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18 Curtis Stone Quotes on Life & Cooking (SUCCESS)

Top 10 Most Famous Curtis Stone Quotes (BEST)

For me, cooking is not just about feeding people, it's about nourishing them, body and soul.Pin
For me, cooking is not just about feeding people, it’s about nourishing them, body and soul.
Cooking is about passion, so it may look slightly temperamental in a way that it's too assertive to the naked eye.Pin
Cooking is about passion, so it may look slightly temperamental in a way that it’s too assertive to the naked eye.
Cooking is an art, and every plate is a canvas. Use your creativity and let your flavors paint a masterpiece.Pin
Cooking is an art, and every plate is a canvas. Use your creativity and let your flavors paint a masterpiece.
Food is meant to be shared and enjoyed together. It brings people closer and creates lasting memories.Pin
Food is meant to be shared and enjoyed together. It brings people closer and creates lasting memories.
The kitchen is where magic happens. It's a place of creation, where simple ingredients can be transformed into something extraordinary.Pin
The kitchen is where magic happens. It’s a place of creation, where simple ingredients can be transformed into something extraordinary.
Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things in the kitchen. That's how you discover your own unique style and create amazing dishes.Pin
Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things in the kitchen. That’s how you discover your own unique style and create amazing dishes.
Cooking is a lifelong journey of learning. There's always something new to discover and improve upon.Pin
Cooking is a lifelong journey of learning. There’s always something new to discover and improve upon.
Good food starts with good ingredients. Respect the quality of what you cook with and let it shine.Pin
Good food starts with good ingredients. Respect the quality of what you cook with and let it shine.
Food should be approachable and accessible. It doesn't have to be complicated to be delicious.Pin
Food should be approachable and accessible. It doesn’t have to be complicated to be delicious.
The most important ingredient in any dish is love. When you cook with love, it transcends the food and touches the hearts of those you share it with.Pin
The most important ingredient in any dish is love. When you cook with love, it transcends the food and touches the hearts of those you share it with.

5 Wise Curtis Stone Quotes About Cooking

“I always think if you have to cook once, it should feed you twice. If you’re going to make a big chicken and vegetable soup for lunch on Monday, you stick it in the refrigerator and it’s also for Wednesday’s dinner.”

Curtis Stone
I grow my own vegetables and herbs. I like being able to tell people that the lunch I'm serving started out as a seed in my yard.Pin
I grow my own vegetables and herbs. I like being able to tell people that the lunch I’m serving started out as a seed in my yard.
Stay away from restaurants that have menus in five languages. Thats always a tourist trap. You want to eat where the locals eat.Pin
Stay away from restaurants that have menus in five languages. Thats always a tourist trap. You want to eat where the locals eat.

“For me, food is all about balance. If you eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and an appropriate amount of poultry, fish, and red meat that are sourced from good places, you’re doing well. It’s important to make sure that the meat you’re consuming is hormone-free.”

Curtis Stone
You're much better off to buy fresh fish from a market as opposed to buying something that's been frozen and processed and covered in breadcrumbs.Pin
You’re much better off to buy fresh fish from a market as opposed to buying something that’s been frozen and processed and covered in breadcrumbs.

3 Curtis Stone Quotes About Life

“Smell is so powerful, you know. My grannies would both bake things like shortbreads and cookies. I think whenever I smell those kinds of things it really takes me back to my childhood.”

Curtis Stone
I love coming home to Melbourne. The first thing I do is have a coffee. It's just so much better here than anywhere else. It's better than in Italy and I travel a lot. I crave it.Pin
I love coming home to Melbourne. The first thing I do is have a coffee. It’s just so much better here than anywhere else. It’s better than in Italy and I travel a lot. I crave it.

“I love how the men stand around cooking the barbie while the women have done all the work beforehand doing the marinade and making the salads and then everybody says, ‘what a great barbie’ to the guy cooking. A barbecue is just the ultimate blokes’ pastime, isn’t it?”

Curtis Stone
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(MUST READ) What’s for Dinner? Delicious Recipes for a Busy Life: A Cookbook

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