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Top 32 Vladimir Putin Quotes About Life (POWER)

Top 12 Most Famous Vladimir Putin Quotes (BEST)

We don't need a weakened government but a strong government that would take responsibility for the rights of the individual and care for the society as a whole.Pin
We don’t need a weakened government but a strong government that would take responsibility for the rights of the individual and care for the society as a whole.
The path towards a free society has not been simple. There are tragic and glorious pages in our history.Pin
The path towards a free society has not been simple. There are tragic and glorious pages in our history.
The greatest satisfaction for me is to have overcome difficult moments and still to have retained the ability to work hard.Pin
The greatest satisfaction for me is to have overcome difficult moments and still to have retained the ability to work hard.
Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain.Pin
Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain.
Democracy cannot be exported to some other place. It must be homegrown.Pin
Democracy cannot be exported to some other place. It must be homegrown.
To forgive the terrorists is up to God, but to send them there is up to me.Pin
To forgive the terrorists is up to God, but to send them there is up to me.

“Russia does not have a military alliance with China, but we stand ready to continue and develop our friendly relations with China both in bilateral cooperation and in the multilateral format.”

Vladimir Putin
I've always been at peace with myself. I've always been confident. I've always had a strong will. I've always tried to be independent.Pin
I’ve always been at peace with myself. I’ve always been confident. I’ve always had a strong will. I’ve always tried to be independent.
It's better to be hanged for loyalty than rewarded for betrayal.Pin
It’s better to be hanged for loyalty than rewarded for betrayal.
No one should have the right to usurp the prerogatives of the Almighty. The Holy Creator has entrusted us with the gift of life and only He can take it away.Pin
No one should have the right to usurp the prerogatives of the Almighty. The Holy Creator has entrusted us with the gift of life and only He can take it away.
The Russian character is divided between Europe and Asia, between Mongolia and Poland. It's split inside us.Pin
The Russian character is divided between Europe and Asia, between Mongolia and Poland. It’s split inside us.
We don't need a global empire. I don't need the Russian Orthodox Church telling me how to live my life.Pin
We don’t need a global empire. I don’t need the Russian Orthodox Church telling me how to live my life.

6 Vladimir Putin Quotes on Government and Politics

“History proves that all dictatorships, all authoritarian forms of government are transient. Only democratic systems are not transient. Whatever the shortcomings, mankind has not devised anything superior.”

Vladimir Putin
Russia needs a strong state power and must have it. But I am not calling for totalitarianism.Pin
Russia needs a strong state power and must have it. But I am not calling for totalitarianism.
The ability to compromise is not a diplomatic politeness toward a partner but rather taking into account and respecting your partner's legitimate interests.Pin
The ability to compromise is not a diplomatic politeness toward a partner but rather taking into account and respecting your partner’s legitimate interests.

“For Russia, there is not and there may not be another political option but democracy. However, Russian democracy is… not at all the realization of standards imposed on us from outside.”

Vladimir Putin
I believe that the presidential term should be limited.Pin
I believe that the presidential term should be limited.
Economic activity is moving from the Atlantic ocean to the Pacific ocean… Russia has a certain natural advantage because it also borders the Pacific Ocean.Pin
Economic activity is moving from the Atlantic ocean to the Pacific ocean… Russia has a certain natural advantage because it also borders the Pacific Ocean.

6 Deep Vladimir Putin Quotes that will Make You Think

“One has to be insincere and promise something which you cannot fulfill. So you either have to be a fool who does not understand what you are promising, or deliberately be lying.”

Vladimir Putin
The weak are beaten, and the winners go on to forge their own world order.Pin
The weak are beaten, and the winners go on to forge their own world order.
I have always reacted negatively to those who with their snotty noses and erotic fantasies prowl into others' lives.Pin
I have always reacted negatively to those who with their snotty noses and erotic fantasies prowl into others’ lives.

“Bike is the most democratic transport vehicle. Bike is the most daring, challenging as it gives its owner the tempting feeling of freedom, that is why one can say without any exaggeration, bike is a symbol of freedom.”

Vladimir Putin
There is no happiness in life, there is only a mirage on the horizon, so cherish that.Pin
There is no happiness in life, there is only a mirage on the horizon, so cherish that.
To pay more is the easy way. In fact, the solution possibilities to the problem are many.Pin
To pay more is the easy way. In fact, the solution possibilities to the problem are many.

6 Wise Vladimir Putin Quotes to Live By (WISDOM)

“The meaning of our whole life and existence is love. It is love to the family, to the children, to the motherland (the world). This phenomenon which appears complicated lies at heart of any of our behaviors. It is exactly the top priority which all of us should go after, and I am absolutely sure that we will succeed.”

Vladimir Putin
Nobody should pin their hopes on a miracle.Pin
Nobody should pin their hopes on a miracle.
You must obey the law, always, not only when they grab you by your special place.Pin
You must obey the law, always, not only when they grab you by your special place.
I think every person should have some faith inside him, in his heart. What matters is not an external display of this faith, but the inner state of the soul.Pin
I think every person should have some faith inside him, in his heart. What matters is not an external display of this faith, but the inner state of the soul.
I go to the gym, I swim daily and from time to time I meet with friends and do extra-curricular stuff.Pin
I go to the gym, I swim daily and from time to time I meet with friends and do extra-curricular stuff.
I would prefer to abandon the terminology of the past. 'Superpower' is something which we used during the cold war time. Why use it nowPin
I would prefer to abandon the terminology of the past. ‘Superpower’ is something which we used during the cold war time. Why use it now?

2 Vladimir Putin Quotes About the West and Americans

I think the American people should express their preferences, and we'll accept their choice.Pin
I think the American people should express their preferences, and we’ll accept their choice.
Maybe they have nothing else to do in America but to talk about me.Pin
Maybe they have nothing else to do in America but to talk about me.
YouTube video

(MUST READ) Vladimir Putin: Life Coach

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Vladimir Putin Quotes About Life (POWER) - Gracious QuotesPin