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38 Alexander Pope Quotes About Life (LOVE)

Top 10 Most Famous Alexander Pope Quotes (BEST)

Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.Pin
Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.
To err is human; to forgive, divine.Pin
To err is human; to forgive, divine.
Teach me to feel another's woe, to hide the fault I see, that mercy I to others show, that mercy show to me.Pin
Teach me to feel another’s woe, to hide the fault I see, that mercy I to others show, that mercy show to me.
To be angry is to revenge the faults of others on ourselves.Pin
To be angry is to revenge the faults of others on ourselves.
Some people will never learn anything, for this reason, because they understand everything too soon.Pin
Some people will never learn anything, for this reason, because they understand everything too soon.
Beauties in vain their pretty eyes may roll; charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul.Pin
Beauties in vain their pretty eyes may roll; charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul.
A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.Pin
A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.
Nature and nature's laws lay hid in the night. God said, Let Newton be! And all was light!Pin
Nature and nature’s laws lay hid in the night. God said, Let Newton be! And all was light!
Happy the man whose wish and care a few paternal acres bound, content to breathe his native air in his own ground.Pin
Happy the man whose wish and care a few paternal acres bound, content to breathe his native air in his own ground.
Act well your part, there all the honour lies.Pin
Act well your part, there all the honour lies.

16 Inspirational Alexander Pope Quotes About Life

An honest man's the noblest work of God. Pin
An honest man’s the noblest work of God.
Honor and shame from no condition rise. Act well your part: there all the honor lies.Pin
Honor and shame from no condition rise. Act well your part: there all the honor lies.
And, after all, what is a lie? 'Tis but the truth in a masquerade.Pin
And, after all, what is a lie? ‘Tis but the truth in a masquerade.
Hope springs eternal in the human breast: Man never is, but always to be blest.Pin
Hope springs eternal in the human breast: Man never is, but always to be blest.
On life's vast ocean diversely we sail. Reasons the card, but passion the gale.Pin
On life’s vast ocean diversely we sail. Reasons the card, but passion the gale.
The proper study of Mankind is Man.Pin
The proper study of Mankind is Man.
You purchase pain with all that joy can give and die of nothing but a rage to live.Pin
You purchase pain with all that joy can give and die of nothing but a rage to live.
Trust not yourself, but your defects to know, make use of every friend and every foe.Pin
Trust not yourself, but your defects to know, make use of every friend and every foe.
One science only will one genius fit; so vast is art, so narrow human wit.Pin
One science only will one genius fit; so vast is art, so narrow human wit.
The ruling passion, be it what it will. The ruling passion conquers reason still.Pin
The ruling passion, be it what it will. The ruling passion conquers reason still.
Do good by stealth, and blush to find it fame.Pin
Do good by stealth, and blush to find it fame.
Histories are more full of examples of the fidelity of dogs than of friends.Pin
Histories are more full of examples of the fidelity of dogs than of friends.
All are but parts of one stupendous whole, Whose body Nature is, and God the soul.Pin
All are but parts of one stupendous whole, Whose body Nature is, and God the soul.
A work of art that contains theories is like an object on which the price tag has been left.Pin
A work of art that contains theories is like an object on which the price tag has been left.
If you want to know what God thinks about money just look at the people He gives it to.Pin
If you want to know what God thinks about money just look at the people He gives it to.
What some call health, if purchased by perpetual anxiety about diet, isn't much better than tedious disease.Pin
What some call health, if purchased by perpetual anxiety about diet, isn’t much better than tedious disease.

12 Wise Alexander Pope Quotes (WISDOM)

'Tis education forms the common mind; just as the twig is bent the tree's inclined.Pin
‘Tis education forms the common mind; just as the twig is bent the tree’s inclined.
True ease in writing comes from art, not chance, as those move easiest who have learn'd to dance.Pin
True ease in writing comes from art, not chance, as those move easiest who have learn’d to dance.
The greatest magnifying glasses in the world are a man's own eyes when they look upon his own person.Pin
The greatest magnifying glasses in the world are a man’s own eyes when they look upon his own person.
No one should be ashamed to admit he is wrong, which is but saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.Pin
No one should be ashamed to admit he is wrong, which is but saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.
Men must be taught as if you taught them not, and things unknown proposed as things forgot.Pin
Men must be taught as if you taught them not, and things unknown proposed as things forgot.
Genius creates, and taste preserves. Taste is the good sense of genius; without taste, genius is only sublime folly.Pin
Genius creates, and taste preserves. Taste is the good sense of genius; without taste, genius is only sublime folly.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.Pin
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
The most positive men are the most credulous.Pin
The most positive men are the most credulous.
How prone to doubt, how cautious are the wise!Pin
How prone to doubt, how cautious are the wise!
Be not the first by whom the new are tried, nor yet the last to lay the old aside.Pin
Be not the first by whom the new are tried, nor yet the last to lay the old aside.
Never find fault with the absent.Pin
Never find fault with the absent.
The learned is happy, nature to explore; The fool is happy, that he knows no more.Pin
The learned is happy, nature to explore; The fool is happy, that he knows no more.
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Alexander Pope Quotes About Life (LOVE) - Gracious QuotesPin