Entrepreneurs / Investors

45 Wise Pat Flynn Quotes on Entrepreneurship (SPI)

Inspiring Quotes by Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income Blog

Your earnings are a byproduct of how well you serve your audience, and you can only best serve your audience when you know exactly who they are, what they’re going through, and what will get them to take action.

Pat Flynn
Building a successful business is no longer about B2B or B2C.  It’s about P2P, those people-to-people relationships. - Pat FlynnPin
Building a successful business is no longer about B2B or B2C.  It’s about P2P, those people-to-people relationships. – Pat Flynn
The riches are in the niches, but the fortune is in the follow-up.Pin
The riches are in the niches, but the fortune is in the follow-up.
Good ideas are common, but those who are willing to take action and execute those ideas are far more rare.Pin
Good ideas are common, but those who are willing to take action and execute those ideas are far more rare.
Speed is only useful if you’re running in the right direction.Pin
Speed is only useful if you’re running in the right direction.
A need is what you believe your customers require to solve a problem, and the product or business becomes the mechanism to fulfill that requirement.Pin
A need is what you believe your customers require to solve a problem, and the product or business becomes the mechanism to fulfill that requirement.
As Seth Godin says, ‘Anxiety is nothing but repeatedly re-experiencing failure in advance.' - Pat FlynnPin
As Seth Godin says, ‘Anxiety is nothing but repeatedly re-experiencing failure in advance.’ – Pat Flynn
The fact that I could (and often did) build a relationship with my customers was my unfair advantage over my biggest competitors.Pin
The fact that I could (and often did) build a relationship with my customers was my unfair advantage over my biggest competitors.
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. - Pat FlynnPin
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. – Pat Flynn
Selling to people through social media is like going to a party, meeting somebody for the first time, and then saying, ‘Hey, do you want to buy this Tupperware?'Pin
Selling to people through social media is like going to a party, meeting somebody for the first time, and then saying, ‘Hey, do you want to buy this Tupperware?’
Be open to and welcoming of unforeseen events because those unplanned moments are often the seeds of spectacular opportunities in your life.Pin
Be open to and welcoming of unforeseen events because those unplanned moments are often the seeds of spectacular opportunities in your life.
With each failure you move one step closer to success.  It’s when you give up that you truly fail.Pin
With each failure you move one step closer to success.  It’s when you give up that you truly fail.
A surefire way to predict the future is to take no action at all.  When you do nothing, you get nothing.Pin
A surefire way to predict the future is to take no action at all.  When you do nothing, you get nothing.
John F. Kennedy once said, ‘There are risks and costs to action.  But they are far less than the long-range risks of comfortable inaction.'Pin
John F. Kennedy once said, ‘There are risks and costs to action.  But they are far less than the long-range risks of comfortable inaction.’
When you can learn the language of your audience, you can more easily make a connection with them, and ultimately they begin to trust you more.Pin
When you can learn the language of your audience, you can more easily make a connection with them, and ultimately they begin to trust you more.
You don’t have to go big in the world to experience success.  You just have to be big in somebody’s world.Pin
You don’t have to go big in the world to experience success.  You just have to be big in somebody’s world.
Products and services we create as entrepreneurs are like elixirs – remedies or cures for certain ‘diseases’ that are plaguing our target market.Pin
Products and services we create as entrepreneurs are like elixirs – remedies or cures for certain ‘diseases’ that are plaguing our target market.
There are a ton of ups and downs, and many times our highest points come immediately after our lowest.Pin
There are a ton of ups and downs, and many times our highest points come immediately after our lowest.
To really know if this is going to work, you need more than just interest, you need a transaction.Pin
To really know if this is going to work, you need more than just interest, you need a transaction.
Entrepreneurs are notorious for “idea churn”—starting something new, only to abandon it for another idea.Pin
Entrepreneurs are notorious for “idea churn”—starting something new, only to abandon it for another idea.
Vision without action is a daydream.  Action without vision is a nightmare.Pin
Vision without action is a daydream.  Action without vision is a nightmare.
Every second you waste thinking about a hater or troll is a second you’re taking away from those who matter and can benefit from what you have to offer.Pin
Every second you waste thinking about a hater or troll is a second you’re taking away from those who matter and can benefit from what you have to offer.
The potential consequence, however, may be that you enter a niche that you’re not really interested in, nor care to serve.Pin
The potential consequence, however, may be that you enter a niche that you’re not really interested in, nor care to serve.
We don’t make commercials. We don’t sell your product. We tell stories that make the right audience fall in love with you. - Pat FlynnPin
We don’t make commercials. We don’t sell your product. We tell stories that make the right audience fall in love with you. – Pat Flynn
Remember your ‘why.’  You have a specific reason for doing what you do.Pin
Remember your ‘why.’  You have a specific reason for doing what you do.
The world needs you. It needs your energy and what you have to offer, so let’s work together to make sure you dedicate that time and energy to something that matters.Pin
The world needs you. It needs your energy and what you have to offer, so let’s work together to make sure you dedicate that time and energy to something that matters.
If there is no respect found in someone’s comment or response, then there is no need to pay them any attention.Pin
If there is no respect found in someone’s comment or response, then there is no need to pay them any attention.
You just don’t make money if you don’t care about people first.Pin
You just don’t make money if you don’t care about people first.
Putting cash over caring has never rewarded me, and I’ve since learned that your earnings become a byproduct of how well you serve your audience.Pin
Putting cash over caring has never rewarded me, and I’ve since learned that your earnings become a byproduct of how well you serve your audience.
Share items that are relevant to the group and provide value in every post. When you do this, you will get noticed and you will build trust with those who are there.Pin
Share items that are relevant to the group and provide value in every post. When you do this, you will get noticed and you will build trust with those who are there.
The more you practice accepting feedback, both positive and negative, the better an entrepreneur you will become.Pin
The more you practice accepting feedback, both positive and negative, the better an entrepreneur you will become.
If you were to start a business completely from scratch, with no ideas in mind, then my answer would be the opposite.Pin
If you were to start a business completely from scratch, with no ideas in mind, then my answer would be the opposite.
Man can learn nothing except by going from the known to the unknown.Pin
Man can learn nothing except by going from the known to the unknown.
The true measure of your worth includes all the benefits others have gained from your success.Pin
The true measure of your worth includes all the benefits others have gained from your success.
As Steven Pressfield, author of The War of Art describes: 'Fear is good. Like self-doubt, fear is an indicator. Fear tells us what we have to do.'Pin
As Steven Pressfield, author of The War of Art describes: ‘Fear is good. Like self-doubt, fear is an indicator. Fear tells us what we have to do.’
A successful entrepreneur is one who is both successful in business and in life.Pin
A successful entrepreneur is one who is both successful in business and in life.
The truth is if you don’t have a passion for what you are doing, your energy will eventually fizzle out.Pin
The truth is if you don’t have a passion for what you are doing, your energy will eventually fizzle out.
I’m writing a first draft and reminding myself that I’m simply shoveling sand into a box so that later I can build castles.Pin
I’m writing a first draft and reminding myself that I’m simply shoveling sand into a box so that later I can build castles.
NASA has never launched a mission just because it “sounded like a good idea,” and neither should you.Pin
NASA has never launched a mission just because it “sounded like a good idea,” and neither should you.
Failing means we missed the mark, but it doesn’t ever mean we’re done.Pin
Failing means we missed the mark, but it doesn’t ever mean we’re done.
It’s when your idea supports your lifestyle goals that it becomes worth exploring more.Pin
It’s when your idea supports your lifestyle goals that it becomes worth exploring more.
And no one is a superfan of anything that doesn’t make them feel special.Pin
And no one is a superfan of anything that doesn’t make them feel special.

Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO of VaynerMedia, is another person that comes to mind who has a very clear unfair advantage over others… He has an unmatched ability to hustle like there’s no tomorrow, and out-hustle everyone that stands in his way. Seriously, the guy works harder than anyone I know, and he loves every minute of it.”

Pat Flynn

YouTube video


I remember searching for the keyword “passive income online” back in 2011 when I just leave the army (mandatory for all Singaporeans to serve two years in the army) and stumbled upon Pat Flynn’s SmartPassiveIncome blog.

There were other sites ranking for that keyword but I only remembered Pat’s blog and forgot the rest. It stands out like a sore thumb due to his authenticity, transparency, and willingness to engage with his readers.

FYI: Back then, having an income report isn’t the norm as it is today. I’m not sure if Pat was the one who started the Monthly Income Report but he sure as hell was the pioneer.

I remember going to his income report page and my jaw literally dropped when I saw that he was making consistent $10,000+/month passive income. (Today, he is easily making 10x more than that but unfortunately, I don’t see his income report page at the top right-hand side at the time of writing this post in April 2020)

Reading his blog was a daily routine for me so one day I’ve just decided to write him an email asking him about SEO and blogging.

The truth is, I didn’t expect a reply… but low and behold, I received an email from Pat Flynn in less than 24 hours. I jumped out of my sit in disbelief. After that email, I became a superfan, an advocate of his brand and I just can’t shut my mouth about SPI to anyone I see.

Pat opened up my eyes to Entrepreneurship and Digital Marketing. He showed me that it is indeed possible to make a full-time income online doing what I love.

Since my first encounter with SmartPassiveIncome back in 2011, I owned 7 digital properties, sold one for a large figure in 2016 and now I’m living my dream working from home.

Thanks for the inspiration and for replying to my email back in 2011, Pat! I don’t know if I’d come so far if it wasn’t your inspiration and SPI blog.

Here are some of the wisest quotes by Pat Flynn so you can be inspired to start a business that generates passive income.


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