
71 Egyptian Proverbs About Life & Love (WISDOM)

Top 11 Most Famous Egyptian Proverbs (BEST)

“Know thyself deathless and able to know all things, all arts, sciences, the way of every life. Become higher than the highest height and lower than the lowest depth. Amass in thyself all senses of animals, fire, water, dryness and moistness. Think of thyself in all places at the same time, earth, sea, sky, not yet born, in the womb, young, old, dead, and in the after death state.”

Do not assess a man who has nothing, and thus falsify your pen.Pin
Do not assess a man who has nothing, and thus falsify your pen.
Suffering in search of truth gives true meaning to the truth.Pin
Suffering in search of truth gives true meaning to the truth.
Organization is impossible unless those who know the laws of harmony lay the foundation.Pin
Organization is impossible unless those who know the laws of harmony lay the foundation.
If one tries to navigate unknown waters one runs the risk of shipwreck.Pin
If one tries to navigate unknown waters one runs the risk of shipwreck.
An onion shared with a friend tastes like roast lamb.Pin
An onion shared with a friend tastes like roast lamb.

“By living a life based on wisdom and truth, one can discover the divinity of the soul, its union to the universe, the supreme peace and contentment which comes from satisfying the inner drive for self discovery.”

People bring about their own undoing through their tongues.Pin
People bring about their own undoing through their tongues.
If you are wise, look after your house; love your wife without alloy.Pin
If you are wise, look after your house; love your wife without alloy.
Judge by cause, not by effect.Pin
Judge by cause, not by effect.
Envy is the companion of great success.Pin
Envy is the companion of great success.

19 Egyptian Proverbs about Life

“They who have received some portion of God’s gift, these, if judged by their deeds, have from death’s bond won their release; for they embrace in their own mind, all things, things on the earth, things in the heaven, and things above the heaven – if there be aught. They who do not understand, because they possess the aid of reason only and not mind, are ignorant wherefore they have come into being and whereby, like irrational creatures, their makeup is in their feelings and their impulses, they fail in all appreciation of things which really are worth contemplation. These center all their thought upon the pleasures of the body and its appetites.”

The worst things: To be in bed and sleep not, To want for one who comes not, To try to please and please not.Pin
The worst things: To be in bed and sleep not, To want for one who comes not, To try to please and please not.
One does not run to reach success, one does not move to spoil it.Pin
One does not run to reach success, one does not move to spoil it.

“Conceal your heart, control your mouth. Beware of releasing the restraints in you; Listen if you want to endure in the mouth of the hearers. Speak after you have mastered the craft.”

A house without a woman is like a graveyard.Pin
A house without a woman is like a graveyard.
He who sows the wind harvests the storm.Pin
He who sows the wind harvests the storm.
Leave him in error who loves his error.Pin
Leave him in error who loves his error.
What is written on the brow will inevitably be seen by the eye.Pin
What is written on the brow will inevitably be seen by the eye.
Everyone finds himself in the world where he belongs. The essential thing is to have a fixed point from which to check its reality now and then.Pin
Everyone finds himself in the world where he belongs. The essential thing is to have a fixed point from which to check its reality now and then.
Each truth you learn will be, for you, as new as if it had never been written.Pin
Each truth you learn will be, for you, as new as if it had never been written.
Every man is rich in excuses to safeguard his prejudices, his instincts, and his opinions.Pin
Every man is rich in excuses to safeguard his prejudices, his instincts, and his opinions.
Making money selling manure is better than losing money selling musk.Pin
Making money selling manure is better than losing money selling musk.
Envious greed must govern to possess and ambition must possess to govern.Pin
Envious greed must govern to possess and ambition must possess to govern.
The mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.Pin
The mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
Yesterday’s drunkenness will not quench today’s thirst.Pin
Yesterday’s drunkenness will not quench today’s thirst.
A house has the character of the man who lives in it.Pin
A house has the character of the man who lives in it.
Beware of him to whom you have been charitable.Pin
Beware of him to whom you have been charitable.
When a woman is not singing, she is not working much either. Pin
When a woman is not singing, she is not working much either.
Silence is more than just a lack of words. Pin
Silence is more than just a lack of words.

2 Egyptian Proverbs about Peace

To have peace there must be strife; both are part of the structure of the world and requirements.Pin
To have peace there must be strife; both are part of the structure of the world and requirements.
Peace is the fruit of activity, not of sleep.Pin
Peace is the fruit of activity, not of sleep.

3 Egyptian Proverbs about Wisdom

“The study of the wisdom teachings should be a continuous process in which the teachings become the predominant factor of life rather than the useless and oftentimes negative and illusory thoughts of those who are ignorant of spiritual truths.”

It is no use whatever preaching Wisdom to men: you must inject it into their blood.Pin
It is no use whatever preaching Wisdom to men: you must inject it into their blood.
Pretend to be weak and submissive until you get your chance. Pin
Pretend to be weak and submissive until you get your chance.

6 Egyptian Proverbs about Knowledge

“If you are mighty and powerful, then gain respect through knowledge and through your gentleness of speech. Don’t order things except as it is fitting. The one who provokes others gets into trouble. Don’t be haughty lest you be humbled. But also, don’t be mute lest you be chided.”

If you search for the laws of harmony, you will find knowledge.Pin
If you search for the laws of harmony, you will find knowledge.
Love is one thing, knowledge is another.Pin
Love is one thing, knowledge is another.
True knowledge comes from the upward path which leads to the eternal fire; error, defeat and death result from following the lower path of worldly attachment.Pin
True knowledge comes from the upward path which leads to the eternal fire; error, defeat and death result from following the lower path of worldly attachment.
The best and shortest road towards knowledge of truth is Nature.Pin
The best and shortest road towards knowledge of truth is Nature.
True teaching is not an accumulation of knowledge; it is an awaking of consciousness which goes through successive stages.Pin
True teaching is not an accumulation of knowledge; it is an awaking of consciousness which goes through successive stages.

4 Egyptian Proverbs about Death

“O people of the earth, men and women born and made of the elements, but with the spirit of the Divine within you, rise from your sleep of ignorance! Be sober and thoughtful. Realize that your home is not on the earth but in the Light. Why have you delivered yourselves unto death, having power to partake of immortality?”

Grain must return to the earth, die, and decompose for new growth to begin.Pin
Grain must return to the earth, die, and decompose for new growth to begin.
Fear does not prevent death. It prevents life.Pin
Fear does not prevent death. It prevents life.
One who cooks poison tastes it. Pin
One who cooks poison tastes it.

8 Motivational Egyptian Proverbs that will Inspire You to Do Better in Life

Listen to your conviction, even if they seem absurd to your reason.Pin
Listen to your conviction, even if they seem absurd to your reason.
Be industrious, let thine eyes be open, lest you become a beggar, for the man that is idle cometh not to honor.Pin
Be industrious, let thine eyes be open, lest you become a beggar, for the man that is idle cometh not to honor.
Seek to perform your duties to your highest ability, this way your actions will be blameless.Pin
Seek to perform your duties to your highest ability, this way your actions will be blameless.
One foot isn't enough to walk with.Pin
One foot isn’t enough to walk with.
Know the world in yourself. Never look for yourself in the world, for this would be to project your illusion.Pin
Know the world in yourself. Never look for yourself in the world, for this would be to project your illusion.
The only thing that is humiliating is helplessness.Pin
The only thing that is humiliating is helplessness.
Seek peacefully, you will find.Pin
Seek peacefully, you will find.
You will free yourself when you learn to be neutral and follow the instructions of your heart without letting things perturb you. This is the way of Maat.Pin
You will free yourself when you learn to be neutral and follow the instructions of your heart without letting things perturb you. This is the way of Maat.

3 Egyptian Proverbs on Being a Master

“Not the greatest Master can go even one step for his disciple; in himself he must experience each stage of developing consciousness. Therefore he will know nothing for which he is not ripe.”

The first thing necessary in teaching is a master; the second is a pupil capable of carrying on the tradition.Pin
The first thing necessary in teaching is a master; the second is a pupil capable of carrying on the tradition.
Experience will show you, a Master can only point the way.Pin
Experience will show you, a Master can only point the way.

15 Egyptian Proverbs that will Make You Think

“The impious soul screams: I burn; I am ablaze; I know not what to cry or do; wretched me, I am devoured by all the ills that compass me about; alack, poor me, I neither see nor hear! This is the soul’s chastisement of itself. For the mind of the man imposes these on the soul.”

Man is separated into soul and body, and only when the two sides of his senses agree together, does utterance of its thought conceived by mind take place.Pin
Man is separated into soul and body, and only when the two sides of his senses agree together, does utterance of its thought conceived by mind take place.
For every joy there is a price to be paid.Pin
For every joy there is a price to be paid.
A beautiful thing is never perfect.Pin
A beautiful thing is never perfect.
The man who knows how to lead one of his brothers towards what he has known may one day be saved by that very brother.Pin
The man who knows how to lead one of his brothers towards what he has known may one day be saved by that very brother.
Pride and dignity would belong to women if only men would leave them alone.Pin
Pride and dignity would belong to women if only men would leave them alone.
Compared with the Egyptians, the Greeks are childish mathematicians.Pin
Compared with the Egyptians, the Greeks are childish mathematicians.
Evil as well as good, both operate to advance the Great Plan.Pin
Evil as well as good, both operate to advance the Great Plan.

“An answer brings no illumination unless the question has matured to a point where it gives rise to this answer which thus becomes its fruit. Therefore learn how to put a question.”

By knowing one reaches belief. By doing one gains conviction. When you know, dare.Pin
By knowing one reaches belief. By doing one gains conviction. When you know, dare.
A borrowed coat does not keep one warm.Pin
A borrowed coat does not keep one warm.
True sages are those who give what they have, without meanness and without secret!Pin
True sages are those who give what they have, without meanness and without secret!
A contented mind is a hidden treasure, and trouble findeth it not.Pin
A contented mind is a hidden treasure, and trouble findeth it not.
Take the fare from him who is wealthy, and let pass him who is poor.Pin
Take the fare from him who is wealthy, and let pass him who is poor.
Man, know yourself… and you shalt know the gods.Pin
Man, know yourself… and you shalt know the gods.
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(MUST READ) Egyptian Proverbs (Tem T Tchaas)

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