Celebrities / Influencers

41 Rashida Jones Quotes About Life (INSPIRATION)

Top 10 Most Famous Rashida Jones Quotes Quotes (BEST)

“You can’t invest in your looks as your only thing because it’s a depreciating asset. It’s like putting money into a stock that’s going down. Invest in your brain, invest in your talents. Those things can appreciate and they get better as you get older.”

Rashida Jones
Smiling is definitely one of the best beauty remedies. If you have a good sense of humor and a good approach to life, that's beautiful.Pin
Smiling is definitely one of the best beauty remedies. If you have a good sense of humor and a good approach to life, that’s beautiful.
There is really only one way to really exude beauty and that’s from your own contentment in your life and your own satisfaction within yourself.Pin
There is really only one way to really exude beauty and that’s from your own contentment in your life and your own satisfaction within yourself.
Just because a situation is grim doesn't mean you don't have every right to smile.Pin
Just because a situation is grim doesn’t mean you don’t have every right to smile.
Fail fast. Fail often… The most talented people in the world have bad ideas. That's a good thing to learn.Pin
Fail fast. Fail often… The most talented people in the world have bad ideas. That’s a good thing to learn.

“I know that in life there will be sickness, devastation, disappointments, heartache – it’s a given. What’s not a given is the way you choose to get through it all. If you look hard enough, you can always find the bright side.”

Rashida Jones
Be friendly to everybody; protect yourself; people sometimes want a piece of you for no good reason; and always do things out of love not fear.Pin
Be friendly to everybody; protect yourself; people sometimes want a piece of you for no good reason; and always do things out of love not fear.
There's no better way to process pain than to write.Pin
There’s no better way to process pain than to write.
I don't think any other emotion is the equivalent of laughter. So I do whatever I can to laugh all the time and to hide my pain.Pin
I don’t think any other emotion is the equivalent of laughter. So I do whatever I can to laugh all the time and to hide my pain.
It isn't about 'being strong' and pretending everything's okay; it's about finding joy where you can.Pin
It isn’t about ‘being strong’ and pretending everything’s okay; it’s about finding joy where you can.

3 Rashida Jones Quotes on Music

Comedy is like music, and the way to make the best music is to have skilled musicians in your band.Pin
Comedy is like music, and the way to make the best music is to have skilled musicians in your band.
You can never stop discovering music.Pin
You can never stop discovering music.
Music will always be a part of my life, but career-wise, acting is where my heart is.Pin
Music will always be a part of my life, but career-wise, acting is where my heart is.

3 InspirationalRashida Jones Quotes on her Parents

“I was lucky enough to have parents whose focus was never about being famous, or just being famous for no reason. They were both incredibly hardworking and loving, and that was never really an option for us, to just get spoiled and hang out. It was always instilled in me and all of my siblings that you’re never gonna really appreciate what you’ve accomplished unless you work hard for it. It’s never gonna feel good.”

Rashida Jones
My parents are the coolest of the cool on every single level, and it's because they have a deep appreciation for every moment of their lives.Pin
My parents are the coolest of the cool on every single level, and it’s because they have a deep appreciation for every moment of their lives.

“Look, my mom was a white Jewish woman. My dad a black man, in the early ’70s. It was definitely not that cool yet. They had to push through some stuff to be together, and their whole thing was predicated on love. And that’s all they’ve ever taught me… love what you do, love who you’re with.”

Rashida Jones

5 Rashida Jones Quotes on Success at Work

“I’m a sponge. I’m obsessed with comedy. I’m obsessed with the idea that you can make somebody laugh, and I love to be around people who can make other people laugh.”

Rashida Jones
If I can surround myself with hilarious people every day, I will always want to go to work.Pin
If I can surround myself with hilarious people every day, I will always want to go to work.
I can be pretty persuasive if I believe in something strongly enough.Pin
I can be pretty persuasive if I believe in something strongly enough.
'Sorry, this is just who I am.' There’s something that’s really a relief about [saying] that.Pin
‘Sorry, this is just who I am.’ There’s something that’s really a relief about [saying] that.
My dad always tell me to make decisions from love and not from fear.Pin
My dad always tell me to make decisions from love and not from fear.

8 Rashida Jones Quotes that will make you think

“It’s downright undignified how many blazers I’ve bought over the years. And will continue to buy. They immediately give shape and add authority. With the perfect blazer, anything is possible.”

Rashida Jones
Control the publics perception of you and nobody will care if you have any talent.Pin
Control the publics perception of you and nobody will care if you have any talent.
Chemotherapy is brutal. The goal is pretty much to kill everything in your body without killing you.Pin
Chemotherapy is brutal. The goal is pretty much to kill everything in your body without killing you.

“Ads featuring real women and real beauty are such a necessary component to offset the potentially dangerous programming out there for little girls. They should love themselves and feel good about that. That should be their priority.”

Rashida Jones
People don't believe this, but Hollywood really is a meritocracy.Pin
People don’t believe this, but Hollywood really is a meritocracy.
People are not enjoying life because they're trying to be something or brand themselves.Pin
People are not enjoying life because they’re trying to be something or brand themselves.
Men do weird things when they experience fear. It's like a fight-or-flight thing.Pin
Men do weird things when they experience fear. It’s like a fight-or-flight thing.

“I’m lucky because I have so many clashing cultural, racial things going on: black, Jewish, Irish, Portuguese, Cherokee. I can float and be part of any community I want. The thing is, I do identify with being black, and if people don’t identify me that way that’s their issue. I’m happy to challenge people’s understanding of what it looks like to be biracial, because guess what? In the next 50 years, people will start looking more and more like me.”

Rashida Jones

4 Rashida Jones Quotes on Empowering Women

“Let’s at least try to discuss the larger implications of female sexuality on pop culture without shaming each other. There’s more than one way to be a good feminist.”

Rashida Jones
Women can do anything, and I want to see that. I want them to make more movies for girls, and just for girls.Pin
Women can do anything, and I want to see that. I want them to make more movies for girls, and just for girls.
There's more than one way to be a woman and be sexy — like, you're a really great dancer, or you're really fcking smart.Pin
There’s more than one way to be a woman and be sexy — like, you’re a really great dancer, or you’re really f*cking smart.

“I think there’s just an inherent burden of being alive and being a woman. No man would ever admit that, but I think women know it, which is: You know more than men, you know more than most people you’re dealing with every day, and you know that’s it up to you to make things move forward, and you get paid half as much, but you just do it. But it works out, because if you can figure out how to harness that femininity — there’s something we have that’s so mysterious to men — that if you can figure out how to use that, you’re good to go.”

Rashida Jones

8 Rashida Jones Quotes on Love and Relationships

“I have a lot of girlfriends, but there’s something that’s so easy for me about hanging out with guys. It’s fun, because I feel like they accept me right back, which is really nice.”

Rashida Jones
Well, dating has become a sport and not about finding the person you love.Pin
Well, dating has become a sport and not about finding the person you love.
I think every girl has that a guy she has trouble letting go of.Pin
I think every girl has that a guy she has trouble letting go of.

“I think anybody who has had a long relationship and has had a really hard time letting go, wants to feel like it’s not all for naught, and it’s meaningful, because it makes you who you are.”

Rashida Jones
When people don't know what you are, you get your heart broken daily.Pin
When people don’t know what you are, you get your heart broken daily.
Who gives a sht about race, who gives a sht about what anyone else thinks, just make decisions based on love, that's it.Pin
Who gives a sh*t about race, who gives a sh*t about what anyone else thinks, just make decisions based on love, that’s it.
Marriage feels like an industry with catering and really expensive bands.Pin
Marriage feels like an industry with catering and really expensive bands.

“My first love, I’ll never forget, and it’s such a big part of who I am, and in so many ways, we could never be together, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not forever. Because it is forever.”

Rashida Jones
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