Top 16 Most Famous Robin Sharma Quotes to Motivate You

70 Best Robin Sharma Quotes on Love, Change, and Happiness
They may be smarter than you. They may have more money than you. They may come from a different city or a better family. But they can NEVER outwork you. And they can NEVER out prepare you. And they just can’t out practice you. And that’s why you’ll win.”
Robin Sharma

72 Highly Motivational Robin Sharma Quotes to Empower You
There are no mistakes in life, only lessons. There is no such thing as a negative experience, only opportunities to grow, learn and advance along the road of self mastery. From struggle comes strength. Even pain can be a wonderful teacher.”
Robin Sharma

One of the saddest things in life is to get to the end and look back in regret, knowing that you could have been and done so much more, and then wondering why you didn’t.”
Robin Sharma

People residing within the cult of average don’t like to see others rise. It threatens their security and spotlights their low self-worth. Go for great, no matter what they say.”
Robin Sharma

Make your life matter. Be of use. Serve as many people as possible. This is how each of us can shift from the ordinary to the extraordinary and walk amongst the best who ever lived.”
Robin Sharma

Every thought plants a seed to one of your actions. Every action, good or bad, will yield a consequence. The person who takes good steps every day, cannot help but reap a harvest of awesome results.”
Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma Short Biography
Born on 16 June 1965, Robin Sharma is a Canadian self-help author, motivational speaker, and former litigation lawyer. Sharma is best known for his bestselling books, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari (1997) and The Leader Who Had No Title (2010).
He started off his career as a litigation lawyer but despite being a successful lawyer, he found no fulfillment in his job.
Robin Sharma quickly rose to fame in the world of Personal Development and found his life’s meaning after his second book – The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari (1997) – soared in sales and impacted millions worldwide. Today, Sharma is a highly sought after speaker on Leadership and Personal Mastery.
Further reading:
- Robin Sharma: From bored lawyer to rock star leadership guru – The Globe and Mail
- 20 Things You Didn’t Know about Robin Sharma – Money INC
- We come back to life when we learn, reconnect to hope: Robin Sharma – Live Mint
Here are the best Robin Sharma quotes so you can be motivated and not succumbed under the pressure of fear and change.
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