Top 14 Wise Herbert Hoover Quotes (WISDOM)
“There are things in the world that cannot be brought about. There are mistakes that cannot be repaired. But there is one thing sure — that loyalty and friendship are the most precious possessions a man can have.”
Herbert Hoover

“Never worry about anything that is past. Charge it up to experience and forget the trouble. There are always plenty of troubles ahead, so don’t turn and look back on any behind you.”
Herbert Hoover

“The future of nations cannot be frozen, cannot be foreseen. If we are going to accomplish anything in our time we must approach our problem in the knowledge that there is nothing rigid or immutable in human affairs. History is a story of growth, decay and change. If no provision, no allowance is made for change by peaceful means, it will come anyway – and with violence.”
Herbert Hoover

“The structure of human betterment cannot be built upon foundations of materialism or business, but upon the bedrock of individual character in free men and women.”
Herbert Hoover

“It was the transcendent fortitude and steadfastness of these men who in adversity and in suffering through the darkest hour of our history held faithful to an ideal. Here men endured that a nation might live.”
Herbert Hoover

3 Herbert Hoover Quotes on Fishing
“To go fishing is the chance to wash one’s soul with pure air, with the rush of the brook, or with the shimmer of sun on blue water. It brings meekness and inspiration from the decency of nature, charity toward tackle-makers, patience toward fish, a mockery of profits and egos, a quieting of hate, a rejoicing that you do not have to decide a darned thing until next week. And it is discipline in the equality of men – for all men are equal before fish.”
Herbert Hoover
“Lots of people committed crimes during the year who would not have done so if they had been fishing. The increase of crime is among those deprived of the regenerations that impregnate the mind and character of the fisherman.”
Herbert Hoover
“Fishing is the chance to wash one’s soul with pure air. It brings meekness and inspiration, reduces our egoism, soothes our troubles and shames our wickedness. It is discipline in the equality of men–for all men are equal before fish.”
Herbert Hoover
6 Herbert Hoover Quotes on Baseball
“I protest that we fans are being emotionally starved and frustrated by long periods of perfect performance of these batteries. More over, when there are nothing but strikes and balls going on, you relapse into your worries over the Bank of England, or something else.”
Herbert Hoover

“I returned to the white House after midnight more depressed than ever before. I had long since arranged to attend the World Series in Philadelphia the next day. Although I like baseball, I kept this engagement only because I felt that my presence at a sporting event might be a gesture of reassurance to a country suffering from a severe attack of ‘jitters’.”
Herbert Hoover

“I send you my hearty congratulations upon beginning the thirtieth year of your great career as manager of The New York Giants, in which you have done so much to uphold the traditions of clean sportsmanship in the most beloved national game.”
Herbert Hoover

6 Herbert Hoover Quotes on Business
“Any practice of business which would dominate the country by its own selfish interest is a destruction of equality of opportunity. Government in business, except in emergency, is also a destruction of equal opportunity and the incarnation of tyranny through bureaucracy.”
Herbert Hoover

8 Herbert Hoover Quotes on Children
“In its broad aspects, the proper feeding of children revolves around a public recognition of the interdependence of the human animal upon his cattle. The white race cannot survive without dairy products.”
Herbert Hoover

“The thing I enjoyed most were visits from children. They did not want public office. Reports to the Surgeon General represent the final word upon the efficient and devoted sense of responsibility of our people in this obligation to our fellow citizens. Overwhelmingly they confirm the fact that the general mortality rate, infant mortality rate, epidemics, the disease rate – are less than in normal times. There is but one explanation. That is, that through an aroused sense of public responsibility, those in destitution and their children are receiving actually more adequate care than even in normal times.”
Herbert Hoover

5 Herbert Hoover Quotes on Bible and Spirituality
“There is no other book so various as the Bible, nor one so full of concentrated wisdom. Whether it be of law, business, morals, he who seeks for guidance may look inside its covers and find illumination.”
Herbert Hoover

“The whole inspiration of our civilization springs from the teachings of Christ and the lessons of the prophets. To read the Bible for these fundamentals is a necessity of American life.”
Herbert Hoover

“I come of Quaker stock. My ancestors were persecuted for their beliefs. Here they sought and found religious freedom. By blood and conviction I stand for religious tolerance both in act and in spirit.”
Herbert Hoover
5 Herbert Hoover Quotes on Freedom
“It [freedom] is a thing of the spirit. Men must be free to worship, to think, to hold opinions, to speak without fear. They must be free to challenge wrong and oppression with the surety of justice.”
Herbert Hoover

“Freedom conceives that the mind and spirit of man can be free only if he is free to pattern his own life, to develop his own talents, free to earn, to spend, to save, to acquire property as the security of his old age and his family.
Herbert Hoover

“A splendid storehouse of integrity and freedom has been bequeathed to us by our forefathers. In this day of confusion, of peril to liberty, our high duty is to see that this storehouse is not robbed of its contents.”
Herbert Hoover
4 Herbert Hoover Quotes That Will Make You Think
“Every collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of “emergency”. It was the tactic of Lenin, Hitler, and Mussolini. In the collectivist sweep over a dozen minor countries of Europe, it was the cry of men striving to get on horseback. And “emergency” became the justification of the subsequent steps. This technique of creating emergency is the greatest achievement that demagoguery attains.”
Herbert Hoover
“While I can make no claim for having introduced the term “rugged individualism,” I should be proud to have invented it. It has been used by American leaders for over a half-century in eulogy of those God-fearing men and women of honesty whose stamina and character and fearless assertion of rights led them to make their own way in life.”
Herbert Hoover
“I am convinced that we have reestablished confidence. Wages should remain stable. A very large degree of industrial unemployment and suffering which would otherwise have occurred has been prevented.”
Herbert Hoover
“An ideal is an unselfish aspiration. Its purpose is the general welfare not only of this but of future generations. It is a thing of the spirit. It is a generous and humane desire that all men may share equally in a common good. Our ideals are the cement, which binds human society.”
Herbert Hoover
4 Herbert Hoover Quotes on War

5 Herbert Hoover Quotes on Governance and Leadership
“Public health service should be as fully organized and as universally incorporated into our governmental system as is public education. The returns are a thousand fold in economic benefits, and infinitely more in reduction of suffering and promotion of human happiness.”
Herbert Hoover

“It is just as important that business keep out of government as that government keep out of business.
Herbert Hoover
Along this road of spending, the government either takes over, which is Socialism, or dictates institutional and economic life, which is Fascism.”

“When we are sick, we want an uncommon doctor; when we have a construction job to do, we want an uncommon engineer, and when we are at war, we want an uncommon general. It is only when we get into politics that we are satisfied with the common man.”
Herbert Hoover
3 Herbert Hoover Quotes on America
“You convey too great a compliment when you say that I have earned the right to the presidential nomination. No man can establish such an obligation upon any part of the American people. My country owes me no debt. It gave me, as it gives every boy and girl, a chance. It gave me schooling, independence of action, opportunity for service and honor. In no other land could a boy from a country village, without inheritance or influential friends, look forward with unbounded hope. My whole life has taught me what America means. I am indebted to my country beyond any human power to repay.”
Herbert Hoover
“My country owes me nothing. It game me, as it gives every boy and girl a chance. It game me schooling, independence of action, opportunity for service and honor.”
Herbert Hoover
“Progress will march if we hold an abiding faith in the intelligence, the initiative, the character, the courage, and the divine touch in the individual. We can safeguard these ends if we give to each individual that opportunity for which the spirit of America stands.”
Herbert Hoover
3 Herbert Hoover Quotes on Women
“In my public statements I have earnestly urged that there rested upon government many responsibilities which affect the moral and spiritual welfare of our people. The participation of women in elections has produced a keener realization of the importance of these questions and has contributed to higher national ideals. Moreover, it is through them that our national ideals are ingrained in our children.”
Herbert Hoover

“More than ten million women march to work every morning side by side with the men. Steadily the importance of women is gaining not only in the routine tasks of industry but in executive responsibility. I include also the woman who stays at home as the guardian of the welfare of the family. She is a partner in the job and wages. Women constitute a part of our industrial achievement.”
Herbert Hoover
5 Herbert Hoover Quotes on Science and Engineering
“Engineering is a great profession. There is the satisfaction of watching a figment of the imagination emerge through the aid of science to a plan on paper. Then it moves to realization in stone or metal or energy. Then it brings homes to men or women. Then it elevates the standard of living and adds to the comforts of life. This is the engineer’s high privilege.”
Herbert Hoover
“The more one observes, the more clearly does he see that it is in the soil of pure science that are found the origins of all our modern industry and commerce. In fact, our civilization is wholly built upon our scientific discoveries.”
Herbert Hoover
“The great liability of the engineer compared to men of other professions is that his works are out in the open where all can see them. His acts, step by step, are in hard substance. He cannot bury his mistakes in the grave like the doctors. He cannot argue them into thin air or blame the judge like the lawyers. He cannot, like the architects, cover his failures with trees and vines. He cannot, like the politicians, screen his shortcomings by blaming his opponents and hope the people will forget. The engineer simply cannot deny he did it. If his works do not work, he is damned.”
Herbert Hoover
“Man is still by instinct a predatory animal given to devilish aggression. The discoveries of science have immensely increased productivity of material things. They have increased the standards of living and comfort. They have eliminated infinite drudgery. They have increased leisure. But that gives more time for devilment. The work of science has eliminated much disease and suffering. It has increased the length of life. That, together with increase in productivity, has resulted in vastly increased populations. Also it increased the number of people engaged in devilment.”
Herbert Hoover
“Engineering training deals with the exact sciences. That sort of exactness makes for truth and conscience. It might be good for the world if more men had that sort of mental start in life even if they did not pursue the profession.”
Herbert Hoover
4 Herbert Hoover Quotes on Presidency
“The President is not only the leader of a party, he is the President of the whole people. He must interpret the conscience of America. He must guide his conduct by the idealism of our people.”
Herbert Hoover

“So far as the personal side is concerned, the victory was to him who lost and the defeat to him who won. I can say that never in the last fifteen years have I had the peace of mind that I have since the election. I have almost a feeling of elation.”
Herbert Hoover

4 Herbert Hoover Quotes on Economics
“There is no economic failure so terrible in its import as that of a country possessing a surplus of every necessity of life in which numbers willing and anxious to work, are deprived of dire necessities. It simply cannot be if our moral and economic system is to survive.”
Herbert Hoover

“Any lack of confidence in the economic future or the basic strength of business in the United States is foolish.
Herbert Hoover
With impressive proof on all sides of magnificent progress, no one can rightly deny the fundamental correctness of our economic system.”

3 Herbert Hoover Quotes on Economic Depression
“Economic depression cannot be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement. Economic wounds must be healed by the action of the cells of the economic body – the producers and consumers themselves.”
Herbert Hoover
![The most essential factor to economic recovery today [1932] is the restoration of confidence.](

3 Herbert Hoover Quotes on Politics
“Prosperity is no idle expression. It is a job for every worker; it is the safety and safeguard of very business and every home. A continuation of the policies of the Republican party is fundamentally necessary to the future advancement of this progress and to the further building up of this prosperity.”
Herbert Hoover
“Liberalism should be found not striving to spread bureaucracy but striving to set bounds to it. True liberalism seeks all legitimate freedom first in the confident belief that without such freedom the pursuit of all other blessings and benefits is vain. That belief is the foundation of all American progress, political as well as economic.”
Herbert Hoover
“You cannot extend the mastery of government over the daily life of a people without somewhere making it master of people’s souls and thoughts…. Every step in that direction poisons the very roots of liberalism. It poisons political equality, free speech, free press, and equality of opportunity. It is the road not to more liberty but to less liberty.”
Herbert Hoover
(MUST READ) Hoover: An Extraordinary Life in Extraordinary Times
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