Entrepreneurs / Investors

64 Naval Ravikant Quotes (HAPPINESS & WEALTH)

16 of the Wisest Naval Ravikant Quotes

Humans are basically habit machines… I think learning how to break habits is actually a very important meta-skill and can serve you in life almost better than anything else.”

Naval Ravikant
Specific knowledge is found by pursuing your genuine curiosity and passion rather than whatever is hot right now.Pin
Specific knowledge is found by pursuing your genuine curiosity and passion rather than whatever is hot right now.
It’s good to be in a smaller company early because…there’s less of an infrastructure to prevent early promotion.Pin
It’s good to be in a smaller company early because…there’s less of an infrastructure to prevent early promotion.
You want to own equity if you can. If you don’t own equity in a business, your odds of making proper money are slim.Pin
You want to own equity if you can. If you don’t own equity in a business, your odds of making proper money are slim.
Become the best in the world at what you do. Keep redefining what you do until this is true.Pin
Become the best in the world at what you do. Keep redefining what you do until this is true.
Study logic and math, because once you’ve mastered them, you won’t fear any book.Pin
Study logic and math, because once you’ve mastered them, you won’t fear any book.
In most aspects of life, try to find the thing you can go all in on with compound interest.Pin
In most aspects of life, try to find the thing you can go all in on with compound interest.
‘I don’t have time’ is just another way of saying, ‘It’s not a priority.'Pin
‘I don’t have time’ is just another way of saying, ‘It’s not a priority.’
I would rather read the best hundred books over and over again until I absorb them rather than read every single book out there.Pin
I would rather read the best hundred books over and over again until I absorb them rather than read every single book out there. (Check out 12 of the best personal-development books here)
Be passionate about one thing at a time, and have indifference towards everything else.

Sophisticated foods are bittersweet (wine, beer, coffee, chocolate). Addictive relationships are cooperative and competitive. Work becomes flow at the limits of ability. The flavor of life is on the edge.”

Naval Ravikant
When you find the right thing to do, and people to work with, invest deeply into that, and stick with it for decades.Pin
When you find the right thing to do, and people to work with, invest deeply into that, and stick with it for decades.
Compound interest keeps adding on itself, so that you end up with thousands of times your original investment.Pin
Compound interest keeps adding on itself, so that you end up with thousands of times your original investment.
Total honesty at all times. It’s almost always possible to be honest and positive.Pin
Total honesty at all times. It’s almost always possible to be honest and positive.
All greatness comes from suffering.Pin
All greatness comes from suffering.
Desire is a contract that you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want.Pin
Desire is a contract that you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want.
The world doesn’t always give you want, but it often gives you what you need.Pin
The world doesn’t always give you want, but it often gives you what you need.
The secret to public speaking is to speak as if you were alone.Pin
The secret to public speaking is to speak as if you were alone.

21 Naval Ravikant Quotes to Inspire Greatness So You Can Be Happier

The most important trick to be happy is to realize that happiness is a choice that you make and a skill that you develop. You choose to be happy, and then you work at it. It’s just like building muscles.”

Naval Ravikant
This is such a short and precious life that it’s really important that you don’t spend it being unhappy.Pin
This is such a short and precious life that it’s really important that you don’t spend it being unhappy.
The first rule of handling conflict is don’t hang around people who are constantly engaging in conflict.Pin
The first rule of handling conflict is don’t hang around people who are constantly engaging in conflict.
If you try to micromanage yourself all you’re going to do is make yourself miserable.Pin
If you try to micromanage yourself all you’re going to do is make yourself miserable.
The people who succeed are irrationally passionate about something.Pin
The people who succeed are irrationally passionate about something.
You make your own luck if you stay at it long enough.Pin
You make your own luck if you stay at it long enough.
A busy mind accelerates the perceived passage of time. Buy more time by cultivating peace of mind.Pin
A busy mind accelerates the perceived passage of time. Buy more time by cultivating peace of mind.
Happiness is more about peace than it is about joy.Pin
Happiness is more about peace than it is about joy.
I don’t plan. I’m not a planner. I prefer to live in the moment and be free and to flow and to be happy.Pin
I don’t plan. I’m not a planner. I prefer to live in the moment and be free and to flow and to be happy.
A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought — they must be earned.Pin
A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought — they must be earned.
A rational person can find peace by cultivating indifference to things outside of their control.Pin
A rational person can find peace by cultivating indifference to things outside of their control.
The power to make and break habits and learning how to do that is really important.Pin
The power to make and break habits and learning how to do that is really important.
Every second you have on this planet is very precious and it’s your responsibility that you’re happy.Pin
Every second you have on this planet is very precious and it’s your responsibility that you’re happy.
If you want to be a clear thinker, you cannot pay attention to politics. It will destroy your ability to think.Pin
If you want to be a clear thinker, you cannot pay attention to politics. It will destroy your ability to think.
People spend too much time doing and not enough time thinking about what they should be doing.Pin
People spend too much time doing and not enough time thinking about what they should be doing.
A clear mind, leads to better judgement, leads to better outcome.Pin
A clear mind, leads to better judgement, leads to better outcome.
Enlightenment is the space between your thoughts.Pin
Enlightenment is the space between your thoughts.
Happiness is a state where nothing is missing.Pin
Happiness is a state where nothing is missing.
Nothing you do is going to matter that much in the long run. Don’t take yourself so seriously.Pin
Nothing you do is going to matter that much in the long run. Don’t take yourself so seriously.
When you look at the greatest artists and creators, they have this ability to start over that nobody else does.Pin
When you look at the greatest artists and creators, they have this ability to start over that nobody else does.
Free education is abundant, all over the Internet. It’s the desire to learn that’s scarce.Pin
Free education is abundant, all over the Internet. It’s the desire to learn that’s scarce.
Most of modern life, all our diseases, are diseases of abundance, not diseases of scarcity.Pin
Most of modern life, all our diseases, are diseases of abundance, not diseases of scarcity.

27 Naval Ravikant Quotes to Empower You to Live Your Best Life

The modern mind is overstimulated and the modern body is understimulated and overfed. Meditation, exercise, and fasting restore an ancient balance.”

Naval Ravikant
Earn with your mind, not your time.Pin
Earn with your mind, not your time.
No one is going to value you more than you value yourself.Pin
No one is going to value you more than you value yourself.
Learn to sell. Learn to build. If you can do both, you will be unstoppable.Pin
Learn to sell. Learn to build. If you can do both, you will be unstoppable.
A busy calendar and a busy mind will destroy your ability to create anything great.Pin
A busy calendar and a busy mind will destroy your ability to create anything great.
The best exercise is the one you enjoy doing every day.Pin
The best exercise is the one you enjoy doing every day.
Most of life is a search for who and what needs you the most.Pin
Most of life is a search for who and what needs you the most.
If you can’t see yourself working with someone for life, don’t work with them for a day.Pin
If you can’t see yourself working with someone for life, don’t work with them for a day.
You do not want to compete, you want to be a market of one.Pin
You do not want to compete, you want to be a market of one.
True happiness comes out of peace. Peace comes out of many things, but it comes from fundamentally understanding yourself.Pin
True happiness comes out of peace. Peace comes out of many things, but it comes from fundamentally understanding yourself.
Spend your time doing only what you can uniquely do.Pin
Spend your time doing only what you can uniquely do.
If you could literally just sit for 30 minutes and be happy, you are successful.Pin
If you could literally just sit for 30 minutes and be happy, you are successful.
That’s the fundamental delusion – that there is something out there that will make you happy forever.Pin
That’s the fundamental delusion – that there is something out there that will make you happy forever.
The greatest superpower is the ability to change yourself.Pin
The greatest superpower is the ability to change yourself.
Guard your time. It’s all you have.Pin
Guard your time. It’s all you have.
Cynicism is easy. Mimicry is easy. Optimistic contrarians are the rarest breed.Pin
Cynicism is easy. Mimicry is easy. Optimistic contrarians are the rarest breed.

Play long-term games with long-term people. All returns in life, whether in wealth, relationships, or knowledge, come from compound interest.”

Naval Ravikant
As long as you can keep taking shots on goal, and you keep getting back up, eventually you’ll get through. Just stick at it.
Work as hard as you can. Even though what you work on and who you work with are more important.
A happy, calm, and peaceful person will make better decisions. So if you want to operate at peak performance, you have to learn how to tame your mind.Pin
A happy, calm, and peaceful person will make better decisions. So if you want to operate at peak performance, you have to learn how to tame your mind.
The best way, perhaps the only way, to change others is to become an example.Pin
The most successful entrepreneurs are authentic to who they are and what they uniquely can do.Pin
The most successful entrepreneurs are authentic to who they are and what they uniquely can do.
Only through suffering do you have change and self-improvement.Pin
Only through suffering do you have change and self-improvement.
All of the really successful people I know have a really strong action bias. They just do things.Pin
All of the really successful people I know have a really strong action bias. They just do things.
When you’re healthy you have 10000 needs, but when you’re sick you only have one need.Pin
When you’re healthy you have 10000 needs, but when you’re sick you only have one need.
Once you’ve truly controlled your own fate, for better or for worse, you’ll never let anyone else tell you what to do.Pin
Once you’ve truly controlled your own fate, for better or for worse, you’ll never let anyone else tell you what to do.
What you do, who you do with, and how you do it are way more important than how hard you work.Pin
What you do, who you do with, and how you do it are way more important than how hard you work.
Whether in commerce, science, or politics, history remembers the artists.Pin
Whether in commerce, science, or politics, history remembers the artists.
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Naval Ravikant Short Biography

The co-founder, chairman, and former CEO of AngelList, Naval Ravikant is one of the most influential angels in silicon valley.

Born in New Delhi, India in 1974, Ravikant is an Indian American entrepreneur and investor who has a huge passion to help connect start-ups, founders with investors, and entrepreneurs. His investment portfolios include Uber, FourSquare, Twitter, and SnapLogic (to name a few).

Ravikant graduated with a degree in computer science and economics at Dartmouth College before arriving in Silicon Valley in 1996.

Click below to learn more:

Here are the most inspiring Naval Ravikant quotes so you can be happier and wealthier through deep living.


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Naval Ravikant Quotes to Be Happier & Wealthier - Gracious Quotes (EDITED)Pin