Entrepreneurs / Investors

31 Bernard Arnault Quotes on Success (LUXURY)

Top 10 Most Famous Bernard Arnault Quotes (BEST)

Affordable luxury - these are two words that don't go together.Pin
Affordable luxury – these are two words that don’t go together.
Money is just a consequence. I always say to my team, 'Don't worry too much about profitability. If you do your job well, the profitability will come.'Pin
Money is just a consequence. I always say to my team, ‘Don’t worry too much about profitability. If you do your job well, the profitability will come.’
All that interests me is promoting my brands, never myself.Pin
All that interests me is promoting my brands, never myself.
Luxury goods are the only area in which it is possible to make luxury margins.Pin
Luxury goods are the only area in which it is possible to make luxury margins.
In the luxury business, you have to build on heritage.Pin
In the luxury business, you have to build on heritage.
A good product can last forever.Pin
A good product can last forever.
The goal of a startup is not to stay a startup. The goal of a startup is to grow and to become, if possible, a large company.Pin
The goal of a startup is not to stay a startup. The goal of a startup is to grow and to become, if possible, a large company.
I like that combination between creativity and the creative process and the organization needed to make a business like this successful worldwide.Pin
I like that combination between creativity and the creative process and the organization needed to make a business like this successful worldwide.
When I took over Louis Vuitton, everyone said, 'It's already so big - what more can you do?' And since then, we've multiplied that success tenfold.Pin
When I took over Louis Vuitton, everyone said, ‘It’s already so big – what more can you do?’ And since then, we’ve multiplied that success tenfold.
If you control your distribution, you control your image.Pin
If you control your distribution, you control your image.

12 Bernard Arnault Quotes on Business and Success

“It is not enough to have a talented designer; the management must be inspired too. The creative process is very disorganised; the production process has to be very rational.”

Bernard Arnault
In business, I think the most important thing is to position yourself for long-term and not be too impatient, which I am by nature, and I have to control myself.Pin
In business, I think the most important thing is to position yourself for long-term and not be too impatient, which I am by nature, and I have to control myself.
When something has to be done, do it! In France we are full of good ideas, but we rarely put them into practice.Pin
When something has to be done, do it! In France we are full of good ideas, but we rarely put them into practice.
The person who I admire most in business is Warren Buffett. He is a long-term investor and has brilliant ideas, and he sticks to them.Pin
The person who I admire most in business is Warren Buffett. He is a long-term investor and has brilliant ideas, and he sticks to them.
Louis Vuitton, the world's biggest luxury brand in terms of sales, is planning to dampen its expansion worldwide and focus on high-end products to preserve its exclusive image.Pin
Louis Vuitton, the world’s biggest luxury brand in terms of sales, is planning to dampen its expansion worldwide and focus on high-end products to preserve its exclusive image.

“My work is to help innovators and designers understand that the success of their creativity is in large part based on the success of their products. Creativity — yes, but executed in a way that people like and can use.”

Bernard Arnault
I would never diminish the quality of Hermes. Hermes can be an even rarer and greater quality business, if they ever wanted to work with us.Pin
I would never diminish the quality of Hermes. Hermes can be an even rarer and greater quality business, if they ever wanted to work with us.
When you are on the management side, you still have to understand the artistic sensibility so that there is a dialogue with the creative side.Pin
When you are on the management side, you still have to understand the artistic sensibility so that there is a dialogue with the creative side.
You have to be just as mistrustful of straightforward rationality in business as you do of a uniquely gut approach.Pin
You have to be just as mistrustful of straightforward rationality in business as you do of a uniquely gut approach.
What we do in our group is the opposite of the bad effects of globalization. We produce in Italy and in France and we sell to China when usually it’s the opposite.Pin
What we do in our group is the opposite of the bad effects of globalization. We produce in Italy and in France and we sell to China when usually it’s the opposite.
Steve Jobs once asked me for some advice about retail, but I said, 'I am not sure at all we are in the same business.'Pin
Steve Jobs once asked me for some advice about retail, but I said, ‘I am not sure at all we are in the same business.’
I've always been pleased with the investments I've made with my friend Albert Frere and I regret not having followed him more, because I would have been a lot richer.Pin
I’ve always been pleased with the investments I’ve made with my friend Albert Frere and I regret not having followed him more, because I would have been a lot richer.

9 Bernard Arnault Quotes About Life

Happiness for me is really leading the team and, if possible, leading them to the top.Pin
Happiness for me is really leading the team and, if possible, leading them to the top.
I take time to get close to, and I don't immediately throw my arms round someone.Pin
I take time to get close to, and I don’t immediately throw my arms round someone.
I am and will remain a tax resident in France and in this regard I will, like all French people, fulfill my fiscal obligations.Pin
I am and will remain a tax resident in France and in this regard I will, like all French people, fulfill my fiscal obligations.
What feels good is choice. Having the freedom of choice. The only thing that is imposed on me professionally speaking is my own long-term vision of things.Pin
What feels good is choice. Having the freedom of choice. The only thing that is imposed on me professionally speaking is my own long-term vision of things.
I'm more concerned about Marc Jacobs than the U.S. president.Pin
I’m more concerned about Marc Jacobs than the U.S. president.
It's very important that when you have a designer like Marc Jacobs, who is a genius, you give him complete freedom.Pin
It’s very important that when you have a designer like Marc Jacobs, who is a genius, you give him complete freedom.
China is clearly going to be the number one economic power and it is already full of potential... with lots of population and the buying power increasing by the day...Pin
China is clearly going to be the number one economic power and it is already full of potential… with lots of population and the buying power increasing by the day…
Oh, I was brought up in the north of France, and I had a very enjoyable childhood with my family working as entrepreneur.Pin
Oh, I was brought up in the north of France, and I had a very enjoyable childhood with my family working as entrepreneur.
I am very competitive. I always want to win.Pin
I am very competitive. I always want to win.
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(MUST READ) Bernard Arnault. La Passion créative

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Bernard Arnault Quotes on Success (LUXURY) - Gracious QuotesPin