

“I like things pretty reduced. I don’t understand how people live with so much stuff around them, because you can’t focus on it, and after a while it ends up becoming absorbed. It’s not as if anything’s really being appreciated. To me all that stuff is some desperate message to everyone about who you are, like bumper stickers.”

Rick Owens

“Working out has become this generation’s version of couture. It’s time consuming, it’s rare and it’s specialized. You have to go in for fittings. You have to train and train and train. I see people complaining about the age of elegance, when your clothes were custom-made to fit you — well, they were made to fit you because people’s bodies weren’t as good.”

Rick Owens
I like things that function and that are logical. The commercial side is one of my favorite parts. I mean, no one would ever assume that.Pin
I like things that function and that are logical. The commercial side is one of my favorite parts. I mean, no one would ever assume that.

“I don’t think it’s possible to really shock anybody anymore, although I’m surprised sometimes. I don’t want to waste people’s time. It’s a busy calendar, so if you’re going to do a show, do a show.”

Rick Owens

“If you create the composition in an attractive balanced way, the same way you prepare a meal, like if you know how much oregano is going to balance everything else out, it works and people will respond to it, people feel it and it’s kind of the same thing with clothes and references. If you kind of create the right mixture of references it’s going to be graceful, logical and poetic, and it will register.”

Rick Owens

“As for myself, I have never changed my clothes. I have always worn a uniform because what I did was change my own body instead; that is much more hardcore than changing an outfit.”

Rick Owens

“I wanted things to look like they were degenerating and evaporating on the runway. I was also thinking of dinosaurs, and it made me think of exaggerated, weird shapes.”

Rick Owens

“There is enough furniture in the world that I do not design furniture to be comfortable. I reject this vision of the world totally oriented to personal comfort… through furniture design, I suggest something more disciplined, more formal.”

Rick Owens

4 Rick Owens Quotes on Shoes and Boots

“Sports shoes were never my thing. The only reason I started making them was because they frustrated me. They were a little too prosaic. I wanted to exoticize them.”

Rick Owens

“All through my 20s, all I wore was the same pair of biker boots. That’s how I’ve always been with clothes. I’ve never been somebody who likes a full closet. I like a closet with five things, and that’s it for five years. But I’ve always thought shoes and hair are the most important things. They define who you are. And teeth. Teeth have to be good.”

Rick Owens

“It’s all I wear. I can’t even consider wearing leather shoes because it doesn’t seem contemporary. It became a safe way of expressing virility for men. They are the one item in your outfit that any man can go out there with. There can be colors, there can be perforations, there can be confections. It’s kind of like a men’s cravat from the 19th century — the way you tied it, it could be sumptuous.”

Rick Owens

“Like I’ve done with everything in my life, you fake it until it comes true. I actually used to mold rubber soles myself, because at the time I couldn’t afford the minimums. The construction was completely wrong.”

Rick Owens

2 FunnyRick Owens Quotes that will Make You Think

“I can’t really think of anything more subversive in men’s dress at the moment than heels; people get weird in the street when you wear heels… In short they make you feel like Gene Simmons as you walk to the grocery store.”

Rick Owens
I love that I have all these straight guys buying my clothes who would have kicked my ass in high school.Pin
I love that I have all these straight guys buying my clothes who would have kicked my ass in high school.

8 Wise Rick Owens Quotes About Life (WISDOM)

“I think that for everybody, the main thing in life is to be listened to. To be listened to by someone who loves you, to be listened to by a lover, to be listened to by children who you want to teach. You want to express yourself and for people to respond.”

Rick Owens

“Most of the things that I get are things I have wanted for a long, long time. I am not an impulsive buyer and I don’t like clutter. I don’t like filling my world with impulsive things. It has to be a serious commitment.”

Rick Owens
I plan to lose touch with reality. And the more I lose touch with reality, the better I’ll get… I think.Pin
I plan to lose touch with reality. And the more I lose touch with reality, the better I’ll get… I think.

“I have been very self-destructive and self-critical but I learnt how to accept a lot of my faults and flaws and not make such a big deal about it. Just to get over myself.”

Rick Owens
If I had to explain myself every day it would kill me; my work is a conversation I’m having with the world.Pin
If I had to explain myself every day it would kill me; my work is a conversation I’m having with the world.

“There was a minute where I considered selling out, because I was offered a lot of money that I wasn’t sure I would ever be offered again. But looking back, it would have killed me. I can’t really work with other people. I would hate to have to explain myself to anybody. I don’t have a design team because that’s what I get to do — that’s my fun.”

Rick Owens
I live in my own little concrete bubble.Pin
I live in my own little concrete bubble.

“I’ve learned to forgive myself for being a cunt, and that’s a part in all of us, we all struggle to keep that balance I think, and try and not beat ourselves up too much, and try and do better and improve and it’s a little ‘titter totter’ every single day, today I’m going to be better, oh sh*t, I f**ked up, I’m not… but ok, it’ll work out better tomorrow, and that’s the beautiful monster in all of us.”

Rick Owens
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(MUST READ) Rick Owens

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