
32 Inspiring Quotes by Astronauts (SPACE WISDOM)

Top 10 Most Famous Astronaut Quotes on Success and Leadership

If you don’t use your experience, your past is wasted, and you are betraying yourself. - Alan ShepardPin
If you don’t use your experience, your past is wasted, and you are betraying yourself. – Alan Shepard
Your mind is like a parachute: If it isn’t open, it doesn’t work. - Buzz AldrinPin
Your mind is like a parachute: If it isn’t open, it doesn’t work. – Buzz Aldrin
Good leadership means leading the way, not hectoring other people to do things your way. - Chris HadfieldPin
Good leadership means leading the way, not hectoring other people to do things your way. – Chris Hadfield
If we die, do not mourn for us. This is a risky business we’re in, and we accept those risks. - Gus GrissomPin
If we die, do not mourn for us. This is a risky business we’re in, and we accept those risks. – Gus Grissom
We are more fulfilled when we are involved in something bigger than ourselves. - John GlennPin
We are more fulfilled when we are involved in something bigger than ourselves. – John Glenn
Greatness can be captured in one word: lifestyle. Life is God’s gift to you, style is what you make of it. - Mae JemisonPin
Greatness can be captured in one word: lifestyle. Life is God’s gift to you, style is what you make of it. – Mae Jemison
That’s how a team works. You help the people around you, and everybody’s better off for it. - Mike MassiminoPin
That’s how a team works. You help the people around you, and everybody’s better off for it. – Mike Massimino
That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. - Neil ArmstrongPin
That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. – Neil Armstrong
Our future lies with today’s kids and tomorrow’s space exploration. - Sally RidePin
Our future lies with today’s kids and tomorrow’s space exploration. – Sally Ride
It doesn’t matter what country or what political system you are from. Space brings you together. - Valentina TereshkovaPin
It doesn’t matter what country or what political system you are from. Space brings you together. – Valentina Tereshkova

22 Motivational Quotes by Astronauts to Inspire You to Reach for the Stars

Almost everything worthwhile carries with it some sort of risk. - Chris HadfieldPin
Almost everything worthwhile carries with it some sort of risk. – Chris Hadfield
We just kept putting off the worry as we focused on the next problem and how to solve it. - Fred HaisePin
We just kept putting off the worry as we focused on the next problem and how to solve it. – Fred Haise
Be thankful for problems. If they were less difficult, someone with less ability might have your job. - Jim LovellPin
Be thankful for problems. If they were less difficult, someone with less ability might have your job. – Jim Lovell
As commander I was responsible for the overall success of the mission, and so I had to know at least a little bit about everything. - Leroy ChiaoPin
As commander I was responsible for the overall success of the mission, and so I had to know at least a little bit about everything. – Leroy Chiao
Never limit yourself because of others’ limited imagination; never limit others because of your own limited imagination. - Mae JemisonPin
Never limit yourself because of others’ limited imagination; never limit others because of your own limited imagination. – Mae Jemison
To go places and do things that have never been done before – that’s what living is all about. - Michael CollinsPin
To go places and do things that have never been done before – that’s what living is all about. – Michael Collins
Because being the right person isn’t about being perfect; it’s about being able to handle whatever life throws at you. - Mike MassiminoPin
Because being the right person isn’t about being perfect; it’s about being able to handle whatever life throws at you. – Mike Massimino
You only have one life. You have to spend it doing something that matters. - Mike MassiminoPin
You only have one life. You have to spend it doing something that matters. – Mike Massimino
I fully expected that, by the end of the century, we would have achieved substantially more than we actually did. - Neil ArmstrongPin
I fully expected that, by the end of the century, we would have achieved substantially more than we actually did. – Neil Armstrong
I would certainly encourage young people to pursue their dreams. It isn’t always an easy path, but it’s worth going after. - Peggy WhitsonPin
I would certainly encourage young people to pursue their dreams. It isn’t always an easy path, but it’s worth going after. – Peggy Whitson
The further you travel, the more you feel part of a big group of people. - Sergei KrikalevPin
The further you travel, the more you feel part of a big group of people. – Sergei Krikalev
Pioneering in space was something I would willingly give my life for. - Scott CarpenterPin
Pioneering in space was something I would willingly give my life for. – Scott Carpenter
Working with the right person can make the toughest day go well, and working with the wrong person can make the simplest task excruciatingly difficult. - Scott KellyPin
Working with the right person can make the toughest day go well, and working with the wrong person can make the simplest task excruciatingly difficult. – Scott Kelly
Don’t let anybody tell you you can’t do anything. - Tim PeakePin
Don’t let anybody tell you you can’t do anything. – Tim Peake
Orbiting Earth in the spaceship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, not destroy it! - Yuri GagarinPin
Orbiting Earth in the spaceship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, not destroy it! – Yuri Gagarin
To look out at this kind of creation out here and not believe in God is to me impossible. - John GlennPin
To look out at this kind of creation out here and not believe in God is to me impossible. – John Glenn
The exploration of space, like the exploration of life, if you will, is a risk. We’ve got to be willing to take it.Pin
The exploration of space, like the exploration of life, if you will, is a risk. We’ve got to be willing to take it. – Gene Cernan
You don’t raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they’ll turn out to be heroes, even if it’s just in your own eyes.Pin
You don’t raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they’ll turn out to be heroes, even if it’s just in your own eyes. – Wally Schirra
What I really hope for young people is that they find a career they’re passionate about, something that’s challenging and worthwhile.Pin
What I really hope for young people is that they find a career they’re passionate about, something that’s challenging and worthwhile. – Ellen Ochoa
Don’t get bogged down by the notion of limits. There aren’t any.Pin
Don’t get bogged down by the notion of limits. There aren’t any. – Sunita Williams
Everyone is trying to reach for their own stars, and all of those stars aren’t light-years away.Pin
Everyone is trying to reach for their own stars, and all of those stars aren’t light-years away. – Alan Bean
Follow your passions, live the life you’ve imagined and do what scares you.Pin
Follow your passions, live the life you’ve imagined and do what scares you. – Christina Koch
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Conclusion: Astronauts’ Wisdom

The meaning of “Astronaut” derives from the Greek word which means “space sailor.” Every crew member who has been onboard NASA’s spacecraft is referred to as an astronaut.

Russian Space Agency, on the other hand, referred their “space sailors” as cosmonauts.

As a part of the human race and as a member of the Earth, we are one and the same. Therefore, in this post, I have consolidated the wisdom of both NASA’s astronauts and RSA’s cosmonauts.

To be an astronaut and travel to space is not an easy endeavor, it takes many years of hard work and education… but it is possible to reach the stars. The sky is not the limit.

Further reading:

Here are the most inspiring quotes by astronauts and cosmonauts so you can set your goals higher and be motivated to reach for the stars.


Also read:

Inspiring Quotes by Astronauts (SPACE WISDOM) - Gracious QuotesPin